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*These answers can be brief*

· Unless otherwise indicated, there is a 200 word minimum response required.

· Credible reference materials may be used to complete the assessment. 

· APA Information

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In-text and reference citations are required for
written responses. 

1. There are numerous federal government agencies that have fire prevention as a part of their mission. In your estimation, which of these governmental agencies contribute the most to fire prevention and suppression? Why?

2. Many professional associations have fire prevention and protection as one of their main operations. Why is the National Fire Protection Association often recognized as a leading professional organization?

3. Comparisons of fire prevention programs in effect on this continent with those in other parts of the world reveal that there are probably as many differences as there are similarities. What is the explanation for the differences and similarities? What lessons can be learned from these comparisons to improve our fire prevention efforts

4. Picture yourself as the nation’s Czar on fire prevention. You have the power and responsibility to do what is necessary to improve the country’s awareness, understanding, and need for fire and safety prevention. How would you accomplish this

5. Evaluate the significance of code enforcement research conducted by the Urban Institute, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Fire Administration/National Fire Academy

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