Accounting Question

Need help to complete an Accounting assignment for MBA program. You can find the full guidelines and assignment requirements in the attached file. Please read all guidelines and assignment requirements carefully. Some key points below.

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– Our school is very strict on plagiarism, they use some website called Turnitin to check all assignments.

– They are also very strict about the Harvard Referencing System, apparently it has to be done accurately.

– Another thing they pointed out multiple times is that the organization we choose for this assignment has to be publicly listed and their annual reports have to be 2018 and 2019.

– All the details you will need are in the attached document i, they mention all requirements and guidelines in details. I believe the assignment task is on page 7, that mentions everything the assignment should contain.

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Assessment type
Introduction – Profiles of Organizations selected
Application of Financial & Management Accounting
Principles and Core Finance Strategies to measure
Bottom Line Impact and Decision Making.
Relevance of Budgets in driving Organizational
Ratio Analysis & Performance Review.
Marks Awarded
Investment Appraisal Techniques.
Overall Score
Overall Marks achieved
Summative Feedback by Assessor for further improvement
Comments for REDO submission(If applicable)
70% and above
(Distinction )
60 to 69%
50 to 59%
40 to 49%
Fail Grades
30 to 39%
(Module retake)
The assignment evaluated is of a high to exemplary standard. The work
addresses clearly and articulately the assignment requirements and thus meets,
and satisfies all the learning outcomes (either well or in an exemplary way).
The work demonstrates: clear knowledge; references to appropriate academic
literature; analysis; critical evaluation; and originality of argument. It is
structured and presented to a high (or exemplary) standard. Referencing
conventions are fully observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a good to a high standard. Substantial
knowledge, comprehension and analysis is evident throughout. Arguments
presented are clear and focussed with a logical structure in place. There is clear
evidence of critical evaluation of a wide range of theories/perspectives from
academic literature and some independent thought. The work is well-written
and addresses well all of the learning outcomes. Referencing conventions are
fully observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a fair to good standard. Adequate knowledge,
comprehension and analysis is evident throughout. The arguments presented
have a logical structure and show some critical evaluation in places, although
there may be limited evidence of an independent perspective. There is
evidence of some good engagement with some of the appropriate literature.
Learning outcomes have been largely met and to an appropriate degree.
Referencing conventions are observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a basic standard. The arguments presented
have some logical structure and are supported by academic literature in most
cases. The academic literature used is outside of the suggestions made in the
module guide but remains limited. Little critical evaluation is evident, and the
work tends more widely towards a descriptive style. Learning outcomes have
been addressed in a basic but satisfactory way. Referencing conventions are
mostly observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a limited standard. Limited use of academic
literature and as such knowledge and argument is very weak. A simple
descriptive style with no evidence of critical evaluation throughout. Overreliance on simplistic, limited sources. Referencing conventions may not be
29% and Below
(Module retake)
observed. Some learning outcomes met but in a weak and simplistic way. The
work is needs to be developed in greater depth and detail to move to a passable
standard at this level of study
The assignment evaluated is of an unacceptable standard. There is little or no
evidence of knowledge and understanding that is required at this level.
Referencing is inadequate or non-existent. The learning outcomes have not
been addressed fully and the work requires significant modification to bring it
to a passable standard.
Module Learning Outcomes
LO.1 Critically analyse Financial Accounting Principles to measure Bottom Line impact and
develop competitive strategies.
LO.2 Critique the relevance and significance of Budgeting Process, Techniques and Methods in
driving Organizational Performance.
LO.3 Evaluate Financial Statements and business performance using Ratio Analysis.
LO.4 Evaluate investment appraisal techniques to support decision-making.
1. Materials Access
All learning materials are provided in the form of a module kit and can be accessed from
the website.
2. Learning Hours
Students need to be aware of their commitment requirements in regard to study time. In
order to give you an indication of that, we have based the following information on the
United Kingdom (UK) Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency guidelines. “The
notional learning hours associated with qualifications, programmes and individual units of
study are based on a broad agreement across institutions that students can expect to spend
10 hours learning on average in order to gain one academic credit unit” (QAA 2006).
3. Re-sit
If you do not secure a pass, please read closely the feedback and speak with your Course
leader(s) or faculty. After consulting the feedback, close attention is essential to rework on
the areas of weakness, and then resubmit the work at the next opportunity. As per the QAA
requirements, only one REDO is allowed where the marks will be capped at a Pass.
4. Plagiarism
All forms of plagiarism are taken seriously, and any suspected cases will be investigated
thoroughly. If a case is found proven then the work will be graded as a fail and the case
will be reviewed by the academic committee.
5. Student appeals
There are no re-evaluations as the marks are graded and internally verified before release.
However, as per our appeals policy, a student can make an appeal to the course leader
which will be then reviewed by the academic committee (please check our academic
policies and procedures manual for more information)
6. Assignment submission extensions
Students can apply for extensions via the website based on extenuating circumstances (if
any) with evidence (proof) as per our extensions policy
General Guidelines
1. Complete the ‘ To be filled by the student section’ in the cover page
2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS word via the website (Use
12 Times New Roman script with 1.5 spacing between lines)
3. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of
75% and/or minimum 50 % under extenuating circumstances approved and ratified by the
academic committee and the examination board
4. The assignment should not contain any contents with references cited from websites such as,,,, Wikipedia but should contain
references/citations from credible academic journal and articles.
5. Submit the assignment in MS word document with the file name being:
First Name Last Name _ Module Code
Example: John Smith_GM701
Accounting for Next Generation Leaders
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyze Financial Accounting Principles to measure Bottom Line impact
and develop competitive strategies.

PC 1.1: Evaluate the financial and operational performance of an organization
PC 1.2: Critically review the influence of Accounting Standards and Accounting Policies in a
financial and (macro) economic environment.
PC 1.3: Critically discuss financial accounting and management accounting practices that highlight
the use/ misuse of financial data.
PC 1.4: Discuss how a plan and execution strategy can ensure competitive financial management.
Learning Outcome 2: Critique the relevance and significance of Budgeting Process, Techniques and
Methods in driving Organizational Performance.

PC 2.1: Critically analyze the relevance of Traditional Budgets versus “new age” Alternative
Budgeting Types and Techniques.
PC 2.2: Conceptualize the budgeting approaches required to link performance management to
improved operational planning and management strategies.
PC 2.3: Apply Smart Technologies in Budgeting, Forecasting and Management Control Processes
to investigate performance management issues.
Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate Financial Statements and business performance using Ratio Analysis.

PC 3.1: Apply Ratio Analysis to interpret the historic business performance of your chosen
PC 3.2: Critically discuss how forefront developments or disruptions in the external operating
environment have impacted the financial performance of your chosen organization.
PC 3.3: Evaluate future strategies for financial changes that will improve organizational
Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate investment appraisal techniques to support decision-making.

PC 4.1: Critically discuss the importance of investment appraisal techniques when approving
capital expenditure investment proposals.
PC 4.2: Conduct discounted and non – discounted flow analysis.
PC 4.3: Evaluate at least two investment appraisal techniques and apply them to your chosen
Assignment Task: Read the following Scenario and prepare a Formal Business & Financial Review
Document with the guidelines provided.
Assignment – 100 Marks [6000 Words ( +/- 10%)
The assignment below will help you to review and critically analyse financial and management accounting
principles, relevant accounting standards/ policies applicable, and apply the relevant knowledge to
evaluate the overall business and management performance based on the current complex, volatile,
competitive and uncertain economic/business environment by reviewing associated implications
[restructuring, consolidation, acquisitions, cost management strategies, disposal of assets, innovations &
impact of technological disruptions] within businesses.
You are required to present a Formal Business & Financial Review Document, that would contain a neatly
designed Table of Contents to capture the main and sub-topics in an orderly fashion which should adhere
to meeting the assessment standards and grading criterion:
Introduction: Choose a public listed corporation related to your current work domain or preferred area
of industry. This section would require candidates to research relevant financial and operational
performance of the organization by reviewing and understanding the 2018 & 2019 Annual Reports on the
chosen public listed company. The facts and figures will help the candidate to answer below questions,
and validate with relevant statistics.
1. Introduce the organization in the context of prevailing macro-economic and business conditions
by discussing the vision, mission and planning strategies of the company. For the chosen
organizations, evaluate the financial and operational performance of the organizations by
reviewing the company’s annual performance (read through annual report for the year 2018 and
2019 for specific data) [10 marks].
2. Application of theory to practice [600 to 1200 words]: Demonstrate meaningful understanding
of accounting policies and accounting standards and policies by critically reviewing academic and
non-academic literature pertaining to its implications on the financial and macro-environment.
Critically debate the use/ misuse of financial data in the practice of management accounting and
financial accounting. With respect to Accounting Standard, students are required to present
arguments and provide a meaningful explanation of Accounting Standards.
Discuss as how a plan and execution can lead to effective financial management in the chosen
company. [25 marks].
3. Ratio Analysis & Financial Interpretations [2000 words]: For the question below, in addition
to the chosen organization above, also select a competitor organization for the chosen company.
Financial data for FY 2018 and 2019 for both the organizations will be used here.
Calculate two ratios each for liquidity, profitability, activity, capital structure and growth which
should be critically interpreted and evaluated by comparing each ratio between the chosen and
the competitor organization. Interpret each calculated ratio for both the organizations and
comment on their business performance.
The interpretation should be supported with the critical analysis of the macro developments with
impact of external operating environment on the performance of the organizations. Evaluate and
recommend future strategies which will improve organizational sustainability. [25 marks].
4. Literature Review on Budgeting Practices [1700 words]: Carry out a critical analysis which
exhibits a suitable understanding of current issues/concepts that are relevant for investigating
existing practices of ‘Traditional Budgets’ versus ‘Modern Age’ types of alternative budgeting
and techniques in large corporations.
Identify & contextualize budgeting approaches which lead to enhancing operational performance
by linking these to the overall operational strategies & decision-making within large corporations.
Also, necessary critical debates must be produced to review the impact of ‘smarter’ technologies
in the overall budgeting processes when examining forecasting and management control
processes. [25 marks].
5. Investment Appraisal Techniques [700 words]: If you were a Director of a public listed
company and had to present a significantly high value capital expenditure proposal to the CEO,
how would you critically evaluate investment appraisal techniques that remain important when
seeking an approval from the CEO.
Any capital expenditure involves protecting shareholder interests & maintaining a careful balance
between risk and rewards, using the concept of ‘time value of money’, to study the impact of
choices between discounted cash flows and non-discounted cash flow methods. Conduct a
discounted and non-discounted cash flow analysis.
You are required to apply necessary knowledge and understanding when examining investment
appraisal techniques to suggest, recommend and evaluate at least two popular investment appraisal
techniques that can be used & considered by managers/decision-makers in the light of dynamic
business & economic conditions. Examples can be used to support the explanations. [15 marks].
6. Presentation & References: You should present the whole document in methodical manner and
should remain aligned to appropriately demonstrate correct application of the Harvard Referencing
System (HRS).
Performance Descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above
criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the
percentage bands indicated.
D (40-49%)
E (0-39%)
Work of an
Work of a good standard.
Work of a pass standard.
Assignment produces
accurate & relevant
information to
evidence and support
factual analysis of
operational and
financial performance
by reviewing the
relevant Annual
Reports which
produced accurate
accounting and
decisions ,that have
been reasonably
explained as to their
share its significance,
draw comparisons
within the segment.
Additionally domain
specific industry
reports have been
reviewed to capture
the current macroeconomic events in a
satisfying manner to
provide and propose
reasons for changes
with comparisons by
stating means of
futuristic goals.
Assignment produces
a fairly good
narrative to support
factual analysis of
operational and
financial performance
by reviewing the
relevant company
‘websites’ &
Wikipedia sources in
a limited manner to
produce necessary
details of accounting
and management
decisions , which have
reasonably explained
as to demonstrate its
significance, but a bit
inconsistent, when
drawing comparisons
within the segment.
Some errors spotted
in grammar and
Assignment produces
a poor review in
support of factual
data analysis with
respect to company’s
operational and
Evidence presented is
of limited manner in
not reviewing
necessary Annual
Reports to produce
required details of
accounting and
.Explanations are in a
language that is not
fluent to contain
inaccurate grammar
Some errors &
sighted in information
Assignment fails to
provide any
significant review to
support factual data
analysis with respect
to company’s
operational and
Structure, language
grammar and
presentation of
information is not of
an acceptable
standard including
faulty syntax.
Fairly reasonable
demonstrated when
commenting on
judgements and
estimates used to
review the
preparation of
Financial Statements,
along with examining
key financial metrics
on the strength of
financial notes,
accounting standards
to assess the impact
and review
appropriate financial
strategies. Some
inconsistencies in
grammar & syntax
Presentation is poor
in structure relevant
concepts when
reviewing the
judgements and
estimates and
includes errors in
grammar and syntax.
Not very coherent as
language is
outstanding, excellent
& v. good standard (*)
& Financial
Principles and
alignment of
strategies to
Bottom Line
produces an
excellent factual
analysis of
operational and
performance by
reviewing the
relevant Annual
Reports which
presents necessary
accounting and
decisions in a well
explained manner
to present its
significance, by
draw comparisons
across peer group
companies within
the segment.
domain specific
industry reports
are reviewed to
narrate current
events which
provide and
propose reasons
for changes with
comparisons by
stating means of
futuristic goals.
demonstrated to
critically examining
judgements and
estimates used for
arriving at
preparation of
Statements, along
Good understanding
demonstrated to
critically examining
judgements and
estimates used for
arriving at
preparation of
Financial Statements,
along with review of
key financial metrics
on the strength of
financial notes,
accounting standards
Purpose of the
analysis to present
necessary views and
opinions on
judgements and
estimated presented
in poor and disorderly
manner. Language is
unclear and incorrect
usage of grammar
and syntax.
with review of key
financial metrics on
the strength of
financial notes,
standards to assess
the impact and
review appropriate
financial strategies
to assess the impact
and review
appropriate financial
strategies. Grammar
& spelling accurate
and fluent. Thoughts
and views clearly
Presentation is
orderly and of good
standards, minor
syntax errors sighted.
Ratio Analysis
& Financial
produces an
excellent analysis
of the company’s
performance which
includes relevant
ratios , which have
been explained as
to their role,
provided and
proposed reasons
for changes,
differences with
comparisons and
means of
Assignment produces
a very good analysis
of the company’s
performance which
includes most of the
relevant ratios ,
explanations of their
roles, comparisons,
proposed reasons for
change, differences
with comparisons and
means of
Assignment produces
an analysis of the
performance which is
based on a sufficient
number of the
relevant ratios ,
explanations of their
roles, comparisons
and proposed reasons
for change,
differences with
comparisons and
means of
Assignment produces
a limited analysis of
the company’s
performance which
misses some of the
key elements and
supporting detail.
Assignment produces
a limited analysis of
the company’s
performance which
misses most of the
key elements and
supporting detail.
Relevance of
Budgeting in
l Performance
produces a clear
and concise critical
analysis of the
strengths and
weaknesses of the
current budgetary
process. This
analysis recognises
changing economic
weakness with
processes and
proposals for
changes. Excellent
clarity of
accurate use of
grammar and
spelling using an
academic writing
style. Presentation
standard of the
assignment is
consistent with
academic protocol.
Referencing clear,
Assignment produces
a clear and concise
analysis of the
strengths and
weaknesses of the
current budgetary
process. This analysis
recognises some of
the issues around the
changing economic
weakness with
traditional budgeting
processes Thoughts
and ideas clearly
expressed. Grammar
and spelling accurate
and fluent.
Presentation overall
of good standard with
few errors in
grammar and syntax.
Referencing relevant
and mostly accurate
using the Harvard
Assignment produces
an analysis of some
the strengths and
weaknesses of the
current budgetary
process. This analysis
recognises some of
the issues around the
changing economic
weakness with
traditional budgeting
Presentation has
limitations including
some errors in
grammar and syntax
Minor inconsistencies
and inaccuracies in
referencing using the
Harvard system
Assignment produces
an analysis of a few
the strengths and
weaknesses of the
current budgetary
process. This analysis
fails to recognise the
main issues around
the changing
weakness with
traditional budgeting
processes. Meaning
but language not
always fluent,
grammar and spelling
is often inaccurate.
Presentation is poor
in structure and
includes errors in
grammar and syntax.
Referencing present
having many
and inaccuracies
Assignment fails to
produce an analysis
of the strengths and
weaknesses of the
current budgetary
process. This analysis
fails to recognise the
main issues around
the changing
weakness with
traditional budgeting
processes. Purpose
meaning of
assignment unclear.
Language, grammar
and spelling poor.
Structure and
presentation is not of
an acceptable
standard including
faulty grammar and
syntax. Referencing
mainly inaccurate or
10 | P a g e
relevant and
accurate using the
Harvard system
Excellent Academic
Debates are
presented when
challenges and
inherent difficulties
in decision-making
process whilst
approving Capital
Referencing System
followed in a
systematic and
accurate manner
on ideal investment
techniques, post
reviewing each
considers merits c
‘time value of
money concept’ ,
cash flows to
distinctly clarify
positions on risks
versus rewards,
rate of return, to
be well supported
with empirical
evidence when
contemplating on
long term decisionmaking .
Sound Academic
Debates are
presented when
reviewing necessary
challenges and
inherent difficulties in
process whilst
approving Capital
Errors in Harvard
Referencing, along
with minor flaws
grammar and syntax
post reviewing each
investment appraisal
methods considering
‘time value of money
concept’ clarifies
positions on risks
versus rewards, rate
of return, is well
supported with
empirical evidence to
support long term
Reasonably Good
Academic Debates are
presented when
reviewing necessary
challenging and
inherent difficulties in
decision-making of
Capital Expenditure
Limited Harvard
Referencing &
recommendations are
placed post reviewing
each investment
appraisal methods to
support long term
Errors in Grammar
and syntax
The purpose of this
task does not meet
acceptable standards.
Lack of Academic
debates sighted.
exhibited with poor
language carrying
confused meaning
and no structure or
pattern followed
when discussing the
relevant investment
appraisal techniques.
Poor Grammar and
syntax errors
are not in line with
the academic thinking
to support
investment appraisal
techniques for
supporting long term
11 | P a g e
The information
placed fails to meet
desired expected
standard. Language,
structure and
presentation of
thoughts are not
fluent and is unclear.
Poor use of grammar
and syntax
12 | P a g e

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