who ganna do my Religious class homework?

can u do my homework it’s about visits i should go to visit service  but i couldn’t and i need help it’s an essay 2 pages about islam visit and 2 pages about christian visit u should write what u see there and tell us about the service u can look online about these things i will post what u need to complete my homework and do u best thanks

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Sacred Books of the World

Central Washington University RELS 201.002

This is a religious studies class and when we study religion through the lens of sacred books it is important to experience and/or observe the text in practice. Each of the world’s religion has a distinct style of worship, so the purpose of this assignment is to visit religious services to get a firsthand account of religion outside of the classroom.

During this visit you will need to pay close attention to your surroundings, be able to explain what happened during the service and how it felt during your time there. If you get a sense of the sacred at this service, try to describe what it was like. This report should be two pages, double spaced. Pay particular attention to the use of sacred books and how they are used in worship and ritual.

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Visiting a Christian Religious Service

1. Denomination of Faith – Which branch of Christianity (Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic or Protestant) are you exploring during this visit?

2. Architecture and Interior Organization – Where is the service taking place? Are there stained windows, banners, benches, chairs, bulletin boards, artifacts, a library, etc.?

3. Style of Worship – liturgical, order of service, bulletin, formal, informal?

4. Music – Is it classical, contemporary, or another style? Do you see a choir or instruments?

5. Sacred Texts – What translation? Which texts? Who reads the text?

6. Prayer – Is it recited, personal, or silent? Who prays at this service?

7. Form Service was Given – Was it sermon, homily, spoken word?

8. Theology – What ideas were presented?

9. Posture in Worship – Are you standing, sitting, kneeling, touching?

10. Authority – Hermeneutics, who interprets the scripture and how?

11. Intangibles – Is there a sense of the sacred?

Ashlee Godwin, revised 3/28/2013

Sacred Books of the World

Central Washington University

RELS 201.001

Visiting Religious Services

What to look for – a suggestive list

The purpose of this assignment is to experience religion as it practiced in the living context. (See textbook p.12) In order to more fully understand a religion, it is necessary to see it in action. Your assignment is to describe what you experience.

What to look for – a suggestive list

1. Style of worship – liturgical, order of service, bulletin, formal, informal

2. Music

3. Sacred Texts – what translation? what texts? who reads the text?

4. Prayer – recited, personal, silent. Who prays?

5. Sermon, homily

6. Theology – What ideas were presented?

7. Posture in worship – when standing, sitting, kneeling, touching?

10. Authority – hermeneutics (who interprets the scripture and how?)

11. Architecture and interior organization – stained windows, banners, style of seating, technology, bulletin boards, artifacts, library.

12. Intangibles – sense of the sacred.

In summary, where did the service take place? What happened during the service? How did it feel, was there as sense of the sacred?

The report on the visit should be two pages, double spaced. Pay particular attention to the use of sacred books and how they are used in worship and ritual.

David Newcomer, revised 4/03/13

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