Crew Resource Management
Using the CRM resources provided within the Syllabus, research the history and evolution of CRM in aviation. Next, evaluate the role of CRM principles in several prominent commercial aviation accidents: The deadly collision between 2 Boeing 747s on Tenerife Island on March 27th, 1977 United Flight 232 at Sioux City Iowa on July 19, 1989 US Air Flight 1549 at LaGuardia on January 15, 2009 In a two to four page paper, describe how CRM was different between the crews on Tenerife Island and the latter two accidents. Specifically, is there evidence of lessons learned from Tenerife that were applied in the in UAL 232 and USAir 1549? How did coordination and resource use differ between these accidents and how did it affect the outcome? Cite your sources appropriately.
MSGN 497
Special Studies in Leadership and Small Group Dynamics
SYLLABUS: Spring 2010
Instructor: Marie Hornickel
Associate Director of Student Activities
Office Hours: Monday- Wednesday, Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Student Activities Office, Student Center
Scheduled appointments are appreciated.
Class Time & Location: Thursdays, 2:00-4:00pm, Student Center (rooms listed on schedule)
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Develop a clear sense of the definition and purpose of leadership.
• Be able to utilize multiple leadership concepts to understand leadership situations and be an effective
• Understand the impact of individual differences on the practice of leadership.
• Understand personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader and follower.
• Develop the skills needed to be an effective leader and to form one’s own personal leadership
Course Expectations
This class is designed to be an interactive exploration of personal leadership development. Active
learning on the part of each individual is an essential component of this valuable experience. Active
learning involves more than just attending class and completing course assignments–it requires
that you engage in the critical reflection of readings and class discussions, question unclear concepts
and ideas, formulate individual perspectives on the issues raised in the course, and actively
participate in the exchange of ideas with peers.
Your contributions to this process include:
• Arriving to class on time with class materials
• Reading and reflecting on assignments prior to class
• Actively participating in class discussions and activities (this includes both sharing ideas
and actively listening to the views of others);
• Completing all assignments by designated due dates
The instructors’ contributions to this process will be:
• Being approachable and available to students
• Facilitating the development of an open, flexible, and collaborative learning community
• Being on time and prepared for class meetings
• Providing clear and constructive feedback
MSGN 497
Special Studies in Leadership and Small Group Dynamics
Syllabus continued
Grades will be based on the following:
Attendance & Class Participation (40%)
Attendance and active class participation are major factors of your overall grade. Each student is
allotted one absence, without hurting the overall course grade. Additional absences will lower the
overall course grade by one letter. If you need to miss class because of school business, please let the
instructor know in advance. Because this is a discussion-based class, your participation in discussions is
critical and will be reflected in your grade.
Each week after class there will be a case study or reading posted to Blackboard. It is your
responsibility to read the posting prior to the beginning of the next class at which point the reading will
be discussed. Your involvement in each discussion of the reading will be reflected in your class
participation grade.
Journal (25%)
You are expected to keep a weekly journal to document the journal question(s) provided to you at the
end of each class. Journal entries need to be at least one page in length (double spaced, 12 point font)
and should be posted to Blackboard no later than the start of the next class. Don’t forget to spellcheck!
Class Project (20%)
The class will be responsible for a campus-wide philanthropy project to be explained in the beginning of
the semester. As a class, decisions will need to be made and each class member will be assigned
specific responsibilities to complete throughout the planning and implementation of the project. Grades
will be assessed based on how well you fulfill your responsibilities in your designated leadership role
and how well you work with the team.
Leadership Reading and Presentation (15%)
• Leadership Reading:
Read one of the books listed below or select another non-fiction leadership book (i.e. books on a
leader of your choice, leadership theories, leadership practices, etc.).
“Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey
“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
“The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
“Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom
“The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn
“The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch
• Presentation:
Provide a 10 minute Powerpoint presentation to the rest of the class. Include what the book was
about, what you learned from it, and how it will affect your leadership style.
Class presentations will occur on April 29
and May 6
Attendance & Class Participation 120 points A = 270-300 points
Journal 75 points B = 240-269 points
Class Project 60 points C = 210-239 points
Presentation 45 points D = 180-209 points
TOTAL: 300 points F = 0-179 points
MSGN 497
Special Studies in Leadership and Small Group Dynamics
Date Class Topic Room
January 14 Course Overview, Introduction to Leadership SC 236
January 21 Leadership Styles Ballroom C
Class Project
January 28 Interacting in Teams & Groups Ballroom C
February 4 Teambuilding, Planning Meetings and Events Ballroom C
February 11 Understanding Yourself Ballroom C
February 18 Setting Goals & Expectations, Motivation Ballroom C
February 25 Ethical Decision Making Ballroom C
March 4 Communication/Delegation Ballroom C
March 11 Conflict Management/Confrontation Ballroom C
March 18 NO CLASS: Spring Break
March 25 Leading Inclusive Organizations (Part 1) SC 236
April 1 Leading Inclusive Organizations (Part 2) Ballroom C
April 8 NO CLASS: E-days
April 15 Mentoring Ballroom C
April 22 Renewal of Self SC 236
April 29 Presentations Ballroom E
May 6 Presentations, Celebration SC 236
Course content derived from various sources including but not limited to:
Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R. (2007). Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a
Difference (2
edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Owen, J.O., Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T.R. (2007). Instructor’s Guide for Exploring Leadership: For
College Students Who Want to Make a Difference (2
edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.