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Assignment 9C Grading Matrix

Word Count and Formatting


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· Does the paper contain at least 850 words but not more than 1,000 words, excluding the title page and the references page?

· Does the paper use proper font type, font size, and line spacing?

· Does the paper have a properly formatted title page and references page?


· Does the paper cite at least five references?

· Are references academic in nature and relevant to the topic?

· Are all references properly cited and formatted both within the body of the paper and on the references page?

· Are non-original words and thoughts properly identified, with sources cited?


· Is the topic of the paper the same as the topic approved during Week 2?

· Does the introduction identify the central theme of the paper and preview major points to be made?

· Is the content comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive?

· Are key points sufficiently supported by academic facts or theories, original analysis of available information, and specific details or examples?

· Does the paper demonstrate understanding of academic concepts and relevant theory and not rely upon personal opinion or conjecture?

· Is the research data used in the paper timely, relevant, and appropriate?

· Does the conclusion summarize key points and bring the paper to a logical end, without introducing new topics or concepts?

Organization, Readability, and Mechanics

· Are sentences complete, clear, and concise?

· Are sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied structure?

· Is information presented in a logical sequence, and does information and thought flow smoothly throughout the paper?

· Is there smooth transition between sentences, paragraphs, and topics?

· Is the tone appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment?

· Does the paper contain spelling, grammar, usage, or punctuation errors?

Total Possible Points = 200

Points Earned =

Overall Comments:

The History of Courts and the Justice System


The rule of law has been part and parcel of mankind since time immemorial, possibly dating back to our very existence although it may have been in more unrefined forms that it is today. With law come bodies and persons responsible for the enforcement of these laws. It is for this reason that criminal courts were established, following the abolishment of previously used systems of law enforcement. This has been a long and progressive change in order to arrive at the current state of criminal courts and their basic operation. It is therefore prudent to gain insight on the history of courts and the justice system in a holistic manner, shedding light on the steps that were taken to get to the current position.


Pre-historic judicial system

· Ancient China

· Pre-modern Europe

· Colonial America

Institutions for criminal justice in colonial America

· Plight of County Sheriffs

· Introduction of judges and magistrates

· Colonial courts and the legal process

· Punishment and the use of jails.

Consolidation of criminal courts

· Establishment of international law

· Use of international courts

· Invention and function of modern police


Moving from primitive, inhuman and less just systems of law enforcement, man has made much effort in adopting more efficient ways of presiding over others. Later stages saw the use of more appropriate means of judgment of having select individuals who qualified to be in charge of law enforcement. The journey has seen man adopt the final system which is that of modern criminal courts and it has undergone much adjustment, rectifications and amendments in making most suitable for trying others.


Assignment 2A: Research Paper Topic

YOUR NAME: Marcela Montoya

The first step in developing your research paper is to identify your topic. The topic should be one in which you are interested in learning more about, and it must be a topic covered by the assigned readings of this course. Your topic should be specific, but you also need to ensure sufficient data and research exists to allow you to meet word count requirements. You can do this by conducting a quick search of the University’s library or the internet to get a sense of available academic resources. Remember, all references must be academic in nature. Wikipedia, blogs, and similar sources are not acceptable.

Provide the following information about your topic:

1. What is the topic of your research paper?

ANSWER: The History of Courts and the Justice System

2. In which chapter of the text is the topic discussed?

ANSWER: The topic is discussed in chapter 4.

3. What type of paper are you writing? (Use types from “Essay Development: Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers.”)

ANSWER: I am writing an analysis type of paper.

4. Why did you choose this topic?

ANSWER: I settled for this paper because I find it interesting how everyday courts make rulings on complicated matters through the use of evidence and statements from witnesses. The line between what is good and what is bad is very thin and I would like to find out what were foundations of the court system that led to the justice system to be the way it is today. And the best way to understand how the justice system came into being is by analyzing the history of the court system.

5. What aspects of this topic do you intend to discuss?

ANSWER: I will discuss the history of the courts, how the justice system is structured and what major building blocks defined our current justice system. Documents such as the Magna Charta will feature prominently in my discussion and forms of trial used in ancient times in the justice system. I will give a chronological development of the justice system from the ancient times to date.

6. Based on your preliminary research, are you confident you can find sufficient academic data and resources to complete your paper?

ANSWER: Yes I am confident that I will find sufficient academic data and resources to complete this paper.

7. Do you understand that the instructor must approve your topic, and that you cannot change topics once approved?

ANSWER: Yes I understand that the instructor has to approve my topic and that I cannot change my topic once approved.


Jon’a F. Meyer and Diana R. Grant (2003), The Courts in Our Criminal Justice System, Prentice-

Hall. Pearson Education, Inc.

CJS 220 Week 4 Assignment 4A: Research Paper References

Reference #1

Scheb, M.(2002). An Introduction to the American Legal System. Cengage Learning:

In this article, the author explains about the American Legal System. How the legal system is structured in terms of names and functions each court. He also explains the role of each part of the legal system, plus the role of each court.

Reference #2

Feinman, M.(2006). Law 101: Everything You Need to Know about the American Legal System.

Oxford University Press: New York

In this article, the author focuses on how the American Justice System has developed and greatly depended on the ancient system of the American colonialists, the British. He describes the stages and events that led to the development of the justice system.

Reference #3

Troutman, N. The Magna Carta (The Great Charter).


Here, the author gives every detail enlisted in the Magna Charter, as created in the year 1215. He explains how the inequalities of rights on juries in the ancient judiciary system, and how it all led to the creation of the Magna Carta Charter. All the principles of the charter of Magna Carta are listed here.

Reference #4

Fischer, K. (2004). Magna Carta. Greenwood Publishers: Connecticut

In this article, the author tells how the charter of Magna Carta contributed heavily on the development of the ancient American Judicial System, up to the current. He explains how the charter influenced the creation of the American Constitution during independence, which has remained to be the basis of the current judicial system of America, up to date.

Reference #5

Burns, P.(2009). The Death of the American Trial. Oxford University Press: California

For this article, the author observes the forms and process of trials in the ancient America and how some of the process has been adopted in the current generation of America. For example, he notes that the current practice of trial is heavily rooted to the ancient wisdom in trials. He identifies that the trials were used to calm any tension, hence defining the American culture.

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