guilded reflection

I have an video which I needd watched and to answer the questions below here is the link to video the grade lvl 3-5 and in the scince one watched and the questions belowto be answered  in complete detail attached is also the direction list     1. Observation and DescriptionExplain a learning theory observed in the video.
  • Describe the observed teaching situation in terms of group characteristics, seating arrangement, and any additional criteria necessary to present the setting of the learning environment.
  • Describe the observed teacher-to-student interactions.
  • Describe the observed student-to-student interactions.(Max chars: 10,000) [removed] Count
  • . Analysis, Exploration, and ReasoningDescribe the purpose of the observed lesson.
  • Describe a teaching strategy implemented in the observed lesson.
  • Analyze the teacher’s possible purpose for implementing a teaching strategy observed in the video.
  • Describe the level of student engagement with the observed lesson.[removed]The grade level is 3-5 The teacher was trying to demostrat that studenst can work together without the teacher having to constantly be there in each group. It was also teaches the children independance.
  • FHT – FOT PCE 601.2.6-09

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    Adequate articulation of response



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    Meets Standard



    Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, word usage, ease of understandability)

    No evidence of response to prompt

    Weak articulation of response

    Adequate articulation of response

    Skillful articulation of response

    Accuracy of Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling)

    Presence of several major errors that disrupt the meaning or flow of response

    Presence of a few major errors and/or many minor errors that interfere with clarity of the response

    Presence of a few minor errors; absence of readily detectable major errors

    Absence of readily detectable major or minor errors

    A. Level of Objectivity

    Evidence of inappropriate subjectivity, limited objectivity, or bias

    Limited evidence of objectivity

    Strong evidence of appropriate objectivity

    A. Fluent Use of Relevant Educational Terminology

    No evidence of use and/or application of relevant terminology

    Weak use and/or application of relevant terminology

    Adequate use and application of relevant terminology

    Skilled use and application of relevant terminology

    A1a. Learning Theory

    The candidate identifies, but does not explain a learning theory.

    The candidate presents an imprecise explanation of a learning theory.

    The candidate presents a reasonable explanation of a learning theory.

    The candidate presents a precise explanation of a learning theory.

    A1b. Teaching Situation

    The candidate does not describe the teaching situation.

    The candidate describes the teaching situation, but not in terms of group characteristics, seating arrangements, or any additional criteria necessary to present the setting of the learning environment.

    The candidate reasonably describes the teaching situation in terms of group characteristics, seating arrangements, and any additional criteria necessary to present the setting of the learning environment.

    The candidate precisely describes the teaching situation in terms of group characteristics, seating arrangements, and any additional criteria necessary to present the setting of the learning environment.

    A1c.Teacher-to-Student Interactions

    The candidate does not describe teacher-to-student interactions.

    The candidate lists rather than describes teacher-to-student interactions.

    The candidate presents a reasonable description of teacher-to-student interactions.

    The candidate presents a precise description of teacher-to-student interactions.

    A1d. Student-to-Student Interactions

    The candidate does not describe student-to-student interactions.

    The candidate lists rather than describes student-to-student interactions.

    The candidate presents a reasonable description of student-to-student interactions.

    The candidate presents a precise description of student-to-student interactions.

    A2a. Lesson Purpose

    The candidate does not describe the purpose of the lesson.

    The candidate provides an implausible description of the purpose of the lesson.

    The candidate describes a possible purpose of the lesson.

    The candidate accurately describes the purpose of the lesson.

    A2b. Teaching Strategy

    The candidate does not identify any teaching strategy implemented in the observed lesson.

    The candidate identifies a teaching strategy implemented in the observed lesson, but does not describe it.

    The candidate provides a reasonable description of a teaching strategy implemented in the observed lesson.

    The candidate provides an accurate description of a teaching strategy implemented in the observed lesson.

    A2c. Purpose of Teaching Strategy

    The candidate does not analyze the teacher’s possible purpose for implementing a teaching strategy.

    The candidate presents an implausible analysis of the teacher’s possible purpose for implementing a teaching strategy.

    The candidate presents a correct analysis of the teacher’s possible purpose for implementing a teaching strategy.

    The candidate presents a precise analysis of the teacher’s possible purpose for implementing a teaching strategy.

    A2d. Student Engagement Level

    The candidate does not identify the level of student engagement with the lesson.

    The candidate merely lists observations of student behaviors.

    The candidate presents a reasonable description of the level of student engagement with the lesson.

    The candidate presents a precise description of the level of student engagement with the lesson.

    B. Sources

    If the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and/or references for each source used.

    If the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and/or references with major deviations from APA style.

    If the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and/or references with minor deviations from APA style.

    If the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and/or references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources.

    General Teaching Dispositions as Indicated in the Teachers College Code of Ethics

    Bottom of Form 1

    This task asks you to view a video on either Teachscape (K-8) or Mylabschool (Secondary) and answer questions found on a Guided Reflection Protocol form attached to the task directions.


    Note: Please organize your responses by labeling them 1.a., 1.b., etc., rather than writing all of your responses in one long paragraph. Also be sure to view the correct video. There is one for students seeking an elementary degree and one for secondary students.

    This task is designed to give you practice and check your understanding of the first facet of reflection as described in the Reflection document found in the COS: 1. Observation and Description: In this facet, you will describe the teaching situation objectively. You must provide sufficient detail to fully describe the teaching situation. You must provide sufficient detail to fully describe the teaching situation.
    This means that you should not include opinion, evaluation, analysis, or subjectivity in your responses.

    Part 1.a Learning Theory: Make sure that you choose a learning theory rather than a teaching strategy. Learning theories include constructivist, behavioral, social, etc. and attempt to explain how learning develops and changes in people. For both videos, define the theory and give the main ideas of what the theory stands for. Then tell how you see the theory implemented in the video. Give a couple of examples.

    Part 1.b Observed Teaching Situation: Make sure you describe what you see, but refrain from making any judgments or analysis. What does the classroom look like? What age are the students? How many students are there? What is the seating arrangement? What kinds of materials or technologies are being utilized? Remember, you are just describing what is observable without making any assumptions, deductions, analysis, or commentary. Try to be as factual and detailed as possible, even though the footage available is short.

    Part 1.c and 1.d Teacher-to-Student Interactions/Student-to-Student Interactions: Again, stick to what you see, do not analyze, or evaluate. What exactly do you see taking place between the teacher and students and then between students? Are the students watching the teacher? Participating? If so, how? Please be very specific.

    Part 2.a Lesson Purpose: Tell what you think the objective of the lesson is. What is it that the teacher wants the students to learn and get out of the lesson? What is the academic reason for the lesson?

    Part 2.b Teaching Strategy: What teaching method or strategy does the teacher use to get the lesson across? This is where you might include experiential learning, hands-on learning, cooperative learning, direct instruction, independent learning, and other teaching strategies, depending on which video you have watched. After you identify the strategy, explain what that strategy consists of in theory. Then give an example of how you see that strategy at work in the video.

    Part 2.c Teacher’s Purpose: Tell why you think the teacher chose the strategy she used for teaching this particular lesson. Why might she have chosen this method over others? What are the merits of teaching this material via this strategy?

    Part 2.d Student Engagement: How engaged are the students during the lesson? Why do you come to this conclusion? Please be very specific and include examples of why you think the way you do.

    If you have additional questions about this task, please contact a course mentor.

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