Your completed course paper will bring together all three previous components and should incorporate any needed changes based on suggestions or feedback from the instructor. You should also include an Introduction to the paper, which previews the components, a Conclusion/Summary to the paper, and a complete Reference page at the end of the paper. The total research paper should be 5-6 pages in length (not including Cover and Reference page), with at least 10 references.
- Writing style: The paper should represent your best professional writing and work. Pay careful attention to paragraphing, sentence structure, quotation conventions, spelling, punctuation, citation protocol, and other aspects of grammar. Remember to proofread, correcting any typing or printing errors. All papers written for this course should follow the standards that are applicable in the business environment. This includes a business-appropriate writing style and no misspelled words or grammatical errors. Presentation and organization, while not as important as content, will impact your grade. Always write as if the reader is unfamiliar with the material you are presenting.
- Physical preparation of the paper: The paper should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around. Font should be size 12, Times New Roman style. Paper should include a title page that contains the student’s name, class, date, and paper title, as well as a separate references page at the end to include scholarly references used in developing the paper.
- Citing work in the body of the paper: This paper will be written using the latest publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). There are two steps in the APA style of documentation: (1) works are cited, in an abbreviated form, in the body of the paper, and (2) full information about all works cited in the text provided at the end of the paper in a section entitled References.**APA resources are located in the Course Resources (then click Student Resources) Tab under Modules**
This assignment is due in Week 7 via a Word Document Submission.
Please Note: All Submissions will use “TurnitIn” software to check for Similarity. No Submission should exceed a 25% Similarity Score even with citations. It is best to write in your own words what you have learned from your research vs. trying to paraphrase or copy/paste with quotations/citations.