HR Homework. 4-5 pages. Due Wednesday.


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For this assignment, you will compose two short critical essays explaining and evaluating arguments by other authors. This assignment allows you to analyze an issue from a variety of perspectives and assess arguments for or against the issue. By focusing your attention on how the original authors use evidence and reasoning to construct and support their positions, you can recognize the value of critical thinking in public discourse.

Read the two articles “Predictive Probes”, and “New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hit—and When” from the textbook and write two separate analytical summaries. These articles can be found in the chapter titled: Deciding to accept an argument: Compare the evidence.

This assignment has two parts.

Part 1—First Article

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Write an analytical summary of the article focusing on the article’s main claims. Include the following:

Identify the three ways the author uses evidence to support assertions.

Identify the places where evidence is employed as well as how the author uses this evidence. Discuss evidence “as the reason” vs. “the support for the reason.” Also discuss evidence as dependent on the issue/context.

Analyze how the author signals this usage through elements such as word choices, transitions, or logical connections.

Part 2—Second Article

Write an analytical summary of the article focusing on the article’s main claims. Include the following:

Identify the author’s use of the three elements: experiment, correlation, and speculation to support assertions.

Analyze how the author signals the use of these elements through language. For example, word choices, transitions, or logical connections.

Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2 .

Predictive Probes (Art. 1)

by Jerry E. Bishop

Several years ago, Nancy Wexler’s mother died of Huntington’s disease, a hereditary and always-fatal affliction that strikes in midlife. Since then, Ms. Wexler, the 38-year-old president of the Hereditary Diseases Foundation in Santa Monica, Calif., has lived with the uncertainty of whether she, too, inherited the deadly gene.

That uncertainty may soon be resolved. A few months ago, scientists announced they were on the verge of completing a new test to detect the gene for Huntington’s disease (formerly called Huntington’s chorea). But deciding whether to submit herself to the test is an anguishing choice for Ms. Wexler. “If I came out lucky, taking the test would be terrific, of course,” she says. “But if I came out unlucky, well …”

Her dilemma is an extreme example of the kind thousands of Americans will face in the not-too-distant future as scientists learn how to pinpoint genes that cause or predispose a person to a future illness.

The test to detect the Huntington’s disease gene should be ready within one to two years. Researchers already have detected some of the genes that can lead to premature heart attacks and, in the near future, hope to spot those that could predispose a person to breast or colon cancer. Eventually, scientists believe they will be able to detect genes leading to diabetes, depression, schizophrenia and the premature senility called Alzheimer’s disease.

“This new technology has an extraordinary power to predict any disease where there is any kind of genetic influence,” Ms. Wexler says. “Instead of looking in a crystal ball to see your future, you’ll look in your genes.”

Doctors long have been able to crudely predict a person’s future illness. By studying disease patterns, for example, they can say that heavy cigarette smokers have 10 times the risk of developing lung cancer as nonsmokers and that middle-aged men with high blood cholesterol levels have higher-than-normal risk of heart attacks. Geneticists also look at family medical pedigrees to determine the chances of children inheriting any of the 3,000 known genetic disorders.

But such predictions are similar to casino odds. Doctors can’t predict which smokers will actually develop lung cancer, which individual will have a premature heart attack or which child actually inherited a defective gene.

Genetic probes, however, will change predictive medicine. The probes are synthetic versions of genes that cause disease. Tossed into a test tube with a small sample of a person’s own genetic material—his DNA—the probes cling to and identify their natural counterparts.

“Raft of Questions.”

Proponents of predictive medicine cite its potentially tremendous benefit in that it will allow, in some instances, people to take preventive measures to ward off certain illnesses. “But it also raises a raft of questions on almost every level—social, psychological, personal, legal and ethical,” says Ms. Wexler, a psychologist who has specialized in the problems of victims of genetic diseases. Such problems range from how and when to tell a seemingly healthy person he or she has a gene for a possibly fatal disease to whether employers, insurance companies, or even the government should know a person carries such a gene.

Nowhere are the social and ethical questions surrounding genetic probes more apparent than in the case of Huntington’s disease.

Although the disease is caused by inheritance of a mutant gene, the symptoms usually don’t show up until between ages 30 and 50. The disease is characterized by slow but steady mental deterioration that begins with moodiness and ends fatally with severe mental illness. One tragedy is that carriers of the fatal gene often don’t know their condition before having children of their own. Children whose parents are known carriers grow up haunted by the 50% probability that they, too, carry the gene.

Late last year, however, a team of scientists from several institutions reported making a breakthrough that will lead to a test for the Huntington’s disease gene. With the aid of experimental genetic probes, James F. Gusella, a doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital, and his colleagues studied the genes of 135 members of a large family in Venezuela that is plagued by Huntington’s disease. While the team didn’t find the gene itself, they did discover an unusual genetic variation that seems to accompany the mysterious gene when it is passed along. Hence, it might serve as a “marker” for the Huntington disease gene.

Dr. Gusella and Integrated Genetics, Inc., a small biotechnology company he works with, are sifting through genes of Huntington’s-disease families looking for a second genetic marker, which would make the test more than 99% accurate. They then must confirm the mutant gene as the only cause of Huntington’s disease, meaning the test probably won’t be available for a year or two.

Researchers, however, already are preparing for problems the test will create. At Indiana University, medical geneticists since 1979 have located and compiled medical and genetic information on 34,000 people from Huntington’s-disease families, including 5,000 who are still alive. Once the test is perfected, each of those 5,000 persons at risk must decide whether to take it.

“Roughly half of them say they want to know, and the other half say they don’t want to know,” says Joe E. Christian, a physician and chairman of the medical-genetics department at Indiana. “Many people said, ‘Don’t take away my last hope’ by telling them that they definitely have the gene.”

Whether the spouse or potential spouse should be told is a matter to be addressed in a program planned by Huntington’s-disease centers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Gusella says. “Nothing has been settled yet, but the consensus seems to be that the person being tested gets the information and it will be up to him whether anyone else should be told.” In any case, he adds, “there will have to be a maximum of pre-test counseling and post-test support.”

Another issue is whether employers or insurance companies paying for the test are entitled to know the results. Health-insurance data go into a central computer and are available to all insurance companies. As it is, says Ms. Wexler of the Hereditary Disease Foundation, persons at risk of Huntington’s disease can buy life insurance from only a few companies and then only at almost prohibitive rates.

Such problems won’t be unique to Huntington’s disease much longer. Probes for other diseases are certain to raise similar questions. “An executive might be passed up for promotion if it became known that he carried the gene for familial hypercholesterolemia (inherited high cholesterol) with its high risk of premature heart attacks,” says Arno Motulsky, a doctor and a geneticist at the University of Washington. “Could one blame an industrial company for such action? Do individuals who know they carry such a gene have the right to withhold such information from employers?”

Despite those thorny questions, the geneticists are hard at work. Among their targets are the genes that cause atherosclerosis, the clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits. Atherosclerosis is a slow, silent disease that can lead to heart attacks in the adult years. And recently it has become clear that the rapidity with which arteries clog is determined by defects or variations in any of at least eight genes that control the way the body uses and disposes of fats. Genetic probes will be able to detect these genetic defects and variations long before a heart attack develops.

An early demonstration of that new predictive power already is under way involving an inherited disorder called familial dysbetalipoproteinemia. Victims of the disorder, which is uncommon but not necessarily rare, have such high amounts of cholesterol and other fats in their circulation that the blood serum is actually cloudy. The consequences begin to show up in early adulthood in men and later in women when the arteries in the limbs and heart become severely clogged. Unless treated, the victims suffer heart attacks in their 20s or 30s.

Scientists now know that at least 95% of people suffering this rapid artery-clogging have two copies of a gene called the apo E-2 gene, having inherited one copy from each parent. Recently, Jan Breslow, a doctor at Rockefeller University, and some collaborators at Harvard University, where Dr. Breslow worked before joining Rockefeller, developed genetic probes that detect both normal and mutant forms of the gene. The probes now can be used to determine whether the new-found mutant genes are responsible for the disease.

Genetic probes will allow doctors to detect such atherosclerosis genes at birth by taking umbilical cord blood and looking for lesions at the DNA level, Dr. Breslow says. If the infant is found to have genes that predispose him or her to an early heart attack, “we can begin to practice true prevention,” he says. Cancer researchers have similar hopes for genetic probes. Scientists now are finding evidence supporting a theory proposed a few years ago by Alfred G. Knudsen, a doctor at Philadelphia’s Fox Chase Cancer Center. While studying a type of childhood eye cancer known to be inherited, he speculated it took two “hits,” or events, for the eye cancer to occur. The first hit would be the inheritance of a gene (or the absence of a gene, as it actually turned out) that had the potential of causing cancer. Then a second hit had to occur before the gene (or lack of a gene) turned a cell malignant and led to a tumor. The hypothesis is holding up in the case of certain childhood cancers, Dr. Knudsen says, adding, “It’s a good bet that at least some adult cancers are caused by the same mechanism.”

Researchers note, for example, that daughters of breast-cancer patients have a 10% higher risk of developing breast cancer than other women. Thus, it seems that a predisposition to breast cancer can be inherited. But only a small portion of such daughters develop breast cancer. Dr. Knudsen’s two-hit hypothesis would explain that situation. While perhaps a fourth of all women whose mothers or grandmothers had breast cancer carry a cancer-prone gene—the first hit—only a small portion actually suffer the still unidentified second hit that leads to malignancy.

If Dr. Knudsen’s hypothesis is true, then genetic probes would tell a woman if she inherited the first-hit gene. Those who did would be forewarned to have frequent breast examinations to catch the tumor in its early, curable stage.

As with breast cancer and other physical ailments, there is evidence that certain behavioral illnesses can be inherited. For example, studies indicate that a tendency to depression and manic depression can run in families. And now there is a growing suspicion that Alzheimer’s disease, the senility and loss of memory that usually strikes its victims in their late 50s or early 60s, has a genetic aspect.

If that suspicion is borne out, and if probes can uncover the predisposing genes early, the question of how such probes should be used becomes complex. One question: Could persons carrying such genes be banned from managerial or executive positions or even high political offices where their decisions affect large numbers of people?

To the University of Washington’s Dr. Motulsky, the notion of genetic screening isn’t that farfetched. “As public bodies assume a more direct role in the health system in many countries,” he said, “confidentiality may become eroded and genetic information may be used by social and health planners to assign individuals their niche in society.”3

The following article, written nine years later, provides a dramatic update of the power of genetic testing to predict when and how severely a person will become ill. We may all have the choice to learn whether we will get cancer or suffer a stroke. Would you want to know? This article contains several arguments for and against finding out, based on differing philosophical principles of what makes for a good or happy life.

New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hit—and When (Art. 2)

Amy Jo Snider, a college senior, has put her career plans and romantic life on hold until she settles a gnawing question about her genetic legacy.

During her Christmas break, the Charleston, SC, student plans to be tested for a gene that causes ataxia, a disease without a cure that destroys the brain cells governing muscle control. The disorder crippled and ultimately killed her father in middle age. Because of a recent breakthrough in genetic research, the 21-year-old Miss Snider will be able to find out whether she inherited the disease, and, if so, how soon and how hard ataxia may strike her.

“I want to be tested before I start to show symptoms,” she says unflinchingly. “I’m graduating in May, and I have to start planning my life.” As agonizing as the knowledge might be, she says the uncertainty is worse. “If I’m in limbo, it’s not fair to people around me,” she says. “I can’t deal with not knowing.”

The Hunt for Flaws.

In the immediate years ahead, millions of people will face similar dilemmas, as researchers continue to discover the flaws in human genes that cause diseases. The gene responsible for ataxia was identified earlier this year by Harry Orr at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and Huda Zoghbi at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. The researchers then made another significant discovery: The gene, known as SCA1, has a flaw, a strikingly visible mutation that is common to other inherited neurological disorders, as well as some cancers.

The mutation—which SCA1 shares with the genes that cause neurological diseases such as Fragile X, Huntington’s Disease, Kennedy’s Disease and myotonic dystrophy—consists of an abnormal repetition of three-letter segments of the genetic code, a kind of genetic “stutter.”

The ability to identify these “triplet repeats” may greatly accelerate the discovery of other genes that cause disease, and provide clues to the mechanics of inherited disease. Last week, two research teams announced that they looked for such code repeats to discover the gene that can lead to cancers of the colon, uterus, and ovary. In short order, a blood test will be able to identify the one out of every 200 people who carry that cancer gene.

Judgment Day.

Bearers of the cancer gene may be dismayed to find out they have it, but they will be in a position to get constant monitoring and early treatment, which could save their lives. For victims of an incurable genetic disease such as ataxia, testing is like judgment day. Moreover, they face a new and chilling kind of biological prophecy, because the number of triplet repeats within the SCA1 gene can be used to forecast roughly when and how severe the onslaught of ataxia may be.

The discovery of SCA1 crowned a fervent eight-year collaboration with a moment of quiet eureka.

In 1985, Dr. Zoghbi in Houston was studying ataxia in a large African-American family in Texas, while Dr. Orr in Minneapolis was tracking the disease in Midwestern clans, many of Dutch descent. In a field rife with fierce rivalries, the two researchers shucked their egos and shared their data.

The Zoghbi-Orr collaboration is a “spectacular story,” says Robert Currier, a neurologist and ataxia specialist at the University of Mississippi. “They could have hidden information from each other. They could have gone at it tooth and nail. But they shared it all the way.”

“Neither lab could move through it alone,” Dr. Orr explains. He likens their gene quest to the job of a plumber who gets a service call from “somewhere in the United States,” and then must locate the trouble spot in the right state, city, block and house. First, they mapped the area using certain DNA markers—unique segments of genetic code—narrowing their search to a part of chromosome six. They cloned great swatches of genes in yeast for further study.

In early 1993, Drs. Orr and Zoghbi divided up their target area, using probes to examine it bit by bit. Smack in the middle, they spied a peculiar gene in which three chemical building blocks of DNA—cytosine, adenine and guanine—came together to spell out “CAG” over and over again. In a comparative analysis of DNA from healthy and sick people, they found normal genes held 25 to 36 of these ‘CAG’ repeats, while mutant genes expanded, containing 43 to 81 CAG repeats—blatant typos in the biological blueprint.

“That was when we knew we had the gene,” remembers Dr. Orr. “I phoned her and said: ‘I think we’ve got it.”’

“This is the sort of thing you dream about as a scientist,” he says. “When it happens, it leaves you speechless.”

Chilling Discovery.

Their elation was tempered by the sober discovery that they could count the “CAG” repeats and predict—to within a decade or two—how soon and how hard the disease would strike. The more CAG repeats, the earlier and more severe the ataxia. While the link wasn’t perfect, Dr. Orr says, “You could certainly say whether [the ataxia] is going to be a juvenile case, a mid-adult case, or a late-adult case.”

“We were amazed by it,” says Dr. Zoghbi. “I decided to put it on a graph. When I saw what it looked like, I said, ‘Oh my goodness.’ It was chilling.”

Scientists had earlier observed links between such “triplet repeats” and time of diagnosis in Huntington’s Disease. But these earlier links were not as clearly predictive as the ones found by Drs. Orr and Zoghbi, says C. Thomas Caskey, a noted Baylor geneticist. “Their data is beautiful.”

The growing significance of triplet repeats in human genetics has helped solve a puzzle that has long stumped classical geneticists schooled in the tradition of the monk Mendel with his sweet peas. Since genes were supposed to be stable, how could inherited diseases worsen from generation to generation? One answer: mutations that grow. In the SCA1 gene, research has shown that the number of triple repeats can increase from generation to generation, triggering a worsening of the illness.

“The concept that genes can expand, causing [increasingly] severe disease, is a phenomenon that’s new to us,” says Arnold Gale, a neurologist and spokesman for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

“It’s gratifying and a bit alarming to find the five diseases pop up with this same genetic mechanism,” adds David Nelson, another Baylor geneticist. Beyond linking SCA1 with the retardation of Fragile X, the movement disorder and dementia of Huntington’s and the muscular degeneration of Kennedy’s and myotonic dystrophy—and with colon cancer—experts feel more such genes may soon be unearthed.

No Firm Numbers.

“I can’t begin to tell you how much excitement there is. Finally, after all these years, there is hope” for better diagnosis and treatment, says Donna Gruetzmacher, spokeswoman for the National Ataxia Foundation, which represents about 150,000 patients suffering from 60 types of ataxia. There are no firm figures on how many people suffer from SCA1 ataxia, which often results in complete disability and death.

“I’d like them to find the gene and remove it—cut it out, so I would be fine,” says Tereess Bastion, a 30-year-old marketing specialist in Long Beach, Calif. Ms. Bastion lost her mother and brother to ataxia, before the disorder unhinged her own sense of balance.

Her wish for a procedure to disarm the ataxia gene seems a long shot at best. The neurons targeted by ataxia are tucked away in the cerebellum and brain stem, beyond the reach of current gene-therapy tools, says Dr. Orr.

He is more optimistic about drug therapy. He and Dr. Zoghbi are genetically engineering a mouse strain to study how the SCA1 gene produces a protein that kills brain cells. If such a protein is found, researchers might design molecules to block it.

Fear of the Unknown.

Until such designer drugs are devised, the SCA1 gene test acts as a kind of biological crystal ball. Rather than waiting for loved ones to stumble and slur their speech—the first symptoms of ataxia—families at risk can be screened. But the test may simply replace fear of the unknown with fear of the known.

“A lot of people are scared to find out. Put yourself in their place,” says Jim Devlin, leader of an ataxia support group in Marina Del Rey, Calif. Wheelchair-bound and fiercely articulate, the 57-year-old Mr. Devlin forces out a painful question: “If I were your brother,” he asks, “would you want to know?”

For those without symptoms, a genetic prophecy like SCA1 resembled an evil spell from a fairy tale. “For these people the spell is cast,” says Larry Schut, a Minneapolis neurologist whose family tree was blighted by ataxia. “It may be 20 or 30 years, but they will get it.” Career, family and insurance decisions hang in the balance. “I liken it to telling someone they have an HIV-positive blood test, but no signs of AIDS,” says Dr. Schut. “We’re dealing with people who are perfectly normal … but who will become ill. You don’t know who’s going to jump off the bridge, or who will take it well.”

A Tragic End.

That’s why Dr. Currier in Mississippi approaches screening gingerly. Ten years ago, long before a precise gene test was available, he gave a gifted young guitarist a rough prognosis of ataxia, based on older tissue-typing technology. Still healthy, the youth took it stoically, then later fired a gun into his chest.

Emotional turbulence unleashed by testing can rend families. In a recently tested Pacific Coast clan, one family member who has the gene lashed out at relatives who tested negative, accusing them of collusion with researchers.

Such ruptures are “very poignant and very predictable,” says Nancy Wexler, a Huntington’s expert. “Imagine the rifts in the nuclear family. It’s explosive. People who are unaffected feel guilty. People who are affected feel enraged.”

She adds, “Pre-symptomatic screening needs to be done with extreme caution [and] extensive counseling.” Joseph Martin, a neurologist who is chancellor at the University of California at San Francisco, believes that “absent treatment, only a minority of people will want to know.”

Jane Blakely, a telephone company employee in Tacoma, WA, was one of that minority. A single woman of 45 who has spent the last dozen years caring for an elderly mother with ataxia, she says, “I wanted to know…. We had to do some [family and financial] planning.”

So when the test became available this past summer, Ms. Blakely submitted her blood sample—and got good news. “Mine was normal. I was just ecstatic,” she says. But her relief is bittersweet. “I chose not to have children. I shied away from any involvements,” she says. Had she known her genetic fate sooner, she adds, “I might have acted differently.”

A Different Choice.

Conversely, some ataxia patients now are choosing to conceive children—only to face a prenatal testing dilemma.

In Waynesboro, MS, Pam Shima, a court reporter with mild ataxia who already had two sons, became pregnant again this year. She underwent prenatal screening, but miscarried just after her fetus tested negative for the gene.

Ms. Shima now says she won’t test her sons, aged two and 1


Life abounds with risks, she reasons: “When my teenager gets behind the wheel of a car and says ‘See you after midnight,’ then I’ll be worried—more so than whether he’ll be in a wheelchair at age 4


For now, she admits, “I’m more worried about whether I’ll be around to see my youngest son play baseball.”

In Long Beach, Calif., Dawn Dizon, a 31-year-old aircraft engineer, is happily expecting her first child in February. She suffers from early ataxia, and strives to keep it in check with tremor-controlling drugs and exercise. But she didn’t undergo prenatal screening of her fetus.

“Our child has a 50–50 chance of getting it,” she concedes. But she thinks that “by the time it’s old enough to have symptoms, there will probably be a treatment.” Besides, she says, life is a gift, even when illness is part of the legacy. “I wouldn’t have wanted my parents not to have me just because I happen to have ataxia.”

Previewing one’s genetic fate strikes some as a way to rational, ordered existence, and others as a road to spiritual ruin. “I’m very sure I can deal with the knowledge,” says Ms. Snider, the Charleston college student, of her forthcoming test. “It’s not going to ruin my life. But it will change it.” Testing positive may mean forgoing having children, or giving up her dream of becoming a speech therapist. Above all, she acknowledges, it may shorten her life.

“If I know I’m going to be contracting symptoms,” she declares stoutly, “I’ll have to achieve things sooner.”

But to Wanda Cox, a Los Angeles computer specialist who was surprised by ataxia when she fell off her bike at age 40, a predictive test might have hurt more than it helped. “If you’re told you’ll be sick by age 40, you’ll look for symptoms,” she says, arguing that determinism leads to despair.

“If I knew I was going to be hit by a car next week, life would be irrevocably changed,” says Ms. Cox. “Do I want to know? Hell, no.”4,5



Concise Oxford Dictionary, Tenth Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), s.v. “evidence.”


See John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1999); Jonathan Wolff, Robert Nozick: Property, Justice, and the Minimal State (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1991) Michael Walzer, Spheres of Justice (New York: Basic Books, 1984).


Wall Street Journal (New York), September 12, 1984, p. 1, col. 1.


Wall Street Journal (New York), December 8, 1993, p. 1 col. 1.


For a more recent update on ataxia research as of 1999, go to For a general overview of science, its prospects and public perception of it, see “Does Science Matter?” in The New York Times, November 11, 2003, Section D. This section includes a spectrum of articles, ranging from how our brains work to whether we will ever find the lost continent of Atlantis.

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