25 bis Rue Franklin & Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters Submit a one page, typed, double-spaced proposal detailing the projects you would like to research. You should clearly identify the works (building, interior or landscape) you h

25 bis Rue Franklin & Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters

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Submit a one page, typed, double-spaced proposal detailing the projects you would like to research. You should clearly identify the works (building, interior or landscape) you have chosen, including the designers, dates, locations and any additional information you feel is necessary to situate the works. You should identify your interest in these works, establish a (formative) argument and articulate it in a one-sentence thesis statement at the top of the page. A successful proposal will include the following five elements: • It will contain a summary of all aspects of the finished paper • It will identify the problem or question to be considered • It will specify the method to be used to investigate the problem or question • It will describe of the results of the investigation • It will identify the conclusions to be drawn from the results of the investigation chosen works are: 25 bis RUe Franklin & Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters

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