Film studies, pick a question and answer. movie PI

PI, Darren Aronofsky  (1998)

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Due: May, 17, 8am

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1. A central theme in the film suggests that to look upon the ‘face of God’ can only be done by verbalizing a string of numbers. Yet by manifesting these numbers brings about self destruction. Discuss how this ‘paradox’ is represented in the film.


2. Sol (Max’s friend/mentor) says ‘you have to take a bath’. Discuss the theme of obsession in the film, relative to this comment..


3. There are many elements in this film that make it ‘stylized’ This includes choices in Mise en Scene, that give it a ‘look.’ Discuss the visual elements in cinematography, lighting and
set design, and relate them to themes in the film.


4. Throughout the film there are examples of ‘discontinuous’ editing, such as the locks on the door. Discuss the meaning that is being conveyed with these editing structures. How does the editing ‘lend’ itself to a literal narrative interpretation? How does it suggest a formal, figurative interpretation?


5. At two specific moments in the film, an ant is seen in close up. In one, Max smashes the ant, in the other, he hesitates and lets it live. Discuss the meaning of the ant, in contrast to mathematics

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