only for computer programming major

I have online C++ class. I need some one to help me to do my homework weakly during the summer semester. I attached the syllable and all you need to know about the class. 

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C++How To Program


(Late Objects Version) by Deitel and Deitel, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-316541-4.

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Additional Resources:

Optional acquisition:         


A Microsoft Visual C++ .NET compiler for home use. See the ICS web site for a link to the MSDN Academic Alliance site.

Course Description:
This course continues the development of the programming and problem solving skills introduced in CS 219. Programming concepts will be put into practice by using C++ for programming projects. Since C++ is so similar to Java and since students should already know Java from their prerequisite courses, this course will cover C++ basics (control constructs, operators, data types, functions) quickly. More time will be spent on those features of C++ that differ from Java. For example, more time will be spent on pointers, object-oriented programming techniques, and operator overloading. Prerequisite: a grade of ‘C’ or better in CS 219. 3:0:3

Educational Philosophy:
The facilitator’s educational philosophy is one of interactiveness based on lectures, readings, quizzes, dialogues, examinations, internet, videos, web sites and writings. The facilitator will engage each learner in what is referred to as “disputatious learning” to encourage the lively exploration of ideas, issues and contradictions.

Learning Outcomes:
  Core Learning Outcomes

1. Explain basic C++ constructs and basic object-oriented programming concepts (they should be covered quickly since they are similar to basic Java constructs, which are covered in CS 151 and CS 219).

2. Explain these programming concepts: *Pointers *Parameter passing – call-by-value vs. call-by-reference *Operator overloading *Inheritance – public, protected, and private access specifiers

3. Demonstrate creativity and problem-solving skills.

4. Use the Visual C++ integrated development environment to enter, run, and debug C++ programs.

5. Appraise C++ programs to ensure that they use proper coding conventions and documentation.

6. Demonstrate proper use of the object-oriented principle of inheritance. *Given a problem description, the student should be able to decide on appropriate classes in a class hierarchy tree.

7. Demonstrate proper use of the object-oriented principle of composition. *Given a description that involves two classes, the student should be able to decide on whether composition or inheritance is more appropriate.

8. Formulate C++ programs that use: *Preprocessor directives *Functions – call-by-value vs. call-by-reference parameters, inline functions, default arguments *Arrays – one-dimensional and two-dimensional *Pointers *Strings *Operator overloading *Inheritance – public, protected, and private access specifiers

9. Optional – upon completion of this course the student should be able to formulate C++ programs that use: *UML, polymorphism, virtual functions, templates, exception handling, file I/O

Core Assessment:

For this course, the core assessment tool is a final exam. Teachers must create their own final exam and pattern it after the CS225 example exam found in the password.

In the final exam, there are two broad categories of questions that we evaluate separately – concepts and problem solving:


(terminology and concepts that should be memorized):

relevant learning outcomes –

1, 2, 6, 7

Multiple-choice and true/false questions that ask the student about CS 225 concepts.

Short answer questions that ask the student to explain various concepts and trace and debug code fragments and/or programs.


For example questions, teachers should refer to the CS225 example exam, questions 1-13.

Problem solving

(technical skills, critical thinking, and communication):

relevant learning outcomes –

3, 5, 8

Given a problem description, produce a solution in the form of a short program or a method(s).

Exam questions: 14-15


For example questions, teachers should refer to the CS225 example exam, questions 14-15. 

Recommended guideline for evaluating the core assessment final exam:

no exam graded

Exceeds expectations

Meets expectations

Does not meet expectations

No evidence


≥ 85%

65% to 84%

< 65%

no exam graded

Problem solving

≥ 75%

50% to 74%

< 50%

Class Assessment:

Students will use the GradeBook to track their grades throughout the course.  Please allow time for submitted assignments to be posted.  Generally speaking it will take 24 hours for a grade to be posted into the grade book.   Participation in class discussions, Mid-term and Final tests and Attendance will be taken into consideration for the course grade. (See Grading Scale below)  

The grading of the course is decided based on the following items.

· The graded works for this course consist of 11 programming assignments, seven quizzes, seven participation grades, and a Final Exam.

· Each programming assignment is graded as follows:

· If the submitted program does not compile, the maximum amount of points that can be earned is 50%.

· Coding style counts for 20% of the project.

· Code execution counts for 60% of the project.

· Code design counts for 20% of the project.


Course Grading Scale      A = 90-100%       900-1000      B = 80-89%         800-899      C = 70-79%       700-799      D = 60-69%       600-699      F = < 60%         599 and below

Late Submission of Course Materials:


Assignments are due each Sunday on a weekly basis. No late work will be accepted.

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