This is an essay that you have to follow all on the attchement

  Below is the essay the teacher wants it to look like. what u have to do is follow the attached document she likes certain thing highlighted and bold and what not the example is below on a pass hw i got, i recieved a 56 on it bc i did not follow the changes so please follow the way she wants it to the tee

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In a 1 to 2 page paper in Microsoft Word, discuss the following scenarios and how the law of sales pertains to both issues. Consider what the law states about the rights of the owners and sellers. How would you address handling both situations from a legal point of view? Be sure to list any specific law or regulation which would apply in these cases.

Case Study #1

Dechert’s camera fails to focus properly so he takes the camera to a camera store to get it repaired. The store sells new and used cameras, and also repairs cameras that have a problem with them. When Dechert returns to the store a week later to pick up the camera, the store informs him that it has been misplaced, and they can not find it. It turns out after the camera was fixed, a dishonest employee sold it to a customer who came in to buy a used camera. If Dechert finds out the name of the customer who bought the camera can he recover it from the customer?

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Case Study #2

Allis enters into a contract to buy a restored Model T car. At the time the contract is entered into, the Model T has not yet been restored. Prior to completion of the restoration, a fire destroys the car. Explain what the consequences of the destruction of the car are.  







Running Head: CONTRACT LAW 13

Contract Law

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on May


, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano



Contract Law

In essence Gladys and Sam had statutory obligation to make the monthly mortgage payments if for any reason Sam’s father stopped making the payments he was making on their behalf for their benefit. According to law two legally married people have equal rights and obligations in their marriage and neither of them can negate those responsibilities thus cementing the argument that both could have been liable to pay the mortgage’s monthly payments with Sam’s father stopping to pay the mortgage for them. Comment by


Paixao: Comments number two through five in the chart below

But with their separation and consequent Sam marrying Shirley hence resulting to Sam’s father stopping to make the monthly payment a new twist of legal interpretation exhibits itself. Considering that progress had been made towards them owning a house of their own before their separation and now that Gladys had walked out of their house, and with Sam living with another woman in the house meant for them initially, her obligation towards mortgage payment cannot persist because there is a third party beneficially to the original contract with the mortgage company. Comment by Rob Paixao: Comments two through five in the chart below

If Gladys went to court to protest the company asking her mortgage contribution she can consider two options the third party beneficially or the novation principle, if decides to use the former principle principal she can go on and contribute the mortgage repayment though she no longer lives there, this will consequently lead her to ask the court to force Shirley make contribution towards the same because she is a third party benefiting from what her and Sam are paying for, though this will make her a partner of the house being paid for it will leave her at a disadvantaged position since she does not live in the house to accrue direct benefit of her investment. And if she decides to use the latter, she cant opt for an out of court settlement with both Sam and Shirley and put sense in them that since they are the one’s directly benefiting from it will be reasonable for them to assume payment responsibilities ant herd be fully exempted from the contract
. Comment by Rob Paixao: Comments number two through five below…

Since Gladys and Stanley are both minors, their transaction of sale and purchase with each other have no legal backing whatsoever and it can be said to be null, however it is clearly evident that there was a transaction between them and at some point Garcia decided to retreat on their sale agreement, this is a very difficult situation for any judge to determine the rights of the two because there is no legal framework that defines their rights to support Garcia’s intention to recede here sale and it is even more complex factoring that Stanley have already sold the ball and making a commendable profit. If it were Stanley making complain wanting to recede his decision of sale to the collector he would have firm legal ground even though he lied about his age when selling, because a minor will always have advantage because it will be expected that the senior one will independently verify consumer’s age. Comment by Rob Paixao: Comment numbers two through five below

Therefore the rights of Garcia are limited in relations to her efforts seeking a nullification of her sale of the baseball card. Stanley is the sole winner in this deal as he keeps all his profits since there is no legal framework to compel him gives back the baseball card and the companies rights are to their advantage given that Stanley does not intend to get back what he sold


Palmer, V. V. (2006). The paths to privity: The history of the third party beneficiary contracts at English law. Clark, N.J: Lawbook Exchange.

Stark, T. L. (2003). Negotiating and drafting contract boilerplate. New York: ALM Pub.

Please refer to the comment table below.

When you are reading the comments and suggestion in the comment bubbles in your paper you can refer to the comment number and its meaning. They serve as the basis for the score you received.

If you have any comments or questions, you are always welcome to contact me after you have reviewed these comments and suggestions. Thanks for the submission.


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Have an awesome one!







YouTube Videos


Comment Number

What does it mean?


Not proper APA format…in its entirety


Title page missing


Reference Section missing


Not a proper in text citation




Never use contractions (don’t, doesn’t, and so on…)


Never use abbreviations (USA, NM, and so on…)


Source? Analysis? Relevancy? In text citation at the end of the sentence?


What are you trying to say here? I do not understand what you are trying to say here…?


Good idea here…How would you expand on it here? What would be the source? How would it be relevant? How would it fit in the analysis? Where would the in text citation be at the end of the sentence?


What source provided the data for this? It is missing?

Rubric: Assignment

Total Possible Score: 20 (100%)

Total Possible Score: 20 X ( %) = /20

Thesis Statement

The student defines terms, conditions, and all arguments of the assignment.

The student summarizes historical evolution.

The student explains relevance of the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student analyzes the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student evaluates several views of topic discussed

Total: 20%

Distinguished – Thoroughly and comprehensively developed introduction and thesis statement, giving a clear direction and purpose of the paper. (100%)

Proficient – Clearly developed introduction and thesis statement, giving some direction and purpose of the paper. (80%)

Basic – Introduction and thesis statement are present, and somewhat give direction and purpose of the paper. (70%)

Below Expectations – Introduction and thesis statement are present, though incomplete.  The direction and purpose of the paper is unclear. (60%)

Non-Performance – The introduction and thesis statement are either non-existent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. (50%)

Resource Section & Resource Requirement

The student summarizes historical evolution.

The student explains relevance of the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student analyzes the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student evaluates several views of topic discussed

The student identifies examples and their relevance to the topic and argument of the assignment.

Total: 20%

Distinguished – References within the bibliography are appropriately selected, correctly cited, and clearly relevant to the assignment, according to the description provided. (100%)

Proficient – References within the bibliography are appropriately selected, cited, and relevant to the assignment, according to the description provided. (80%)

Basic – References within the bibliography are appropriately selected and somewhat relevant to the assignment, according to the description provided. (70%)

Below Expectations – References within the bibliography are not appropriately selected, and may be irrelevant to the assignment, according to the description provided. (60%)

Non-Performance – The bibliography is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. (50%)

Critical Thinking: Evidence

The student defines terms, conditions, and all arguments of the assignment.

The student summarizes historical evolution.

The student identifies examples and their relevance to the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student explains relevance of the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student analyzes the topic and argument of the assignment.

The student evaluates several views of topic discussed

The student logically develops the thesis to lead to the conclusion.

The student supports development with facts, full explanations, and persuasive reasoning.

The student uses his or her own words (quotations are less than 5% of body).

The paper includes a strong conclusion that is consistent with thesis.

Total: 20%

Distinguished – Employs persuasive information from credible source(s) to develop an ample analysis or synthesis of the topic. Viewpoints of experts are scrutinized thoroughly. (100%)

Proficient – Employs applicable information from credible source(s) to develop an analysis of the topic. (80%)

Basic – Identifies applicable information from credible source(s), but may neglect the application of such information toward the analysis of the topic. (70%)

Below Expectations – Displays information from external source(s), but such information may lack credibility and/or relevance.  Neglects the application of such information toward the analysis of the topic. (60%)

Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. (50%)

APA Formatting

The student uses APA in-text (short) citations to sources.

The student uses APA long citations on reference page.

Total: 20%

Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title and reference page. (100%)

Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. (80%)

Basic – Exhibits basic knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements. (70%)

Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA. (60%)

Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. (50%)

Proofreading The student defines terms, conditions, and all arguments of the assignment.
The student summarizes historical evolution.
The student identifies examples and their relevance to the topic and argument of the assignment.
The student explains relevance of the topic and argument of the assignment.
The student analyzes the topic and argument of the assignment.
The student logically develops the thesis to lead to the conclusion.
The student supports development with facts, full explanations, and persuasive reasoning.
The student uses his or her own words (quotations are less than 5% of body).
The paper includes a strong conclusion that is consistent with thesis.

Content Criteria

The student evaluates several views of topic discussed (20%)

The paper includes an introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement.

The student uses logical paragraph and sentence transitions.

The student uses complete and clear sentences.

The student uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Research Criteria

The student uses APA in-text (short) citations to sources.

The student uses APA long citations on reference page.

The student writes at least 1,500 words in body of essay.

The student cites at least three relevant academic articles found in the Ashford Online Library.

Total: 20%

The student uses logical paragraph and sentence transitions.

The student uses complete and clear sentences.

The student uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Total: 20%

Distinguished – not one mistake can be found (100%)

Proficient – there are some mistakes but they did not impact the paper (80%)

Basic – there are some mistakes but they made the reading a little troubling (70%)

Below Expectations –the Paper was made difficult by faulty grammar and proofreading errors (60%)

Non-Performance – the paper really was difficult to read because of grammar spelling other errors as indicated in this paper (50%)

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