week 8 -Energy Resource Plan Paper

As a homeowner, you have become more concerned about the energy issue facing our communities. You want to see your neighbors become more involved in energy conservation efforts, but your attempts to gain support on your own have failed. You have decided to propose an Energy Resource Plan to your HOA for approval at the next meeting. Your goal is to convince the HOA to support and endorse your Energy Resource Plan.

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Review the following Energy Resource Plan outline:



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Provide information about why conserving energy is important.


·         Renewable versus nonrenewable


o    Briefly distinguish between these types of energy.


·         Methods to conserve and help the environment


o    What may each member do, personally, to conserve energy and help the environment at the same time?

o    Provide at least three methods.


·         Government efforts


o    How may the government be involved in conservation efforts?


·         Conclusion


o    Wrap up the meeting with a brief summary of your main points.

o    Provide some motivation for conserving energy with a memorable slogan, statement, or song, for example.


Write a 350- to 700-word paper that includes all elements of the outline.

Post your paper as an attachment.

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