For Kim Woods

Hi Kim,Here are the files again please re do the essay and I will pay as soon as you finish I prefer you do it tomorrow the same time and please do not include any out sources you can use the power points only that will be under what I have wrote I really liked your first work and it was my mistake that I haven’t posted one of the power points please I need good work thanks a lot Kim.

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I also have uploaded the first essay that you have made it.


Here is what we agreed before to illustrate what I want:


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I have a prompt which has couple of questions you need to answer them all and write the answers as a story. I have posted the prompt and the resource where you can answer the questions from the resource which is 2 power points please do not include answers out of the resource I have included ( the power points ) It needs to be from the power points if not In won’t accept it. It needs to be 3 paragraphs or 4 at least one whole page and the maximum is 2 pages no more. 

The European Intellectual Revolution: “The Enlightenment”

Readings: Smith, et al., 759-767





Enlightenment is A Product of the Scientific Revolution

If you can know the “natural” world, then you should be able to know the “social, political, economic worlds.

Sir Isaac Newton was a model.

The goal was to make everyone happy.

Lecture 10

Immanuel Kant
“What is Enlightenment”
“Don’t be Afraid to Know”
“Have Courage to Use Your Own Reason”

Lecture 10

John Locke
Was English and lived from 1631-1704.
Two Treatises on Government: Political Liberalism and Representation.
John Locke felt that property was necessary to have a stake in the government.

Lecture 10

Baron de Montesquieu
Was French and lived from 1689-1755.
Spirit of Laws:
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances

Lecture 10

Was French and lived from 1694-1778.
“Enlightened Despotism”
Religious Toleration

Lecture 10

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Was French from 1712-1778.
The Social Contract:
The General Will
Public must be generous
Make other people happy
Private happiness linked to public happiness

Lecture 10

The Woman Question
Idea of State religion: Nationalism, Patriotism

Lecture 10

Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Laissez-faire economy
Free Trade
The Invisible Hand

Lecture 10

Jeremy Bentham
Best Policy which promotes Greatest happiness of the greatest number.

Lecture 10

Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard’s Almanac
Public Opinion
Coffee Houses

Lecture 10

American and French Revolutions

Readings: Smith, et al., 771-776

D 18.7: “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”

Enlightenment Ideas
The spread of revolutionary ideas across the Atlantic world in the second half of the eighteenth century followed the trail of Enlightenment ideas (in a way, the product of the new scientific method based on reason in action):
“All men are born free yet everywhere they are in chains” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Challenge Authority” – Immanuel Kant
“Have the Courage to use your own reason”-Immanuel Kant
Absolute Monarchy bad, government is the result of a social contract between the ruler and the people—John Locke
The best government are those characterized by “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” –Michel de Montesquieu
Government should keep their hands out of markets – Adam Smith
People disagreed over the meaning of terms such as liberty, independence, freedom, and equality
We still do

Political Reorderings
As Enlightenment ideals spread, certain groups in the colonies began seeking a new relationship with their respective motherlands. More sought involvement in politics and claimed to serve the interests of the “people.” Ideas like independence, freedom, and equality had power and prompted political revolts in the Americas and Europe. Since then revolution has been a powerful force.

Revolutionary transformations and new languages of freedom
The transatlantic disruption between 1750 and 1850 had roots in the economic systems of the previous century
Every major power engaging in capitalist-like markets through monopolistic companies and colonial empires
Colonial elites want to become part of new economies—don’t like colonial and merchant monopolies from England, France, Spain, and Portugal

Revolutionary Transformations and New Languages of Freedom
Dissatisfied with their exclusion from power and wealth, politically aware people began organizing in hopes that a new or reformed system would provide freedom to trade and representation in government. Initially unwilling to revolt, these reformers found powerful resistance among the aristocracy. Arguing for popular sovereignty and free trade, they denounced trade monopolies and aristocratic domination of politics. New identities and concepts of “nation” arose. The question of how much freedom and to whom, however, generally meant for white males only.

Revolutionary transformations and new languages of freedom
As wealth increased, men and women demanded a relaxation of economic restrictions
Demanded greater freedom to trade
Demanded more influence in governing local institutions and making local economic decisions


Revolutionary transformations and new languages of freedom
Over time, these demands became more radical and revolutionary
Revolutionaries championed the concept of popular sovereignty, free people, free trade, free markets, and free labor as a more just and efficient foundation for society (in America: must end slavery; in France, must end serfdom, feudalism)


England was the exception to the Pyramid Shaped Societies
The English Civil War and the “Glorious Revolution” led to an increasing role of Parliament.


Puritan New England
Town Meeting
Wanted consensus
Kicked out dissenters


The South
Had Locke-inspired Constitution
40 shilling freehold
Excluded Many poor Appalachia Farmers
County was the basic unit of Government
Many counties in the South were 50% slaves


All Colonies
Had minor legislative institutions
Were diverse
All happy to be English citizens
All believed they had some rights


End of French and Indian War: Grenville Plan – 1764
Salutary Neglect
Grenville attempts to find old laws
Navigation Acts
Molasses Tax
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act


Committees of Correspondence
Propaganda makes Boston Conflict a Massacre—The Boston Massacre
3 years later was the Boston Tea Party
Punished for the Boston Tea Party


First Continental Congress
September 4, 1774
All colonies but Georgia
Refused to Import Goods
British angered by this and decided to destroy colonial stores in Concord
Paul Revere’s ride


Declaration of Independence
Was signed in 1776, about a year after the war had started
It made the French realize that we were serious and they joined the colonists to fight the British


Key Points in Declaration
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”


The Decision to Redesign the State
Building a republican government – Articles of Confederation not working
Government weak and in debt for war
Couldn’t make trade agreements with other countries (all states had to go along or did they)
Unable to protect shipping of particular states

During this time, the prospect of a social revolution of women, slaves, and artisans was very real; elites labeled this “excesses of democracy”
Shays’s rebellion of 1786 protested negative effects of revolutionary wars on bankrupt farmer veterans from Western Massachusetts

Building a Republican Government
Landed elites, however, convened the Constitutional Convention to prevent the revolution from falling into anarchy. There, the new federal government was empowered, and the power of the legislature was reduced to moderate the popular will. The Constitution and a bill of rights formed the basis for government. New lands deflected the slave issue, but the problem did not go away. For the moment, white elites maintained their privilege by suppressing black uprisings.

Hamilton and Jefferson


Constitutional Convention
Building a republican government
Scope of power of federal government versus state power continued to be debated hotly
Constitution a Compromise, but more Federalist (Hamiltonian)
The new constitution substantially enhanced the power of the federal (national) government over state legislatures
Anti-Federalists (Jefferson) insisted on the inclusion of a bill of rights to protect individual liberties from government interference


The French Revolution, 1789–1799
The French Revolution, even more than the American Revolution, inspired other rebellions around the world, lasting into the twentieth century
Origins and outbreak
Enlightenment ideas against oppressive government had gained legitimacy among millions and helped propel the nation into revolution

Also inspired by Enlightenment ideas, the French Revolution had global impact.

The French Revolution, 1789–1799
Origins and outbreak
Harvests had been poor for years, leading many peasants to protest unreasonable tax burdens
King Louis XVI opened the door for reform when he convened the Estates-General in 1788 to seek new forms of revenue to service the crown’s debt

Origins and Outbreak
In France, peasant suffering and widespread hostility toward the court, aristocracy, and church raised tensions. Visions of an Enlightenment-based polity and France’s extraordinary fiscal problems opened the door for revolution. Sustaining huge debts in support of the American bid for independence, the French court convened the Estates-General to raise taxes. The Third Estate (wealthy commoners), however, condemned the nobles and clergy as parasites and formed the National Assembly—a body claiming to speak for the people of France. After news spread of the storming of the Bastille, crowds attacked aristocratic manors and records of feudal dues with such ferocity that frightened aristocrats renounced their privileges.

The French Revolution, 1789–1799
Reform turned to revolution as members of the Third Estate (the common people) called for greater representation
Upon hearing of these events, peasants rose up in the countryside to protest unfair feudal dues and obligations
On July 14, 1789, a Parisian crowd attacked the Bastille, an infamous political prison



The French Revolution, 1789–1799
Revolutionary transformation
In August, the Third Estate, calling itself a national assembly, abolished feudal privileges of the nobility and clergy and passed a “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens”
It recognized political equality and popular sovereignty
Some people suggested that women be included as citizens, but women’s petitions were rejected
Olympe de Gouges completed “Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens”

Revolutionary Transformations
The “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” championed individual rights and the right of the people to representative government. Women were granted some rights, but not equal to men.

French Revolution and Rights
Granted many civil liberties
Granted freedom of worship to Jews and Protestants—ended Catholic monopoly
Ended serfdom—everyone equal under the law
Grappled with ending slavery
Maybe first attempt at articulating the necessity of basic human rights


Key Questions:
How much would popular violence influence rational political debate?
Is popular sovereignty possible without violence?
How do you incorporate working class Parisians, peasants, and women into the polity without violence—elites want to protect privilege?


The French Revolution, 1789–1799
Revolutionary transformation
As the revolution gathered speed, it split into different factions over the goals
More elites fled country
The Terror
Launched by radical Jacobins, including Robespierre
Eliminated all symbols of the old regime

The Terror
As aristocracy fled the country, the French Revolution splintered into factions with the more radical Jacobins eventually taking control. They executed the king and launched a Reign of Terror to rid France of counterrevolutionaries. Universal conscription made the revolution’s armies the world’s largest and spread revolutionary ideas to other parts of Europe. The transformation of France into a revolutionary system led to new names, times, and even religion. With time, however, enthusiasm for the radicals heading the revolution waned and was eclipsed by the rise of Napoleon. Napoleon’s reign marked a return to more moderate policies. The bloodletting ended. Catholicism returned. A new constitution and legal system were adopted.

Popular Rule/Mob Rule

Ended Serfdom


Constitution of 1793
“The aim of society is the happiness of all.”
“Public assistance is a sacred debt. Society owes a living to the unfortunate among its citizens, either by finding work for them or by guaranteeing the means of subsistence to those who are not in a fit condition to work.”
“Education is a necessity for all.”
“When the government violates the rights of the people, then insurrection …is the most sacred and necessary of duties.”


Women’s Clubs
Universal Manhood suffrage proclaimed with Republic (September 1792)
Women actively involved in clubs, Parisian sections, Convention (as hecklers)
Women allowed to vote on Constitution of 1793
Women’s Clubs Closed (October 30, 1793)


Abolition of Slavery
Abolition of slavery in French colonies (February 4, 1794)


BUT: The Revolution “Devours Its Own”
Terror: Put on Trial “Enemies of the Nation” for crimes against “the nation,” “against the people”

Law of 22 Prairial II (June 10, 1794):
“Every citizen is empowered to seize conspirators and counterrevolutionaries, and to bring them before the magistrates. He is required to denounce them as soon as he knows of them.”
Eventually friends kill Robespierre before he can kill them
40,000 Killed, 300,000 arrested


The French Revolution, 1789–1799
The Terror
Tried to do away with aristocratic and Catholic influences on the nation’s culture
In 1794, moderates regained control of the government upon the execution of Robespierre
In 1799, in light of ineffective government, Napoleon Bonaparte and other generals from the army organized a coup


The Terror in The French Revolution: Contrasting Images


The French Revolution, 1789–1799
In 1804, Napoleon declared himself emperor of the French nation
Checked the excesses of the Radical era but let many revolutionary changes continue
Allowed religious freedom
Submitted a constitution to a plebiscite
Code Napoleon codified the nation’s laws into one legal framework emphasizing the equality of men and the protection of individual property
But—reintroduced slavery


Napoleon’s empire, 1799–1815
Napoleon envisioned a new Roman empire based on the principles he espoused in France
His attempts to bring Europe under French rule laid the foundations for nineteenth-century nationalist strife
Strong local resistance appeared in Spain, Germany, and Egypt

French expansion into neighboring states was accompanied by promises of liberty for those who supported the revolutionary armies. As French successes mounted, however, many so-called liberated peoples began to resist. Even as Napoleon sought to unify Europe, he awakened nationalism in people, such as the Germans, who had cause to notice it before. A world war developed as Napoleon struggled against all of Europe’s powers. Forced to retreat from Moscow, Napoleon was defeated at Paris and later Waterloo, and dreams of a French empire collapsed. At the Congress of Vienna, Europe’s old aristocratic interests moved to build a new order capable of meeting the revolutionary threat. Rejecting the option of a constitution, the Congress based itself on a system of mutual support and balancing power politics. The French monarchy was restored. While France seemed to have returned to its former self, German and Italian principalities began to unify, upsetting the Congress of Vienna’s balance of power.

Napoleon’s empire, 1799–1815
The Congress of Vienna could not turn the clock back completely
In many areas, some of Napoleon’s reforms were kept in place, such as the abolition of serfdom among German states
The nationalist sentiments that French troops stirred continued in places such as Germany and Italy


Question of Sovereignty Up for Grabs – Still Is


Latin American Independence Movements

Readings: Smith, et al., 777-784, 829-832

Latin American Unique qualities

Unlike North America, Latin America did not have any unification.

Partly because of geography

Andes Mountains and Amazon Jungle.

Five separate movements which were all related to the French Revolution

Saint Domingue/Haiti
Creoles wanted independence from France during French Revolution
Mulatto planters wanted equality with Creoles

May 6, 1794 Slaves Revolt
Toussaint L’Ouverture understood the place of Saint Domingue in global trading networks
They would have to maintain plantation system
1/3 planters
1/3 workers
1/3 state
Educate everyone
Military Spending
Send People back to Africa

Toussaint and Haiti
Toussaint is arrested by Napoleon’s soldiers and later he dies in France
But, slaves win and Haiti is independent in 1804.
Jacques Desallines divides property, destroys plantations and makes himself dictator

Other Latin American Movements
Creoles are important and see themselves different from the Peninsulares.
After independence, United States wanted to trade with Latin America
Spanish were opposed to US trading with Latin America
Terror Scares People and the Haitian Revolution really scared people
Everything changes in 1807 when France invades Iberian Peninsula

Movements from North
(Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama)
Simon Bolivar
In 1811 Venezuela Independent
Earthquake of March 26, 1812
In 1813 Bolivar becomes dictator of Venezuela:
Abolishes Indian tribute and other special privileges
But, refuses to free slaves, made Catholicism state religion, limited full citizenship to those with property
1814-1816: Spanish regain Spain- allowed them to reconquer Venezuela
In 1816 with Haitian and English support:
Bolivar regains Venezuela after agreeing to free slaves

In 1807—Britain tried to get control and the Spanish caved but Argentinians fought them
In 1810 launches independence movement.
Paraguay’s independence movement is successful

South (continued)
1813 The National Assembly ended Encomienda, Titles of Nobility, and the Inquisition
1816 Jose San Martin launches another independence movement to acquire Chile.
1817 the Army of the Andes
June 1821, he conquered Peru

South continued
July 26-27, 1822 San Martin joins Bolivar
San Martin retires
Bolivar becomes military dictator December 9, 1822

Priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla—September 16, 1810.
Hidalgo is captured and killed in 1811

Jose Maria Morelos
Proclaimed independence in 1813
Institutes social and fiscal reforms
Wanted land reform and the breakup of haciendas

Agusti’n de Iturbide
Agustin de Iturbide defeated Morelos.
Morelos was executed December 22, 1815

Who gained and who lost?
Creole elites
Millions of miners and agricultural workers
Latin American Economy
Latin American Democracy


Revolutions have been instrumental in the shaping of the world. Revolutions started many years ago when people realized that they were not being treated right. Revolutions were not just against issues like racial discrimination or slavery as many people would imagine. Many revolutions have been carried out by people against their own governments. Some of the worlds known revolutions were the French revolution, North American revolution and Latin America revolution. The three revolutions had some common aspects as well as differences.

The three revolutions came as a result of people realizing that people are born free and therefore they were not subject to others whether in leadership or high status, this line of thinking encouraged people to start questioning some decisions that were being made at that time. Across the Atlantic, the revolution was mainly caused by the differing opinions of people concerning economic issues, colonial elites who wanted to force their economic ideas on the people and as a result people reacted to what they thought was not fair. The idea that someone wanted to control an economy meant that people would lose their sovereignty and therefore, to avoid this, people had to take radical decisions . The revolutionists mainly championed the concept of popular sovereignty to have free people, free markets, as well as free labor. Meanwhile in North America, people were crying for the freedom of slaves with the revolutionists here advocating for the end of slavery.

Slavery had been one of the things that had caused a lot of pain and anguish to people and this made the revolution to champion for the fact that human beings were supposed to be treated with dignity. The main reason that sparked off this type of thinking was due to the fact slaves were mistreated on plantations where they were subjected to inhuman conditions. In France the issue of serfdom had taken over society and people wanted to bring it to an end hence the need for the French revolution. Feudalism had also taken center stage and citizens were not happy. The creoles were not happy with the French leadership and therefore they wanted independence.

The differences in revolution were however experienced by different approaches. In North America people were more united and had a common goal. One person would suggest an idea and the others would agree, this unification was key to planning for the revolutions. On the other hand, the southern Americans were not united partly because of geographical locations like mountains and river e.g. the Amazon Jungle and Andes Mountains. The lack of unification meant that each group had to revolt independently from other, eventually the masters related to demands because they became too frequent. In France, the revolution was not also unified because it happened through five separate movements

We can therefore say that the main common characteristics of the revolution were that all the revolutions were started to fight equality and unfairness. The goals of the revolutionists were to help in ending feudalism, discrimination and slavery so as to have human dignity restored. The differences in the revolution were majorly in the way in which the actions were carried out. While some states took a unified stand, others carried out the rebellions separately but. In terms of success, some of the revolutions were successful while others were not. Some of the most successful was the North America one because it saw the abolishment of slavery. The South America one was not very successful because some leaders were captured and killed.




Summer 2013

Compare and contrast the outcomes of the American and French Revolutions, and the Latin American Independence movements. In which ones did governments become more inclusive (ruled with the input of more people)? How do you account for the differences in outcomes? Why were specific groups of people—slaves, mixed races, Blacks, poor people, women—included or excluded in the various movements and revolutions? Why was there so much bloodshed in the various efforts to achieve political and social change? In terms of your answer, which revolutions were most/least successful?

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