example_of_the_format_for_this_assignment_1 x
abortionLocate an article that examines the issue of Abortion. Do not select an article that has all ready been used by one of your fellow group members — “early worm gets the wormâ€. Give title, author, and website info in Part A. Then provide a brief summary of the article for Part B (BUT KEEP IN MIND WHAT I SAID IN THE DIRECTIONS ENTRY ABOUT YOUR SUMMARY). For Part C I want you to tell us readers if you think abortion is a viable option for some couples/families. If so, why if not, why not. Remember, word count determines what grade range your entry will earn
Your first task is to locate an article on the internet that deaths with YOUR view of the death penalty.
Why? Because you can refer to it if necessary in
Part C
. But first you need to find the article so you can give the FULL site information in Part A. Here is how you would set up your “Group Entry”. Here is a “Group entry” that was submitted by a past student. REMEMBER, BOTH THE “GROUP” AND “SECOND” ENTRIES ARE DUE BY 11:59PM FRIDAY OF THE SAME WEEK THEY WERE ASSIGNED.
Part A
Title: The death penalty – arguments for and against capital punishment
Author: None given
Part B
The article provided both arguments for and against the death penalty. Arguments against the death penalty include: applied unfairly, it is morally wrong, and it does not deter future murders. The article also states that in 1994, 74% of Americans supported the death penalty. That is up from the 42% that supported the death penalty in 1966. So, according to this article, the support for the death penalty has increased. However, while support for the death penalty is significant, it is clear that not all Americans favor the death penalty.
Part C
The article pointed out both for and against arguments on the death penalty. I find myself torn between both arguments. I think it is an appropriate penalty for individuals who commit terrible murders (such as killing children, serial murderers, gross murders, etc.). The only problem is that these people seem to get off all of the time.
However, I do have a big problem with the fact the death penalty is not applied equally. This is pointed out in the article I read. If you are a minority, your chance of receiving the death penalty is much greater than if you are white. If you are wealthy, you are less likely to get the death penalty. (How many rich people do you hear about being put to death?) Finally, I have read somewhere else that if you are a man and commit the same murder as a woman, your chances of receiving the death penalty is much greater. None of these are fair.
The article also states it does not deter crime. In other words, the possibility of getting the death penalty does not stop people from murdering someone else. Why? I think it is because people don’t think about getting caught. Kind of like stealing…if someone steals something, do you think he or she believes they will be caught? Nope.
I guess overall I am against the death penalty. However, if you are going to have it, it shouldn’t be nice. Who cares if a mass murderer suffers when he/she dies? I don’t think he/she thought about it when the 5th victim was killed. And, why not have the executions on television? If people see them, maybe they will not do it themselves. Nothing like seeing someone die that make you think twice about doing something that will have YOU on television. I know I wouldn’t want my mother to see it!
Additional Professor comments:
Notice that Part B (summary of article is not very long and only reflects information that is relevant to Part C). Part C is the most important part of the assignment. How long this part needs to be will be stated in each assignment directions. In the example above – let’s say the minimum words for Part C was set at 275. Part C of the example contained 313 words. Exceeding the minimum word requirement only means your are “eligible” for a grade above a “C”. Obviously having 38 words above the minimum will not place you in the “A” category. This assignment would be in the lower B grade range. ***For each assignment I will give you a “scale” that will tell you how many words you need to have to be eligible for a specific grade.
So, do I recommend you do a word count on the number of words for your PART C on every Group Entry? YES!
How much is the “Group entry” worth? It is worth all of the possible points that are available for a particular Discussion assignment EXCEPT for 5 points. You earn the other 5 points on your “Second entry”. For example: Discussion #1 is worth 10 points so the GROUP entry is worth 5 points and the Second Entry is worth 5 points. Let’s say you earn 90% on your Group entry. Therefore you earned 5 X .90 = 4.5 points. Good…but not if you don’t do the Second entry. If you don’t do the Second entry your weekly score will be 4.5 + 0 = 4.5/10 or 45% for the week. OUCH!