- You are the media planner for an agency handling a small chain of upscale furniture outlets in a medium-sized metro market that concentrates most of its advertising in the Sunday supplement of the local newspaper. The client also schedules display ads in the daily editions for special sales. Six months ago a new, high-style metropolitan lifestyle magazine approached you about advertising for your client. You deferred a decision by saying you’d see what reader acceptance would be. Now the magazine has shown some steady increases. If you were to include the magazine on the ad schedule, you’d have to reduce the newspaper advertising somewhat. What would be your recommendation to the furniture store owner?
- 13-14. You are a sales rep working for a college newspaper that has an online version. How would you attract advertising? One of your colleagues says there is no market for online advertising for the paper, but you think the paper is missing an opportunity. Consider the following questions in deciding whether online advertising for the paper makes sense. What companies would you recommend to contact? How can internet sites like your online newspaper entice companies to advertise on them? What competitive advantage, if any, would web advertising for your paper provide?
- 13-15. You are a major agency media director who has just finished a presentation to a prospective client in convenience food marketing where you recommend increasing the use of local radio and television advertising in spot markets. During the question-and-answer period, a client representative says, “We know that network television viewers’ loyalty is nothing like it was 10 or even five years ago because so many people now turn to cable, DVRs, and the web. There are smaller audiences per program each year, yet television time costs continue to rise. Do you still believe we should consider commercial television as a primary medium for our company’s advertising?” Another member of the client team questions whether broadcast is effective given the clutter on both radio and television with long commercial pods. “Why shouldn’t we decrease our use of broadcast advertising?” How would you answer? Develop an argument either in support of increasing or decreasing the use of broadcast advertising for this client.
Instructions: After reading chapter 13, review question 13-15 at the end of the chapter. Submit a 1.5-2 page paper, double-spaced, 1″ margins, using Times New Roman Font, to address question 13-15. You do not need a header, simply include your first and last name, date and class (BA110) on the top of the first page. Your responses should discuss concepts from the chapter and how they relate to the questions asked. Use the textbook and other sources as needed, and cite references used.