For this assignment, you will focus on Public Order Crimes. Please read the instructions below to complete your assignment.
Complete the following sections of the
Week 10 Assignment Template
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. The assignment should be completed on the template not including the cover page or the source page. Please use complete sentences when completing the information below:
- Explain what the “Broken Windows Theory” is and how it applies to Public Order crimes. Remember to paraphrase your research.
- Most public order crimes are “mala prohibita” crimes or acts made illegal only by law. For each of the below listed public order crimes, keeping in mind the Broken Windows Theory, should the acts remain a crime or should they be legalized? Why or why not? Place your response under the offense. Responses should be a minimum of one paragraph (3-4 sentences). If you are not sure of the terminology, use the Strayer Library or Google for definitions.
Marijuana Possession – Possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use - Many argue that public order crimes such as prostitution and drug possession are “victimless” crimes and therefore should be decriminalized. After reviewing the information in Chapter 14 of your textbook on decriminalization, do you feel that these are victimless crimes? Why or why not?
Week 10 Assignment 3: Public Order Crime, Cybercrime, and the Future of Crime
Student Name
Crime and Criminal Behavior
Professor Spangler
Month Date Year
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Week 10 Assignment 3: Public Order Crime, Cybercrime, and the Future of Crime
Public Order crimes are described as those crimes that offend public morality. They include crimes like prostitution, gambling, alcohol, and drug abuse (Hagan & Daigle, 2024). These types of crimes outnumber most other crimes and account for a bulk of police work.
This assignment will focus on public order crimes and if and how they should be addressed.
Responses should be a minimum of one paragraph (3-4 sentences).
If you are not sure of
terminology, use the Strayer Library or Google for definitions.
Wilson and Kelling, 1982, addressed the topic of public order crime in their research article “Broken Window” use these links to read articles:
Broken Windows Theory from Encyclopedia of Community Policing and Problem Solving
Broken Windows Theory from Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment
After reading the articles and Chapter 14 of your textbook, answer the following questions:
· Explain what the “Broken Windows Theory” is and how it applies to Public Order crimes. Remember to paraphrase your research.
· Most public order crimes are “mala prohibita” crimes, or acts made illegal only by law. For each of the below listed public order crimes, keeping in mind the Broken Windows Theory, decide if the acts should remain a crime or should they be legalized. Explain why or why not.
· Prostitution
· Loitering
· Marijuana Possession – Possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use
· Many argue that public order crimes such as prostitution and drug possession are “victimless” crimes and therefore should be decriminalized. After reviewing the information in Chapter 14 of your textbook on decriminalization, do you feel that these crimes are victimless crimes? Why or why not?
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