9 pages Research Paper on Online Distance Education and how they help Adults achieve their educational and professional goals

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I have a 9 pages research paper that are due on the 2nd of November. It is a research paper, so that means you NEED TO DO RESEARCH!

For this assignment, I have attached some IMPORTANT documents to guide you on the format and what exactly the professor wants. I also included some already submitted works on this assigbnment. I submiited a proposal and outline already. So, please folloow the proposal and outline when working on this assignment.



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Research Proposal: Online Education

There is no denying the fact that online education has come to stay. As a multibillion-dollar industry, online education seems to be whetting the appetite of adults who, due to family and job commitments, tends to be utilizing the power of the internet to attend lectures, take courses, and get a degree online. As simple as this looks on the surface, there seems to be a lot of scepticism concerning the effectiveness or otherwise of online education and the learning that takes place in one’s own room with little or no supervision by a professor. While for some, education acquired online cannot land one a job, be compared to a traditional brick and mortar education, for others, online education are no different from traditional education acquired within the walls of a campus.

As a student currently studying both online and traditionally, I find this topic interesting. I believe that education, whether online or offline can have its benefits and downsides.

My focus in this research essay will be on online education and how it is helping adults to who have lost hopes of going back to college to not only earn a degree but also becoming agents of change in their societies. . I will research on what led to the sudden boom in online education and why some well-known traditional universities are offering online courses and programs. Since this is a very broad topic for a research of about 8 to 9 pages, I will tailor my research to focus on how adults are taking advantage of the technology of the twenty first century to achieve and live their dreams of becoming educated and landing the their dream jobs. The essence of this research will be to dispel the myth that online degrees are worthless. I will try to prove that online education, is helping busy moms, working fathers, and non-conventional students to go to school within the four walls of their rooms and get degrees with the same value as those who go to a brick and mortar institution. . To achieve the aim of this research essay, I will ‘’borrow’’ from the works of others without forgetting to cite my sources appropriately. Three colleges that specialize in helping adults learners achieve their dreams (Thomas Edison Sate College, Charter Oak State College, and Excelsior College) would be used as case studies. To support my claims or thesis, selected opinions of journalists, researchers, educators, and works done in the academia would be consulted. I also intend on getting some peer reviewed academic journals, newspapers, magazines, and statistics from EBSCO. To flesh up the research, I will use as my references among others, the following:

· Bidwell, Allie. “Employers, Students Remain Skeptical of Online Education – US News and World Report.” News & Rankings | Best Colleges, Best Hospitals, and more. U.S. News & World Report, 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/09/20/employers-students-remain-skeptical-of-online-education>.

· Christensen, Clayton M., and Michael B. Horn. “The rise of online education.” Washington Post 11 Oct. 2011: n. pag. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. http://articles.washingtonpost.com/keyword/online-education>.

· Simpson, Ormond. Supporting Students for Success in Online and Distance Education. 3rd ed. Routledge, 2013. Print.

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Professor Whoever

English 101

25 November 2013


Online Education: Helping Adults Achieve their Educational and professional Goals

Thesis: Although Human Resource Managers and Admissions Counselors often have concerns about the quality of online education such that they more often than not discriminate against holders of online degrees, the benefits of having a degree over none is leading most adults and working parents to pursue online education as the only avenue for them to keep their jobs, attend to family and personal matters while achieving their educational and professional goals.

I. The advent of the internet and an ongoing need for education has served as the impetus for the steadily growing of online education.

A. A study by (Ormond 46), presented in his book, reveals that ‘‘online and distance learning are the world’s fastest growing areas of educational development’’.

B. According to a study by Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen and Michael Horn, by 2019, about half of all high school courses will be taken online.

II. Numerous researches have shown that the quality of education delivered online is on the same par with if not more rigorous than education delivered in traditional bricks and mortar institution.

A. Most online education students find that online education requires more discipline and commitment.

B. Prominent institutions like Harvard University, the University of London, and University of South Africa among others have created and are delivering some of their programs online to adults and busy individuals who cannot come to campus.

C. That the Big Three (Thomas Edison State College, Charter Oak States College, and Excelsior College) are regionally accredited and are 100% devoted to online education for adults, is an indication of the quality of the education offered by these colleges.

III. There is a need to sensitize and appeal to the inner conscience of Human Resource and hiring managers to stop the discrimination against legitimate online education degree holders and enforce laws on online degree discrimination.

A. Making some traditional students take at least one or two online classes can help change the bias against online education.

B. It is possible to help adults who have lost hope of returning back to college to take advantage of the technology of the twenty first century to achieve and live their dreams of becoming educated and landing the their dream jobs.

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