1. Ability to communicate orally and in writing to facilitate individual and group discussions, set work expectations, coordinatework, and document events such as customer responses, grievances, and accident investigations.2. Knowledge of delivery operations, policies and procedures, including route evaluations, delivery services, mail dispatchand delivery, sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.3. Knowledge of retail window operations, policies and procedures, including window services, retail supplies and equipment,sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.4. Knowledge of the provisions of local and national bargaining unit agreements related to retail and delivery operations,including job bidding, overtime and grievance arbitration, sufficient to recognize and reinforce actions that facilitatecompliance.5. Ability to investigate, troubleshoot and respond to customer inquiries related to retail and delivery products and services.6. Knowledge of Postal policies and procedures related to scheduling, leave usage and time and attendance sufficient torecognize and reinforce actions that facilitate compliance.7. Skill using computers sufficient to access data and generate reports.8. Ability to read and interpret data reports and perform basic math computations sufficient to understand and explain howthe reports relate to day-to-day operations.9. Ability to maintain composure, de-escalate potentially contentious situations and foster positive work relationships in themidst of stressful conditions, disagreements and interpersonal conflicts.10. Ability to adhere to applicable safety and health policies and practices and recognize
potential safety issues sufficient to
identify and reinforce actions to mitigate risks.