Discussion Decision Making Week 6


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This week we will be exploring Ch. 9: Ethical Sensitivity and Ch. 14: Emotional Intelligence and Nursing Ethics

We will define ethical sensitivity in decision-making and explore its origins and applications. Ethical values outlined in the ANA Code of Ethics are identified and explored within nursing practice to explore their philosophical basis in terms of being a good person, doing good things, and achieving good outcomes. 

Four key ethical principles were identified

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  • autonomy,
  • non-maleficence,
  • beneficence
  • justice

In the US, the ANA Code of Ethics should be the foundation by which nurses and nurse leaders/managers make ethical and moral decisions. We are gaining an understanding of what emotional intelligence (EI) abilities are and how they are applied to ethics in nursing. 

Our readings have reviewed the EI abilities that operationally define the concepts used as a framework:

1.    Identifying emotions

2.    Understanding emotions

3.    Using emotions to reason

4.    Managing emotions

For this week’s discussion answer the following questions, please remember to develop your answers to the graduate level.

1. Based on your experience, describe current healthcare practices, procedures, and policies that warrant challenging to improve care utilizing the key ethical principles.

2. Recall areas in clinical practice EBP in which ethical wrongdoing was a potential or real-life issue and how effective EI could have had a positive impact.

As a reminder, all discussion posts must be a minimum of 350 words initial, references must be cited in APA format 7th Edition. They must include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5 years.

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