OR 5000, Graduate Student Orientation

Unit I PowerPoint Presentation

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Create a lesson covering one of the topics discussed in Unit I. The lesson must be created in a 7-10 slide PowerPoint 

presentation. You may use various sources. Be sure to cite any sources used in a reference slide with proper APA 

formatting. (Cover and reference slides do not count). You may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents 

as necessary. 

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Select at least ONE of the following topics: 

• Navigating through Blackboard 

• Using one or more of the features in Blackboard 

• Graduate Student Expectations 

• Another topic related to Unit I 

The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material by summarizing some aspect of 

the unit content in a PowerPoint format. Grading will be based upon the content (accurate), logic (flow and ability for a 

reader to follow your ideas), and mechanics (spelling, references).

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