Discussion Question Week 3 NR507

My Disease process will be Anemia 

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Review the following client scenario: 

Janessa, a 41-year-old female client, presents to the NP complaining of shortness of breath, weakness, and dizziness for “about a month.” She denies having a cough or recent illness. She has a history of endometriosis, and her physical assessment reveals her lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, and her mucous membranes are pale.  


Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.  

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  1. Discuss the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of your assigned disease process. Which clinical manifestations observed in Janessa’s case could be explained by the pathophysiological mechanisms? 
  2. Analyze Janessa’s clinical manifestations in the context of your assigned disease process. Do these findings support a diagnosis of your assigned disease process? Why or why not?  
  3. Identify and justify the diagnostic tests (including labs, imaging, or other diagnostic tests) that would be most appropriate for investigating a diagnosis of your assigned disease process in Janessa. What could the results of these tests look like in your assigned disease process? 
  4. Compare and contrast your response with a peer who was assigned a different condition. Does their condition fit Janessa’s case? Why or why not? 

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