Accounting Question

Q1. Explain the role of accounting information in strategic management. How does
accounting information assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational
strategies? Support your answer by providing an example of one Saudi Company in this
Note: Your answer must include a suitable example showing the role of accounting information
in strategic management of an organization.
(Chapter 1,
Week 1)
Q2. What do you mean by cost function and for what purpose does it serve for? What are
the various methods used to estimate cost functions? Explain each method with suitable
numerical examples.
(3 Marks)
(Chapter 2, Week 2)
Q4. “Job costing is a method of cost accounting used by companies to find out the cost of
specific jobs or projects.” Comment on this statement and examine how actual allocation
rates and estimated allocation rates are analyzed by the companies? Support your answer
with an example of one Saudi company that use job costing.

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