10-2 Presentation: Quality Improvement Initiative

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What to Submit

Submit this assignment as a 7-to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes.

IHP 604 Module Ten Presentation Guidelines and Rubric

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Congratula�ons! Your quality improvement ini�a�ve was approved by your manager. Now you need to communicate and build support for implemen�ng your improvement ini�a�ve within

the organiza�on to help ensure a smooth and effec�ve implementa�on.

This assignment will help you perform both learning objec�ves in this module.


Create a 7-to 15-slide presenta�on with detailed speaker notes that will create support and enthusiasm for your quality improvement ini�a�ve. You will need to select an audience for your

presenta�on that will be affected by your improvement ini�a�ve. Your presenta�on will only be given to your selected audience.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria by including the following sec�ons in your presenta�on:

1. Sec�on 1: Selec�on of audience: Describe your selected audience and how the audience would be impacted by the quality improvement ini�a�ve.

2. Sec�on 2: Metric analysis and opportunity for improvement descrip�on: Describe the relevant informa�on for this audience from the first two parts of your course project related to

metric analysis and your process for iden�fying an opportunity for improvement.

3. Sec�on 3: Quality improvement ini�a�ve recommenda�on descrip�on: Describe the quality improvement ini�a�ve for your selected audience, including informa�on that would

generate enthusiasm for your quality improvement ini�a�ve.

4. Sec�on 4: How this presenta�on will persuade and generate enthusiasm: Discuss techniques you used in the other sec�ons of your presenta�on to persuade and generate enthusiasm

for your ini�a�ve from your selected audience.

5. Sec�on 5: How this presenta�on will change behavior: Discuss techniques you used in the other sec�ons of your presenta�on to encourage your selected audience to change

behavior related to your ini�a�ve.

What to Submit

Submit this assignment as a 7-to 15-slide presenta�on with detailed speaker notes. If you need wri�ng support, you can access the Online Wri�ng Center through the Academic Support

module of your course.


12/16/24, 10:00 AM Assignment Information

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Module Ten Presentation Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Selec�on of Audience Describes selected audience and how audience would be

impacted by the

quality improvement


Does not a�empt criterion


Metric Analysis and

Opportunity for



Describes relevant informa�on for audience from the first two

parts of course project related to metric analysis and process for

iden�fying an opportunity for improvement

Does not a�empt criterion 15

Quality Improvement

Ini�a�ve Recommenda�on


Describes quality improvement ini�a�ve for selected audience,

including informa�on that would generate enthusiasm for the

quality improvement ini�a�ve

Does not a�empt criterion 15

How Presenta�on Will

Persuade and Generate


Discusses techniques used in other sec�ons of presenta�on to

persuade and generate enthusiasm for the ini�a�ve from selected


Does not a�empt criterion 20

How Presenta�on Will

Change Behavior

Discusses techniques used in other sec�ons of presenta�on to

encourage selected audience to change behavior related to the


Does not a�empt criterion 20

Ar�cula�on of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling, demonstra�ng an understanding of

audience and purpose

Submission has cri�cal errors in grammar, sentence structure, and

spelling, preven�ng understanding of ideas


Total: 100%

12/16/24, 10:00 AM Assignment Information

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1739294/viewContent/35901855/View 2/2

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