What is a socially responsible effort? Social responsibility comes from the belief that people, governments, and organizations have a responsibility to the greater welfare of society. What each person determines to be socially responsible, however, is subject to personal ideals and beliefs (Note: the emphasis here is on the responsibility of the individual to the community). Examples of socially responsible efforts include, but are not limited to:
Recycling and using CFL lightbulbs (individual or organizational)
· Donating time to volunteer organizations
· Monetary donations
· Developing green buildings
Present a 5 to 10 PowerPoint Presentation profiling a community. The team may select a community with which they are familiar or use the City of Kelsey Virtual Organization accessible from the student website. In the profile, present the following:
· Type of people who live in the community
· Type of work the residents do
· How and where members of the community interact such as festivals, grocery stores, community events, and so forth
· Address the following questions in the profile:
How would you describe the responsibilities of the individuals to the community?
o What are the community’s responsibilities to the individuals?
o As a member of this community, what do you think it means to be socially responsible?
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.