Criminal Law- 400–600 words

Scenario:  Mary and Stacey are seniors at Silver State High School. They have been friends since the second grade. Stacey called Mary on Saturday evening and asked her to take her home because she could not find her car. Mary knows that her best friend has been drinking excessively over the past 3 months. She has been withdrawing from Mary and gravitating toward her new friends, who party every weekend with alcohol and marijuana.

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     Mary decided to pick her up because she did not want her friend hurt. While taking Stacey home, Mary tried to talk to her about her drinking and drug use. Stacey became very defensive and stated that Mary was now sounding like her parents.

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

1.  At this stage in her development, who is more important to Stacey—her parents and best friend, or her new peers? Explain.

2.  What is your reasoning behind this decision?  Explain.

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3.  What could her best friend and parents do to help change Stacey’s thought processes?  Explain.

4.  Explain how Stacey’s delinquent behavior could eventually lead to criminal behavior.


Scenario: Mary and Stacey are seniors at Silver State High School. They have been friends since the second grade. Stacey called Mary on Saturday evening and asked her to take her home because she could not find her car. Mary knows that her best friend has been drinking excessively over the past 3 months. She has been withdrawing from Mary and gravitating toward her new friends, who party every weekend with alcohol and marijuana.

Mary decided to pick her up because she did not want her friend hurt. While taking Stacey home, Mary tried to talk to her about her drinking and drug use. Stacey became very defensive and stated that Mary was now sounding like her parents.

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

1. At this stage in her development, who is more important to Stacey—her parents and best friend, or her new peers? Explain.

2. What is your reasoning behind this decision? Explain.

3. What could her best friend and parents do to help change Stacey’s thought processes? Explain.

4. Explain how Stacey’s delinquent behavior could eventually lead to criminal behavior.

Please utilize the following as one of the sources of reference. The following has been copied straight from book. Use own words, instead.

Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach, Tenth Edition

ISBN: 9781256818960

Author(s): Curt R. Bartol; Anne M. Bartol

Publisher: Pearson Custom Publishing

Copyright year: © 2012 Pages: 672

Description: For undergraduate and graduate courses in criminal behavior, criminology, the psychology of crime, crime and delinquency, and forensic psychology.

A comprehensive psychological approach to criminal behavior.

Accurate, researched-based, contemporary, and comprehensive: Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach, Tenth Edition, builds on the excellence established in previous editions. The text offers a detailed look at crime, what may lead to it, and how criminal behavior may be prevented, all from a psychological perspective. Focusing on serious crimes, particularly those involving violence, Criminal Behavior offers a comprehensive look at this complex field with effective and engaging material that has been classroom-tested for over thirty years.

Risk Taking (chapter 3, page 75)

Adolescence is a time of heightened risk taking and unchecked recklessness. Parents often won-

der why teenagers take unnecessary risks and make imprudent decisions even though they appear

to know better. Adolescent risk taking involves substance abuse, binge drinking, cigarette smok-

ing, reckless driving (often while intoxicated), attempted suicide, and risky sexual behavior. We

discuss risk taking in more detail in this section because it is a major factor leading to delinquent,

antisocial, and violent behavior, and it involves cognitions, executive functions, arousal, impulse

control and many other concepts discussed thus far. As noted by Sunstein (2008), “adolescent

risk-taking leads to seriously impaired lives and even premature deaths” (p. 145). Adolescents are

especially vulnerable to considerable risk when they are in a group of their friends or peers, and

this vulnerability appears to be the case for both males and females. In fact, crimes committed

by adolescents in groups are seldom premeditated (Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, &

Banich, 2009).

The high level of vulnerability to risk taking is believed to be the result of high levels of sensation or reward seeking and low impulse control, a condition most prevalent during mid-adolescence (Steinberg, 2010a). As teenagers get older, risk-taking behavior slowly decreases, throughout their lives. Laurence Steinberg (2008, 2010a) maintains that high risk taking during adolescence has a lot to do with brain development. “Indeed, it appears that the brain changes characteristic of adolescence are among the most dramatic and important to occur during the human lifespan” (Steinberg, 2010b, p. 160). In fact, many of these changes occur in the prefrontal area (Gogtay & Thompson, 2010; Paus, 2010).

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