Week 5 DQ (EDUC)

Current Issues That Affect Education

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Though grounded in history, philosophy, and research, the theories and practice of education are constantly changing in response to new knowledge and children’s needs. Whether you decide to teach young children or work in a related profession, you will need to be aware of the current issues and challenges that are affecting the lives of young children, their families, and the educational field.


For this Discussion, choose one of the following current issues listed below to explore:

  • English as a Second Language
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Effects of Being Born into and Living in Poverty
  • Effects of Stress and Trauma on Learning and Development
  • Brain Research and Learning


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Based on what you have learned about education and children in this course, consider what teachers need to know in order to be respectful, responsive, and effective.


With these thoughts in mind:


By Day 3:
   Post at least three findings/insights that you believe will provide vital knowledge to your colleagues in this program. Be sure to reference the Learning Resources or any other sources.

Required Resources

  • Article: Benard, B. (1995, August). Fostering resilience in children. ERIC Digest (EDO-PS-95-9). Retrieved fromhttp://resilnet.uiuc.edu/library/benard95.html
  • Article: Colker, L. J. (2008, March). Twelve characteristics of effective early childhood teachers. Beyond the Journal. Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/yc/file/200803/BTJ_Colker  Copyright 2008 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Reproduced with permission of the National Association for the Education of Young Children in the format electronic usage via Copyright Clearance Center.Note: The characteristics discussed in this article also apply to teachers at the intermediate grade level.

    Standards and Regulations for Early Childhood Education

  • Program Standards
  • Web Article: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). (n.d.). When babies and toddlers are in care, accreditation is a key to quality. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.naeyc.org/resources/research/when+babiesArticle: NAEYC. (n.d.). A guide for families: Using NAEYC standards to find quality programs for young children. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved fromhttp://www.standrewumc.org/fileadmin/New_Website/Children/CWP/NAEYC_Accreditation/NAEYC_Right_Choice_for_Kids_brochure Note: Though this brochure is written for families, it will provides a sound overview of quality education for preschool-age children.

  • Ethical Standards
  • NAEYC Code of Ethical Conducthttp://www.naecte.org/docs/ethics

    Standards and Regulations for the Elementary Grades

    • Learning Standards
    • Standards for the English Language Artshttp://www.reading.org/General/Publications/Books/bk889.aspx?mode=redirectPrinciples and Standards for School Mathematicshttp://www.nctm.org/standards/content.aspx?id=16909
    • Program Standards

    • Minnesota Department of Education: Alignment of Minnesota K-12 Kindergarten Academic Standards with the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Learning Standards and the Head Start Child Outcomes Frameworkhttp://education.state.mn.us/mdeprod/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=005279&RevisionSelectionMethod=latestReleased&Rendition=primary

    Current Issues in EducationNote: For this week’s Discussion, be prepared to post your thoughts and insights about one of the following issues that affect education. Peruse the suggested Web sites in order to gain insights into the topic of your choice.

      English as a Second Language

    • TESOLhttp://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/secet.asp?CID=1893&DID=11074
    • Children with Special Needs

    • CEC SmartBrief: Children with Special Needshttp://www.smartbrief.com/cec/index.jspNote: Free registration is required in order to access this article.
    • Effects of Being Born into and Living in Poverty

    • Child Welfare Leaguehttp://www.cwla.org
    • Effects of Stress and Trauma on Learning and Development

    • Child Trauma Academyhttp://www.childtrauma.org/David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pageshttp://www.trauma-pages.com/Zero to Three (Infant mental health)http://www.zerotothree.org/
    • Brain Research and Learning

    • Brain Placehttp://www.amenclinics.com/brain-science/The Dana Foundationhttp://www.dana.org/default.aspxLearning and the Brainhttp://www.learningandthebrain.com

    Optional Resources

    • Course Text: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs: Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8 edited by Carol Copple and Sue Bredekamp
    • “Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice,” pages 16–23These guidelines, though written with early childhood education in mind, also apply to teaching at the intermediate grade level.
    • Web Site: National Education Associationhttp://www.nea.org/
    • Web Site: American Federation of Teachershttp://www.aft.org/

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