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1.”Evolution of Disease” Please respond to the following:

Note:  please select one of the two subjects to discuss. 

· From the first


,summarize the main points of the article. Determine what you believe is the most significant piece of information discussed in this article that helps scientists understand the evolution of viruses, and explain why.

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· Go to The New York Times Website to read the article titled “10 genes, furiously evolving”, dated May 4, 2009, located at 

. Be prepared to discuss.

· A subset of what are called “Neglected Tropical Diseases” (NTDs) is caused by parasitic worms. Use the Internet or the Srrayer library to research one NTD that results from a parasitic worm. Be prepared to describe the NTD and how it relates to this week’s lesson.

· Several algae blooms have been in the news recently. Use the Internet or the Strayer library to find an article about an algae bloom. Be prepared to discuss the article you find and how it relates to this week’s lesson.

· Use the Internet or the Strayer library to find a resource that provides an illustration, animation, or simulation about the alternation of generations in plants. Be prepared to discuss.

· From the second e-Activity, describe the NTD you researched and the organism that causes it. Explain how the NTD you researched relates to this lesson. Provide a rationale with your response.

2.”Plant Evolution” Please respond to the following:

 Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss. 

· From the third e-Activity, summarize the main points of the article you found on algae bloom. Explain how this article relates to this week’s lesson, and give three examples with your response. (In your discussion, provide the URL for the article.)

· From the fourth e-Activity, describe the resource you found regarding the alteration of generation in plants. Conclude whether or not it helps you to understand the alternation of generations in plants. Determine how you would rate the resource from a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, in helping you understand alteration of generations in plants. Explain why you chose this rating. (In your discussion, provide the URL for the resource.)


1.”Foreign Exchange Derivative Markets” Please respond to the following:

· From the first e-Activity, speculate one specific area in which the next Triennial report may show a significant change. Explain how you arrived at your conclusion. 

· Considering the U.S. Federal Reserve Board announced that U.S. interest rates will stay low through mid-2014, analyze how this will affect the foreign exchange derivatives market. Suggest whether or not you agree with this strategy. Provide support for your rationale.


· Go to the Bank for International Settlements Website to read the results summarized in the article titled “Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity in April 2010 – Preliminary Global Results – Turnover”, dated September 2010, located at

. Be prepared to discuss. 

· Research the Internet or the Strayer Library for recent articles (within the last 12 months) that criticizes the activities or performance of commercial banks. Be prepared to discuss.  

2.”Commercial Bank Operations” Please respond to the following:

· Assess the obligation commercial banks have in building consumer confidence and rate how the banks are doing in this regard. Support your response with evidence or an example.

· From the second e-Activity, summary the author’s or authors’ criticism of commercial banks. Provide a counter argument to the criticism using examples or evidence to support your response. 

3″Bank Regulation” Please respond to the following:

· From the first e-Activity, determine the affect the regulation you researched will have on the global economy. Provide an example or evidence to support your response.  

· Determine an area(s) that appear to have too much government regulation regarding commercial banks. Then, suggest an alternative to regulation. 


· Research the Internet or the Strayer Library to locate and read about a recent (within the last 12 months) U.S. banking regulation that has been adopted and not yet implemented. Be prepared to discuss.  

4.”Bank Management” Please respond to the following:

· Considering the bank you currently use, determine the biggest risk this bank faces in today’s economic climate. Then, suggest how that risk can be mitigated. 

· Speculate to the risks that e-Banking creates. Then, provide a solution to lessen the risk for one of these risks. 

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