Management organization behavior


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1) Identify one problem through reputable news source or podcast,
current trends, workplace experiences, etc.

• Find an article from the past 6 months• Identify the background of the problem• Offer a description of the problem


2) Research and outline the details of the problem

• Why it is a problem• Where does the problem arise• Possible costs of the problem 


3) Propose a solution to the problem and how the solution addresses the above concerns


4) Integration and writing

• Paper is free of spelling and grammatical errors• Paper is organized and cohesive• Paper includes a closing paragraph to tie together key points made in the paper• Format the paper in APA style• 5 to 6 pages, 1.5 spaced• List everyone’s contribution on a separate sheet of paper




• Your group presentation is 10 minutes long• You need to ask one follow-up question to your classmates after your presentation• You’re familiar with the presentation materials• Don’t read directly from your notes



Peer evaluation

Use the peer evaluation I posted on Canvas


Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

Your name ____________________________________________________

Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 0-5 (0=never, 1=rarely; 2=occasionally; 3=sometimes; 4=very often; 5=all the time). Total the numbers in each column.

Evaluation Criteria

Group member


Group member:

Group member:

Group member:

Group member

Attends group meetings regularly and arrives on time.

Contributes meaningfully to group discussions.

Prepares work in a quality manner.

Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude.

Contributes significantly to the success of the project.


Feedback on team dynamics:

1. How effectively did your group work?

1. Were the behaviors of any of your team members particularly valuable or detrimental to the team? Explain.

1. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next group experience?

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