
During recent political campaigns, taxes and budget policy were key issues. White House budget packages are often designed to stimulate economic growth. From the library or from

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, obtain a current summary of government spending and tax legislation signed by the president.  

  • Write a brief description of the fiscal policy of the United States.
  • Would you describe it as “expansionary” or “contractionary”?
  • How can American consumers influence decision makers on fiscal policies?
  • Explain and discuss if and how this has changed over the past 5 years.
  • Post your response on the Discussion Board. Comment on other postings.



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5–10 slides
Details: As an economist, you have been asked to address a meeting of a group of international professionals to explain the differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics and to provide real-world examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation of 5–10 slides including, but not limited to the following: the main differences between microeconomics and macroeconomicsan example of each phenomenona description of a microeconomic decision you made, and the factors that contributed to your decisiona description of a specific macroeconomic phenomenon or event and how it has impacted you 

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