Absolute Monarchs questions

Title: Absolute Monarchs questionsRead The Case of England at World Civilizations.  English

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View more presentations from Jennifer Boyer-SwitalaAbsolutism You will find a concise definition of absolutism here. Absolute Monarchs Of EuropeView more presentations from John Hext Begin your study of this period by reading Chapter 6 in European History. Continue to World Civilizations and readThe Age of Absolutism.  Age Of Absolutism 

Complete these questions after reading through the assigned chapters, websites, and slideshows.


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Create a word processing document titled “Absolute Monarchs.” Copy the following questions to your document and answer in complete paragraphs (5 to 7 sentences). 

Be sure your answers are in your own words and not just copied from the reading

 Vocabulary: define/explain the following in your own words   Reconquista absolute monarchdivine rightEdict of NantesVersaillesThirty Years’ WarPeace of WestphaliaczarSt. PetersburgPetition of Rightconstitutional monarchGlorious Revolution People: identify and explain their historical importanceFerdinand and IsabellaPhilip IIHenry of NavarreCardinal RichelieuLouis XIVCardianl MazarinJean Baptiste ColbertMaria TheresaFrederick the GreatPeter the GreatHenry VIIIOliver Cromwell 


  1. What was the purpose of the Spanish Armada? What happened to it and what was the historical impact of its outcome?
  2. What happened to the Spanish economy during Philip II’s reign?
  3. In what ways was Louis XIV able to increase his power while decreasing the power of other groups?
  4. Why did Louis XIV fight the War of the Spanish Succession?
  5. Describe the reforms Peter the Great brought to the people of Russia.
  6. Explain how and why Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church.

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