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Abu logman

May 20, 2013

Quality assurance


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The tour to Haakon industries was a very interesting and an eye opener to what goes one in manufacturing company. We were all given a pair of safety glasses and a earplugs so that we can take the tour. The reason that we are not aloud to go in there with out safety glasses and earplugs is because they have to fallow a safety procedure. We started the tour at the front entrance. At the entrance I seen things that I was familiar with like people welding but it was on bigger pieces of metals. On thing that the tour guide made clear is that they have a very good QA process. They showed us the different things that they do in there company. First area that was shown was is were they examine their products, which they make sure every thing meets the proper QA guidelines. The place was very organized everybody had a job to do and they knew how to do it. Next we walked over to the welding area and it wasn’t like the regular welding I was used to. It was bigger peaces of metal. What impressed me was the organization of the place even though it seemed like they were doing a dirty job the place around them was clean. Then we walked over to the next area, which was a storage are and a place were they cut metal to the right size. They tour guide explained to us how important it was to have the right size metal, and they also mentioned that there was a QA report for that specific area. Then we walked to the assembly area. There was a lot more people in this area. Some people were cleaning the parts, others were welding but the parts were smaller. The others were rapping the product up, and getting it read for painting. Then we walked in to the painting area and it was very big. The tour guides were telling us that they had a QA sheet that they have to fill out in that area also. He gave us a scenario that there company went through. They had a moment were they were painting and every thing was painted good on the part but the bottom of the piece was not painted all the was. He said that with the QA sheets they fill out helped them see that this was an ongoing occurrence and they needed to solve this problem. It being an on going occurrence they were forced to find a solution. Then we walked to the final area were everything is checked to see if any thing seems out of the ordinary and that everything is suppose to work the way it is meant to. After they rap it up and get the heating and cooling system ready for shipping. All of us were amazed that the product they made was bigger and it surprised us when he told us that the there other projects they had bigger products they had to make. All and all the I enjoyed the tour.

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