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 (as an initial plan) in youe words

2 pages


The ASSURE lesson plan will serve as the blueprint for the stand alone instructional unit students will create and submit at the end of this semester. The ASSURE lesson plan is much like the blueprints for building a house. the blueprints will lay the ground for the lesson or learning students would like to accomplish this semester.  All instructional materials, story-boards, videos, audio, etc. should stem from your lesson plan.

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Before you begin to write your lesson plan first 

Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell (2012): Ch. 1, 2 & 12


ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

(Note: Delete purple text before submitting your instructional plan!)

Lesson Title

Teacher’s Name


Content Area

Lesson Length (Total Time)

*Note: Table cells will expand when text is added.

Analyze Learners

For Example:

1. Number of Students

2. No. of Males/Females

3. Age Range

4. Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:

· Disabilities

· Learning Differences

· Cultural/Ethnic Notes

· Etc.

5. Current Knowledge, Prerequisites, and Notes about Learner Attitudes

6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)

· Visual

· Auditory (Aural)

· Kinesthetic (Hands On)


State Objectives

ABCDs of strong objectives are included:

A – Action

B – Behavior

C – Condition

D – Degree

Select Methods, Media, , and Materials

All methods, media, and materials needed for the lesson are listed. Give rationales why these selected methods, media and materials are appropriate for your lesson.

1. What are the methods (more than 2)?

2. What are the media (EX: flip chart, PowerPoint Slide, computer-based tools, etc.)

3. What are the materials (ex: textbook – the book title, Educational Game, WebQuest, etc.)

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

For each listed above, details of how they will be implemented into the lesson to enhance learning with using 5Ps.

1. Preview the materials: What you need to preview?

2. Prepare the materials: What things need to prepare before the lesson?

3. Prepare the environment: Where the learning takes place? How about the seating, lightening, temperature of that place?

4. Prepare the learners: How you engage students in learning during the warm-up section?

5. Provide the learning experiences: Outline the “Require Learner Participation” section.

Require Learner Participation

Includes detailed methods for actively engaging all students for the lesson’s duration.

Starting from how long you will need for this whole lesson, It might be one class session, but it might be 5 class sessions. In this period of time, how do you engage your students with the methods that you provide in the previous sections?

Evaluate & Revise

Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:

1. Student Performance

Create a rubric based on the objectives that you listed in the second part of this lesson plan as detailed as possible.

2. Media Effectiveness

How you evaluate the effective use of the media that you select for this lesson?

3. Instructor Performance

How your performance is assessed in this lesson? You can have students, co-workers, your supervisors and others to evaluate your performance. Provide detailed information.

Page 1 of 2
Last Revised: December 11, 2005

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Learning 

any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network;
preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images;
any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law:

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Learning
Learn about the uses of technology and media to ensure appropriate student learning in the 21st century.

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Framework for 21st Century Learning
PK-12 Education must keep pace
Technology and Media used for
Learning Themes
Global awareness
Life-long learning

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Instructional Technology- the integration of teacher and student use and knowledge of tools and techniques to improve student learning.
Technologies do not automatically make teachers more capable.
Benefits for teachers
Store and access information  
Meet diverse needs of students
Education is expanded beyond the walls of the classroom
Technology Gap

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853


The design and use of instructional materials are critical, because it is the interaction of the students with those materials that generates and reinforces actual learning (p.5).

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Media Formats
Instructional Materials
PowerPoint Slides

Specific Text
Specific Presentation
DVD Title
CD Title
Specific Software

The design and use of instructional materials are critical, because it is the interaction of the students with those materials that generates and reinforces actual learning (p.5).

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Teacher Use
of Technology and Media
TEACHER CENTERED INSTRUCTION- technology and media support the presentation of instruction
Should enhance and promote learning
Effectiveness depends on planning and selection

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Teacher Use
of Technology and Media
Teachers use digital tools to…
Expand and enhance teacher capabilities
Provide interactive instruction
Personal Response Systems
Mobile Tools
Participate in a global community of practice
NETS for Teachers

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Teacher Use
of Technology and Media

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Student Use
of Technology and Media
STUDENT CENTERED INSTRUCTION- the primary users are the students
What is the role of technology and media?
To teach part of or the entire instructional task
Help the teacher be a manager of learning
Technology is a seamless component of learning
Interactive tools
Interact with others
NETS for Students

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Student Use
of Technology and Media

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Today’s Literacies

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

The Classroom Continuum
Traditional to Digital
How do classrooms achieve Phase 4?
Face-to-face, Distance, or Blended

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

The Changing Role
of Media Centers
Traditional library reading
Information technology assets
Internet-connected computers
PK–12 online resources
digital books
reference materials
educational software
Classroom support materials
Expanding role of the Library Media Specialist

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Copyright Concerns
Legal rights to an original work
Protects the financial interests of the creators, producers, and distributors of original works of information and art
The Internet
Ease of illegal copying
All material is copyrighted (unless stated otherwise)
Teachers are the role models

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Copyright Concerns
Educators and the Copyright Law
Hefty Fines & Jail time
Copyright exceptions for teachers and students
Purpose and character of the use
Nature of the copyrighted work
Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
Effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work
Seek permission
Changing formats
Students with disabilities

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Professional Knowledge
How would you describe the status of the technology gap in today’s PK–12 schools?
What are the differences between technology and media?
What are the six basic categories of media and the key features of each?
What are the primary features of the eight types of literacy needed by today’s students?
How would you describe the three types of instruction (face to face, distance, and blended) as they relate to the classroom continuum?
What are the key concerns regarding copyright law for educational uses?

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Learners 

any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network;
preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images;
any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law:


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Learners
Understand the characteristics of the 21st century learner.


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853



Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Characteristics of
21st Century Learners
May not connect classroom knowledge with personal ideas
Learners Expect
Hands-on learning
The teacher to act as a coach and facilitator
To multitask
To use multiple avenues to reach expected outcomes
To use multimedia resources to gather information
To share information with others
Metacognition & Motivation


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Characteristics of
21st Century Learners


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Learning Theories
Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Learning Theories
Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Learning Theories
Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Learning Theories
Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Information and Instruction


© 2011, 2008, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of Effective Instruction


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of
Effective Technology Utilization


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of
Effective Media Utilization


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of
Effective Text Utilization
Text is everywhere
TEXT LITERACY- the ability to gather and communicate information with text
Reading and writing
Use technology and media to address development


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of
Effective Text Utilization


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Principles of
Effective Text Utilization


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Professional Knowledge
1. What are three characteristics of the 21st century learner?
2. Describe the similarities and differences in the learning theories discussed in this chapter.
3. What are the eight principles of effective instruction?
4. Describe the similarities and differences in the principles of effective technology and media utilization.
5. What is text literacy?
6. Describe the advantages and limitations of integrating text into learning.


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

for Tomorrow’s Challenges 

any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network;
preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images;
any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law:


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

for Tomorrow’s Challenges
Understand factors influencing the advancement of 21st century teaching and learning


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853



Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

The ASSURE Model and
21st Century Learning
The ASSURE model supports the National Education Technology Plan
#1 Analyze learners; helps teachers gather correct resources and prepare individual support
#2-5 Help teachers to strategically plan technology integration lessons
#6 Evaluate and revise; helps teachers assess student learning and the effectiveness of their lessons


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Teachers
Technological Competence
Information Literacy
Technology-Focused Professional Development
Professional Engagement
Improve student learning through skilled pedagogy, technical competence and information literacy


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Technology Competence
Knowing how and when to use technology to enhance student learning


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Information Literacy
Teachers should demonstrate the following
Accessing information
Verifying data
Appropriately acknowledging information sources
Following copyright regulations
Communication with students and parents
Discussion boards
Classroom website
Willingness to explore new technologies for learning


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Professional Development
ISTE, 2009
Preservice technology training aligned to inservice
Modeling of technology use by trainers and experienced teachers
Communities of practice
Professional engagement
School and district leadership
Online learning
Address NETS-T through
District or school-provided inservice vendor sessions
Workshops or webinars at educational conferences
Graduate coursework
Long-term and consistent professional development to maintain proficiency and have a positive impact on student learning


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Technology focused
Professional Development


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Technology focused
Professional Development


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

21st Century Learning Environments
The Global Classroom
Technology for Inclusion
Technology Connects Schools and Homes
Online Education
Expand into “global” classrooms that use technology for inclusion, connecting schools and homes, and offering choices of online education


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

The Global Classroom


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Technology for Inclusion
Low-income and Minority Learners
English Language Learners
Learners with Disabilities


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Connects Schools and Homes


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

The Choice of Online Education
Growth of online learning in PK-12 environments
Online resources
Online degree (FLVS)
Bridges the gap
Limited course offerings
Offered on campus to provide students with high-speed Internet computers
Use technology and media to address diverse needs and create global classrooms


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Technology Grants for 21st Century Learning
Government Grants
Organizational Grants


Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, 10e
ISBN 0132099853

Professional Knowledge
1. Describe how the ASSURE model supports 21st century learning as described in the National Education Technology Plan.
2. Discuss the characteristics of a 21st century teacher who is technologically competent, information literate, and committed to professional growth and engagement.
3. List ways that 21st century environments use technology for inclusion, to connect schools and homes, and to offer the choice of online education.
4. Describe the types of technology grants available for 21st century learning and briefly explain the basic components included when writing a grant proposal.


Ihave this week I will post it this Saturday

All the work are progressive that mean now I need 2 -3 pages and next we will add more

a) 1)Complete ASSURE Lesson Plan Module (2-3 pages)

b) Topic:

accounting to 10

c) Grade: first grade

d) Number of Students: 8

e) 2.No. of Males/Females: 4 girls and 4 boys

f) 3.Age Range: 7to8 years

g) 4.Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:

h) Disabilities

i) Learning Differences

j) Cultural/Ethnic Notes Who are the kids?

k) 1- African-American

l) 4- America

m) 2-mexico

n) 1-arabs

o) All the class speak English

2) Create index/homepage for Web quest (Web quest Module) (1p)

a) I need introduction about accounting to 10

And I need also, welcome to my Web quest

I have Google site and I need introduction describe Web quest

This as example


The ASSURE lesson plan will serve as the blueprint for the stand alone instructional unit students will create and submit at the end of this semester. The ASSURE lesson plan is much like the blueprints for building a house. In CIMT543, the blueprints will lay the ground for the lesson or learning students would like to accomplish this semester.  
All instructional materials, story-boards, videos, audio, etc. should stem from your lesson plan.

Before you begin to write your lesson plan first read,

Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell (2012): Ch. 1, 2 & 12

To keep you on the right track.

In your ASSURE lesson plan, you must write the objectives and the assessment test items which must match your learning objectives. I would recommend that you read Smadino et al. (2012). Read Pages 36-67 Smaldino et al. (2012).  You have to create all the examples of training material in each step throughout the process of development, evaluation and revision. For example if you are having your learner to demonstrate how to use blackboard for certain setting, you have to provide the quiz or step-by-step training material by writing it out as training items that you are going to test your learner. You must test each training material for final review and write the report what the result is. You can use rubric or multiple training test items. You have to show the evaluation process what you have designed and what form of evaluation you used to measure the learner’s outcomes. Make sure to report the results, including the revisions made based on the learner’s recommendations. Your final document must be flawless in order to receive full credit. Check all the 7 steps in Smaldino’s Book page 36 which describes in details the process of designing lesson plan. Keep in mind, you may have diverse learners who may need different types of learning strategies and technology.

Create a lesson plan on any topics with which you are familiar to train or teach your learner. The lesson plan has to follow the ASSURE model principles.

Here is another great example you may want to review.

SUMMER I 2013 CIMT 543

Production of Instructional


general information

Course Instructor:

Yadi Ziaeehezarjeribi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Curriculum, Instruction, & Media Technology
School of Education, Indiana State University

Instructor’s Office:

University Hall 314A

Instructor’s Office Hours

Monday-Wednesday 2:00-4:00 pm

Instructor’s Phone Number:

(812) 237-2957

Instructor’s e-mail Address:

Class Hours:


Required Textbooks

Smaldino, S., Lowther, D., & Russell, J. (2012). Instructional technology and media for learning (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 978-0138008154

Course information
Course Description: CIMT 543 involves planning, preparing, producing, and evaluating media for use in an instructional environment. This course is project based. Students will create instructional materials using various computer technologies. The course requires students to apply instructional design/educational theories.

Instructional Goals: Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

· Demonstrate proficiency with the design and production of multimedia instruction using various computer related technologies including application software, digital graphics, audio, video, and online resources.

· Apply design strategies using the ASSURE model for the lesson plan design, visual principles for the presentation, and integration of multimedia.

· Integrate current issues in media technology, to include terms, definitions, concepts, design, applications, research, and social networks into the learning environment.

· Employ professional writing and research skills according to APA formatting.

· Formulate a literature review for research purposes or

Create a grant proposal for professional development.

AECT Standards

AECT Standard 1: DESIGN

Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for learning by applying principles, theories, and research associated with instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.

Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences by applying principles, theories, and research related to print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated technologies.

Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and resources for learning by applying principles, theories, and research related to media utilization, diffusion, implementations, and policy-making.

Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to plan, organize, coordinate, and supervise instructional technology by applying principles, theories and research related to project, resource, delivery system, and information management.
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for learning by applying principles, theories, and research associated with instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.

Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to evaluate the adequacy of instruction and learning by applying principles, theories, and research related to problem analysis, criterion-referenced measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and long-range planning.

Course Expectations:

This course is performance-driven, with an emphasis on design for instructional purposes. All projects must be accomplished individually using advanced production software and graduate level writing proficiency. Expect to spend at least 14 hours per week on assignments. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and have information clarified during group discussions on topics related to assignments. Performance will be evaluated based on rubrics provided at the beginning of each activity.

This course is an introduction into a wide range of instructional strategies and interactive media, with a focus on the research, which drives the decisions which drive how and when to use each medium in which capacity. The use of technology in the classroom allows students to integrate and use various methodologies in group settings as well as individualized learning. This course will introduce students to a wide variety of technology-oriented environments and implement to your teaching-learning situations.

For the public library students, this course will enhance skills in production techniques and the design process.

This course requires additional software, which is readily available as freeware. Any production software is permitted as long as the visual principles such as sound, visual, and aesthetic quality is maintained. Most questions about assignments are generally addressed on the Discussion Board posts or the FAQ section of BlackBoard. Productive and efficient course completion is generally accomplished through the creation of a management plan at the beginning of the semester with specific times allocated to the completion of CIMT543 assignments.

The instructor may ask that projects be revised until the minimum rubric criteria are met. No late projects will be accepted regardless of technical difficulties. Please follow APA formatting for each assignment (see APA manual).

Project Guidelines

Discussion Board Posts 20 pts

Constructivist and experiential learning are important components of successful participation in this course. Online discussions include thoughtful responses to the initial assignment question, in addition to two meaningful responses to at least two other peer’s posts. The discussion board is setup to provide you an opportunity for feedback from classmates and the professor. Typically knowledge and understanding is solidified and misunderstandings are alleviated through online discussions.

Discussion Board Guidelines:

On a weekly basis, students will be responsible for posting to the Discussion Board feature through the Blackboard site. The assignment consists of one original post and at least two posts made in response to a classmate’s original post. This is your opportunity to extend the course discussions in this interactive, online format. When responding to a classmate’s post, take a stand in your discussion. Remember to be respectful in your disagreement. Your original post should be 300-3


words in length, and the response post


-250 words. Avoid conjectures, ACRONYMS, vernacular/slang, copy/ pasting from the Internet, and unsubstantiated claims.

In order to receive full points for the asynchronous discussion, one must first complete the weekly module and then post to the discussion board according to the weekly schedule. The instructor will adjust the course discussions based on online postings.
Discussion Board
threads can be accessed either through a link within the
or in the
Discussion Board
tab in

Remember to back up your comments with reference to the weekly readings and appropriately cited (APA) quotations. Here is an example of a post written according to APA guidelines.

NO late projects are accepted. All assignments, projects and communications must be through Blackboard site. DO NOT EMAIL REVISED ASSIGNMENTS.

Students are expected to be prepared by reading the assigned chapters and participate in online discussions, complete activities, and turn in assignments one time.

Always check to make sure the Discussion Board post

· answers the assignment question (s)

· includes more than 300 words

· uses quotes from the weekly reading to substantiate claims

· includes vocabulary from the textbook

· contains correct grammar, punctuation, spelling

· correctly cites or quotes other author’s contributions

· includes APA formatted references

· is written in Times New Roman and #4 on the Blackboard dropdown menu


All assignments are contained within Modules. Each Module is labeled according to the
Course Schedule
. For instance, the first assignment is labeled
Foundations of Instructional Design
located under
Course Content
All assignments links can be accessed either through the Module or through a drop box found in the
tab in
. You will notice that all information needed to complete the first assignment is contained in the
Foundations of Instructional Design
Module folder. Your success in this course is predicated upon completion of assignments as prescribed. Specific instructions for each assignment are contained in each Module. Please do not hesitate to ask questions either from each other on the Discussion Board or email me long before the assignment is due.

Assignment Checklist:

· rubric

· saved according to guidelines

· formatted correctly

· contains Reference page

· has no spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes

· follows assignment instructions

· review writing tips

· name the document correctly (check the writing tips under the course content)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Wiki

A FAQ Wiki is to support questions in class. Anytime you have a question (remember, the only silly question is the one that is not asked), please post that question (and the answers) on the FAQ Wiki. I expect the class to take charge of this content. The wiki is intended to support your success in the class.

Grading Policies

While this course is taught online, it has hard due dates for all assignments which must be submitted through Blackboard. If you miss the due date on Blackboard, the project or assignment will be awarded zero points. No late assignments will be accepted. Grades of
will only be recorded if the student is in good standing in the course (has successfully completed all assignments prior to request), contacts the professor in writing (emails accepted) at least one week before the final grades are to be posted, and has received written notification from the professor (email) that a grade of
will be awarded.

Grading Criteria: Projects will be evaluated using the following criterion:

· Attention to instructions. Each activity includes a module which includes in-depth instructions. Please read instructions several times before contacting the professor for clarification.

· Depth of treatment. Please refer to the activity rubric prior to submitting assignments to Blackboard.

· Submitted on time. No late projects will be accepted.

· Creativity/insights/original thinking.

· Writing mechanics/organization/attention to detail. Errors in spelling, subject/verb agreement, sentence structure, and “organizational flow.” Please become familiar with the current edition of the APA manual. Each project must follow APA formatting. Please pay attention to specific formatting instructions prior to each activity.

Activities: This course contains several projects and several asynchronous discussion sessions. “Live” synchronous discussion sessions are optional. This may include eLluminate, Skype, Second Life, and Google Doc/Chat.

Code of student conduct and rights of students

Academic Integrity

This is a design-based course. An integral component of the course is to adapt and link to other teaching resources. All linked and referenced resources will be cited according to APA standards.

Collaboration is at the heart of any assignment but all projects must demonstrate individual understanding. Peer feedback and support is expected from all students. Individual work is required on all project components.

For more information regarding Indiana State University Academic policies, see

Americans with Exceptionalities

Indiana State University seeks to provide effective services and accommodation for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. If a student needs an accommodation because of a documented disability, they are required to register with Disability Support Services at the beginning of the semester.

Contact the Director of Student Support Services.

Gillum Hall, Room 202A


The Links:

The Director will ensure that you receive appropriate accommodations.

Copyright refers to the legal rights to an original work. These laws set the conditions under which anyone may copy, in whole or part, original works transmittable in any medium. Without copyright laws, writers, artists, and media produces would not receive the compensation they deserve for their creations. . . for issues around fair use please refer to (Smaldino,, 2010, p.13)

For more information regarding academic integrity, see:

Feel free to take advantage of the ISU Student Writing Center

, but remember your work must be your own.

Every assignment requires extensive editing and review.

Every assignment requires extensive editing and review. Please feel free to take advantage of the ISU Student Writing Center is excellent software to review grammar, punctuation, spelling, and plagiarism.


All communications should be via Blackboard email, in case of emergency use the instructor’s ISU email The instructor will respond within 24hrs. If you have not received a response within 24 hours, please resend the email with the previous email included. In your email, make sure to add the course number, and the nature of the problem in detail.


“The faculty and staff of the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology believe in the value of recognizing the contributions of individual and group differences in areas such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and personal experience. In doing so, we recognize and affirm that promoting human diversity in teaching, learning, and daily life enhances the effectiveness of our work and that of our students.” (CIMT, 2011)

Retrieved from

Indiana State University (2011) “Learning to accept and appreciate the wealth of differences that each individual brings to our common environment increases our understanding of each other and gives us greater leverage to achieve common objectives. Indiana State University and all of us who make up the mosaic of its workforce and student body benefit from embracing diversity.

Cultivating an open, inclusive environment that values the contributions, ideas and opinions of all individuals is crucial to our joint success.”

How well do you understand diversity at Indiana State University? Take the Diversity Training at

Professionalism/Disposition (


points) 10 points will be deducted for each late submission or evidence of uncivil discussion with members of the course.


. The instructor generally expects you to turn assignments in on time and does not want to know you are having problems. A component of becoming a responsible citizen is timeliness. Because this course is delivered online and the assignments are readily available prior to all due dates, the student is expected to complete assignments without instructor support. However, if a link is not functioning properly, needed information seems to be missing, or you are struggling with a concept do not hesitate to email the instructor after you have reviewed the instructions and rubric several times.

Netiquette Guidelines

Retrieved from

General Rules

· Make your messages easier to read by writing paragraphs short and to the point.


· Messages in all lowercase letters can be difficult to read, instead, use normal capitalization.

· *Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point.

· Use the underscore symbol before and after the title of a book, (i.e., _Green Eggs and Ham_ )

· Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face to face communications your joke may be viewed as criticism. Avoid the use of IM or emoticons.

· If the email would not be appropriate in front of a judge, it should not be written.

· Never give your user ID or password to another person. System administrators that need to access your account for maintenance or to correct problems will have full privileges to your account. 

Group Communication

· Respect the fact that the class list is a closed discussion. Do not forward mail from your classmates to others without their permission. 

· In an online forum or newsgroup, debate is welcome, but be tactful in responding to others. Remember that there is a person (or a whole class) at the receiving end of your post. 

· Keep your questions and comments relevant to the focus of the discussion group.  Information intended for an individual or small group of individuals should be emailed to those people directly. 

· If you are responding to a message from someone else, briefly summarize the post. 

· When posting a question to the discussion group, request responses be directed to you personally. Post a summary or answer to your question to the group. 

· If you quote a previous post (by using the reply function for example), quote only enough to make your own point.

· Include your signature at the bottom of Email messages when communicating with people who may not know you personally or broadcasting to a dynamic group of subscribers.

· Resist the temptation to “flame” others on the list. Remember these discussions are “public” and meant for constructive exchanges. Treat others on the list with civility

· Use your Sycamore Email account. Do not subscribe using a shared office account or a friend’s account.

Individual Communication

· If you want to get in touch with only one person in the class, send a message to that individual’s e-mail address, not to the entire discussion list. 

· When replying to a message posted to a discussion group, check the address to be certain it is going to the intended location (person or group). It can be very embarrassing when one replies incorrectly and posts a personal message to the entire discussion group which was intended for an individual. 


This course requires minimum system (computer) requirements. Students are responsible for all software downloads, upgrades, updates, etc.

Blackboard Learn 9.1

Browser Requirements:

Blackboard can be accessed through any computer equipped with a java-enabled browser and a connection to the Internet*. has tested the following browsers:

Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Browsers*

Certified Browsers

Compatible Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or better
Mozzilla Firefox 3.61

Google Chrome 10 or better

Mac OS Browsers*

Certified Browsers

Compatible Browsers

Mozzilla Firefox 3.61
Apple Safari 4 or better

Google Chrome is not compatible with BlackBoard

Linux Browsers*

Certified Browsers

Compatible Browsers

Mozzilla Firefox 3.61


*a high speed connection is required for Blackboard Learn 9.1.

Java Runtime Environment

Java is required for Blackboard Learn 9.1 and can be downloaded from

Always check to make sure the latest version of Java is installed on your computer. Apple’s Mac OS10.x can ensure the latest version of Java for OSX by running the Apple Update.

Acceptable Document Files

The following document file types are considered acceptable for use in Blackboard and for submitting assignment work to the Blackboard system.

Microsoft Word: , x

Microsoft Excel: .xls, .xlsx

Microsoft PowerPoint: .ppt, .pptx

Rich Text Format: .rtf

Adobe Acrobat:

Image form: , , .gif,

(To determine the type of file you are submitting, simply right click the unopened file and select the “properties” tab)

Blackboard Questions

Blackboard Tutorials


If it is determined that a student has submitted unoriginal work, the student will receive a zero for the course. You may retrieve or repost your document if there is a question about the originality of your paper, projects, and documents. When you are suing other authors work, you must cite the name of the authors and the references in APA format. For example if you use a sentence or a paragraph from the internet and change the beginning, the middle and the end of the paragraph, it is considered Plagiarism.




Additional information on how to check the integrity of your original work.

“Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection program to which Indiana State University has paid a subscription and which has been made available through the Blackboard course management system.”(pra.1)

For more information go to this link and learn more about plagiarism.


DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This is something you hear in every class, but what exactly does it mean?

“Plainly speaking, plagiarism is putting someone else’s words or ideas in your paper, and letting the reader believe that those words or ideas are actually yours.

Some students plagiarize unintentionally because they don’t know how to recognize plagiarism or how to cite ideas and quotations properly. But whether plagiarism is done intentionally or unintentionally, the act is a serious academic offense for which a student can be expelled” (pra. 1).


Indiana State University (2011). PLAGIARISM DETECTION SOFTWARE: TURNITIN. Retrieved from

CIMT 543 Production of Instructional Materials Instructor: Yadi Ziaeehezarjeribi, Ph.D.

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Links to professional journals

Here are links to professional journals that will assist you with research and standards for your learning goals. The professional journals also contain a plethora of research to assist with various research interests.








Grade Distribution

Project Title


Blackboard Discussion

Blackboard 9.1


Week 2




Week 3

Digital Graphics/Visual Principles


Week 4

ASSURE Lesson Plan


Week 5

Multimedia Kit Video and Audio

Week 6



Discussion Total


Research Paper or Grant Proposal

Total Points for Projects


Total Points for Discussions




Total Points


Course Grade


















Video Conference with Dr. Z.


Class Activities


Discussions (peer review)

Due Dates


Due Dates

Week 1


1. Blackboard Tutorials

2. Change BlackBoard settings

3. Post to the Self-Introduction Discussion Board

4. Complete ASSURE Lesson Plan Module

5. Create index/homepage for Webquest (Webquest Module)

BlackBoard Tutorials

Smaldino et al. (2012) Chapters 3 & 12


Begin WebQuest

ASSURE lesson plan


Due 11:59 pm Sunday

DB #1 ASSURE lesson plan,

Webquest Homepage

Due 11:59 pm Sunday


Due 11:59 pm Sunday

DB #1 ASSURE lesson plan, Webquest Homepage

Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Week 2


1. Complete Assigned Modules

2. Begin to add digital graphics to the WebQuest

3. Respond to at least two class member’s Discussion Board #1 posts

4. Create first draft of PhotoStory using Visual Principles and Digital Graphics to Discussion Board #2

5. Schedule a video conference with Dr. Z if you have any concerns or questions about the assignment.


Digital Graphics

Visual Principles

PhotoStory2 Instructions

Smaldino et al. (2012) Chapters 1, 2, & 8.

Remember the ASSURE Lesson Plan serves as the foundation for the WebQuest. All multimedia and digital graphics are intended for use and must support the learning objectives in the stand-alone lesson.

DB #2 PhotoStory2 Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning

ASSURE Lesson Plan Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Video Conference with Dr. Z?

Week 3


1. Complete Assigned Module (This module will require 15-20 hrs to complete so please begin early)

2. Respond to at least two class member’s Discussion Board #2 posts

3. Post Story Board for Multimedia production to Discussion Board #3

4. Continue building WebQuest

5. Schedule a video conference with Dr. Z if needed.



Audio and Video

Smaldino et al. (2012) Chapters 4, 5, 9, 10, & 11

DB#3 Story Board

Digital Graphics PhotoStory2 Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning

Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Video Conference with Dr. Z?

Week 4


1. Continue to revise and add multimedia to WebQuest

2. Provide feedback to at least two class member’s Story Board Discussion Board #3 posts

3. Post current version (link) of WebQuest with a list of changes to Discussion Board #4

4. Schedule a video conference with Dr. Z.

DB#4 Current version of Webquest with a list of changes and the research or readings which back up the Instructional Design decisions.

Multimedia Audio & Video Production

Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Video Conference with Dr. Z.

Week 5


1. Complete Assigned Modules (Please begin this activity early. It will require at least 20 hours of attention)

2. Provide feedback for at least two class member’s updated WebQuests (Discussion Board #4)

3. Post rough draft of either the Research Paper OR Grant Proposal to the Discussion Board #5

4. Schedule a video conference with Dr. Z.


Complete either

Grant Proposal


Research Paper/Poster Presentation

Smaldino et al. (2012) Chapter 11 (pp. 292)

DB#5 Rough Draft of either Research paper or Grant Proposal. If the research paper is chosen, make sure to include the poster.

Week 6


1. Put finishing touches on WebQuest

2. Respond to at least two class member’s Discussion Board #5 posts.

3. Post to Course Feedback to Discussion Board #6

4. Schedule a video conference with Dr. Z.

DB#6 Course Feedback


Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Video Conference

with Dr. Z.

Week 7


Continue editing and revising all assignments and add to WebQuest

Grant Proposal or Research Paper/Poster

Due 11:59 pm Sunday

Video Conference with Dr. Z?

Week 8


Complete Finalize TK20 Artifact

Modules: Finalize TK 20 Instructional Unit

Final Project uploaded to TK20

Due 11:59 pm Friday

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