Week 6 Reflection Paper (EDUC)


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to Education has covered many facets of a field that promises challenges, stretches intellect, demands creativity, and offers opportunities to make a difference in the lives of children. To help you reflect on what you have learned in this course, respond to the following:

  • Part 1: What Is Education?The resources that you have read throughout this course have covered such topics as quality education, quality teaching, and fostering healthy development and learning. Analyze and then summarize, in your own words, how these three topics are inter-related.
  • Part 2: What Is Teaching?Visit the Metaphorically Speaking Web site: http://www.learner.org/workshops/nextmove/metaphor/. Read the introductory paragraph and click on “read more about metaphors for teaching.” Next, read at least three metaphors about teaching by clicking on “Teaching Metaphors from Broadcasts” or “View Metaphors from Other Teachers.” Choose one or two that are meaningful to you, and write your own metaphor about teaching.

Assignment length: 1–2 pages


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This week concludes the Introduction to Education course. You have been learning and thinking about quality education and teaching with regard to children from birth through sixth grade. As you progress through the Bachelor of Science in Child Development program, you will continue to grow in your understanding of education, what it means to be an effective teacher (or caregiver), the ways in which you plan to work with children and families, and what you hope to contribute to the field.

Use this week to think about what you have learned and to complete your course Reflection assignment.

Learning Objectives

A student will:

  • Reflect on and synthesize learning with regard to quality education and teaching.

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