who ganna do my nutrient assignment today about 1 to 2 pages

Watch “Dying To Be Thin” Video

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Watch the following video online (note: there are 8 mini videos)


“Dying to be Thin” Reflection Paper

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Watch the following videos online:


(note: watch all 8 mini-videos)

Your assignment is to write a 1-2 page paper describing your reactions to the video “Dying to be thin”. Your grade will be based on the quality of your writing and the thoughtfulness of your content. There is no “right answer”; your reactions are your reactions.

Discuss what you saw regarding ideal body weight.

Did you relate to anything in the videos?

Where else do you see those attitudes?

What other attitudes exist about weight?

You should take a few notes during the video to remind yourself of key points that “pushed a button”. Here are a few video segments that I reacted to:

· Running on empty and over exercising

· The current “ideal physical beauty” at a time of rising obesity. Does this affect women more than men?

· The relationship between serotonin imbalance in individuals with eating disorders

· Society’s pressure to be thin

· Responsibility of media and fashion industry.

You might write about these or any other video segment that got you thinking.

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