Motivation self assesment I will attach the assignment sheet and the assessment I have done to write this paper.. Please answer all the questions in the assignment sheet and please provide good examples. Make your sentences direct to the point.

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Motivation self assesment

I will attach the assignment sheet and the assessment I have done to write this paper.. Please answer all the questions in the assignment sheet and please provide good examples. Make your sentences direct to the point.

Assignment 2

Self-Assessment Chapters 6 & 7

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2-4 pages

Double spaced 11-12 point type, 1 inch margins.

1) Read Chapters 6&7

2) Complete the following from the SAL disk or the SAL on-line site – 1C.1, 1C.2, 1C.3, 1C.4, 3A.2

3)Summarize your results from the assessments using the terms and concepts and ideas from your reading in the text, and answer the following questions. Please include your assessment summary results in your paper.

4) Answer the following questions:

· Based on your assessment results, how could a manager meet with the greatest success in motivating you ?

· According to the assessments, what rewards do you value most ? How could this informationbe used by your manager.

· Compare your dominant needs assessment results with your own selfperception. How do these needs affect how you function within a group ? How might these needs affect your management style?

· How comfortable are you with delegating ?What circumstances might make delegating easier or more difficult for you ?Is your ability to delegate affected by your views on the nature of people and/or your type “A” or “B” personality?

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