Operational Auditing and Fraud Examination fnu Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

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1. Why is it important to proactively detect fraud?

2. What are the differences between errors and fraud?

3. What are the risks of sampling when searching for fraud?

4. What are the advantages of using data analysis software to detect fraud in a data-driven approach?

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5. What are the advantages of using statistical analysis to detect fraud?

6. What are the disadvantages of statistical analysis?

7. What is Benford’s Law?

8. List and describe the steps of the data-driven fraud-detection approach.

9. How can fraud be detected by analyzing financial statements?

10. What is the significance of unexplained changes in financial statements in detecting fraud?

11. What are some of the difficulties in trying to correlate customers, vendors, or employees with known problem people?

12. What are the benefits of using a two-stage import that utilizes a data warehouse?

13. What is ODBC? How does it compare with text file import?

14. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Soundex and n-gram methods of fuzzy matching text?

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