Think back to the article,
Are Your Company’s Strengths Really Weaknesses
? Think specifically about the SWOT analysis, and consider how it may or may not be used within a marketing related role in a health care organization. Then, answer the following:
- How could SWOT analysis be used in health care marketing? Explain your answer and provide a rationale.
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Are Your Company’s
Strengths Really
by Adam Brandenburger
AUGUST 22, 2019
Look at a map of the world drawn upside down. It’s a good way to challenge your assumptions about
the way the world is — especially which continents and oceans are bigger and which are smaller.
Looking at the business world upside down has a similar effect: It challenges your assumptions about
company characteristics and what they mean for an organization.
In an upside-down business world, big companies are brought down by their supposed strengths or
toppled by smaller and seemingly weaker rivals. Small companies find ways to turn deficiencies into
advantages or to leverage the scale and capabilities of larger competitors against them.
In the right-side-up world, strengths remain strengths and weaknesses remain weaknesses. That
does seem to hold true in stable environments where technologies and market structures are more or
less fixed. But as many well-known strategy theories recognize, the business landscape is far from
unchanging. More often than not, the upside-down world is the one we actually live in.
Rethinking SWOT
A venerable tool of business strategy, SWOT analysis, can help executives navigate this reality.
Traditionally, this framework has you conduct an internal examination of your organization’s
strengths and weaknesses, scan the landscape to identify external opportunities and threats, and then
synthesize all four factors into a strategic plan.
The downside of traditional SWOT is that it doesn’t account for the more dynamic forces at work in
business. To address them, we need to take the model apart and reconstruct it, like this:
The retooled framework recognizes that threats and opportunities can come from within as well as
from without — and that not just your own capabilities and deficiencies but those of other players
matter. Because of this, it has companies examine two additional factors: others’ strengths and others’
weaknesses. Critically, it acknowledges that the strengths of an organization may actually pose a
threat to it while its weaknesses may present opportunities.
Your Strengths and Weaknesses
The idea that your strengths can turn into risks was expressed very memorably by Harvard Business
School professor Dorothy Leonard, who argued that an organization’s core competencies often
harden into “core rigidities.” Features that served the organization well in the past — such as its
values, skills, and managerial and technical systems — can become obstacles with new projects.
In his 1996 book, Only the Paranoid Survive, former Intel CEO Andy Grove went so far as to suggest
that a company’s biggest core rigidity might be its top management. There’s an evolutionary process,
he argued, by which people with the skills and mindset for the prevailing business environment rise
to the top of an organization. And when the environment changes, as it inevitably does, they may be
precisely the wrong people to lead the organization.
Strengths can also turn into threats at the industry level. Take the taxi business. A market monopoly
in many cities, it looked stronger than ever in 2009. That was the year a smartphone-enabled ride-
hailing service, then called UberCab, was founded. Over the next several years, many taxi businesses
found out just how much their market dominance had let them ignore customer service and
technology that could connect passengers and drivers. It’s a classic illustration of how a powerful
market position can lead to life-threatening underinvestment in innovation.
For an example of a supposed weakness that turned into an advantage, let’s look back to World War I.
British army officer T.E. Lawrence (the famous “Lawrence of Arabia”) helped organize an Arab
uprising against the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany that then ruled much of the Middle East.
The British military establishment was skeptical, believing the nomadic and lightly equipped Arab
armies were too weak to take on the Turks. Lawrence realized these characteristics actually gave the
Arabs an opportunity. He avoided the Turkish garrisons and led fast-moving and highly successful
guerrilla attacks on the main railway line supplying the Turkish army.
A century later, SpaceX is playing the weakness-opportunity card against giant players such as
Boeing and Lockheed Martin in space technology. SpaceX lacks the experience and financial
resources of the incumbents. But those apparent weaknesses have led it to develop a series of
innovations — such as the use of cheaper consumer electronics in its rocket components — that
significantly reduce production costs. The incumbents would need to unlearn some of their long-
standing habits to make rockets the way SpaceX does.
Others’ Strengths and Weaknesses
The idea that your competitor’s strengths present an opportunity to you can be found in many
cultures. The Japanese art of judo, for instance, teaches you how to turn the weight and force of your
opponents against them.
In its early days Pepsi used this approach to challenge the soft drink front-runner, Coke, pursuing a
variety of strategies that Coke was loath to copy. They included low price (expensive for Coke to
match over its larger customer base), distribution in new supermarket chains (a conflict with Coke’s
traditional channels at the time), and lifestyle advertising targeting the younger generation (not in
sync with Coke’s “heartland” image).
Today a similar battle may be unfolding in coffee. In China, Luckin Coffee, a recent startup, is
attempting to take on Starbucks, which has been in that country since 1999. Luckin already has 3,000
locations (Starbucks has 4,000) and is growing fast. Attempting to use the size and premium
positioning of Starbucks against it, Luckin is pricing low and building simple stores — most are small
booths — optimized for cashless pickup or delivery. Starbucks is responding with its own delivery
service and express store format, betting that it can successfully occupy two different market
The complementary concept that a rival’s perceived weakness may pose a serious threat to your
organization was popularized by Harvard Business School’s Clay Christensen in his famous disruptive
innovation theory. Say your business is focused on its important customers. A competitor — perhaps
a new entrant — invents a technology that’s weaker on several dimensions but stronger on a couple
that matter to a small subset of customers. Before you know it, you start losing mainstream
customers who now value the new dimensions.
This dynamic has been playing out in recent years between traditional colleges and universities and
online education. Online courses have clear weaknesses: They offer students limited interaction and
feedback and, often, no credential. But online education is also open access and often free. It’s
appealing to people who have trouble getting admitted to schools, affording tuition, or making it to a
classroom on a campus at set times of the week. To date, the incumbents have been slow to respond,
though they’ve started to introduce some innovations, such as online master’s programs. More
radically, Purdue University has created an income-sharing agreement, in which student loan
repayments are pegged to a graduate’s income, to make on-campus courses affordable for more
people. But most colleges and universities are probably overly focused on the weaknesses of online
education today and not paying enough attention to the serious threat it could pose in the future.
The lesson for incumbents in all industries is that initially weak- or unimportant-looking competitors
may lull them into a false sense of security.
Testing Your Thinking with the New SWOT
It isn’t difficult to incorporate the new framework into your strategic planning. Here’s an exercise
that any organization, large or small, can do to check its assumptions:
Form two teams. Have Team A list all the strengths it sees in your organization, and Team B list all
the weaknesses. Then have the teams swap lists. Ask Team B to argue that the strengths listed
constitute threats to the organization’s future, and Team A that the weaknesses listed constitute
opportunities. Next, do a similar external analysis: Ask Team A to list all the strengths it sees in your
competition, and Team B all the weaknesses. Again, have the teams swap lists. Ask Team B to argue
that the strengths listed are opportunities for your organization, and Team A argue that the
weaknesses constitute threats.
This exercise will open your eyes to many possibilities that otherwise might never occur to you.
However, it’s critical to remember that sometimes right-side-up thinking about strategy will be
exactly what’s needed. An organization’s strengths may indeed be strengths, to be guarded and
bolstered, and weaknesses may indeed be weaknesses.
Good strategists allow for the possibility that things may be what they seem or may be the opposite,
depending on the situation. In his book On Grand Strategy, Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis analyzes
military and political strategists over the centuries. The better ones, he has found, are those who
exhibit (in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous words) “the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at
the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”
So you have to think flexibly. That does not mean thinking wildly, however. It’s crucial to approach
strategy in a structured way. By using the new SWOT diagram, you can systematically ask important
questions about whether upside-down rather than right-side-up dynamics may be at work in your
Adam Brandenburger holds positions as the J.P. Valles Professor at the Stern School of Business, Distinguished
Professor at the Tandon School of Engineering, and faculty director of the Program on Creativity and Innovation at NYU
Shanghai, all at New York University.
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