8-1A For each of these five separate cases, identify the principle

8-1AFor each of these five separate cases, identify the principle of internal control that is violated.Recommend what the business should do to ensure adherence to principles of internal control.1. Heather Flatt records all incoming customer cash receipts for her employer and posts the customerpayments to their respective accounts.2. At Netco Company, Jeff and Jose alternate lunch hours. Jeff is the petty cash custodian, but ifsomeone needs petty cash when he is at lunch, Jose fills in as custodian.3. Nadine Cox posts all patient charges and payments at the P-Town Medical Clinic. Each nightNadine backs up the computerized accounting system to a tape and stores the tape in a locked fileat her desk.4. Barto Sayles prides himself on hiring quality workers who require little supervision. As officemanager, Barto gives his employees full discretion over their tasks and for years has seen no reasonto perform independent reviews of their work.5. Desi West’s manager has told her to reduce costs. Desi decides to raise the deductible on theplant’s property insurance from $5,000 to $10,000. This cuts the property insurance premium inhalf. In a related move, she decides that bonding the plant’s employees is a waste of money sincethe company has not experienced any losses due to employee theft. Desi saves the entire amountof the bonding insurance premium by dropping the bonding insurance.When responding to the cases in 8-1A, think critically about each case. Identify the principles of internal control that has been violated and provide an explanation of why you think that principle has been violated. Identify the consequences of the actions described in the cases. Make a recommendation for what the business should do to ensure adherence to principles of internal control.8-3AInoke Gallery had the following petty cash transactions in February of the current year:Feb. 2 Wrote a $300 check, cashed it, and gave the proceeds and the petty cashbox to Bo Brown,the petty cashier.5 Purchased bond paper for the copier for $10.13 that is immediately used.9 Paid $22.50 COD shipping charges on merchandise purchased for resale, terms FOBshipping point. Metro uses the perpetual system to account for merchandise inventory.12 Paid $9.95 postage to express mail a contract to a client.14 Reimbursed Alli Buck, the manager, $58 for business mileage on her car.20 Purchased stationery for $77.76 that is immediately used.23 Paid a courier $18 to deliver merchandise sold to a customer, terms FOB destination.25 Paid $15.10 COD shipping charges on merchandise purchased for resale, terms FOBshipping point.27 Paid $64 for postage expenses.28 The fund had $21.23 remaining in the petty cash box. Sorted the petty cash receipts by accountsaffected and exchanged them for a check to reimburse the fund for expenditures.The fund amount is also increased to $400.Required1. Prepare the journal entry to establish the petty cash fund.2. Prepare a petty cash payments report for February with these categories: delivery expense, mileageexpense, postage expense, merchandise inventory (for transportation-in), and office supplies expense.Sort the payments into the appropriate categories and total the expenditures in each category.3. Prepare the journal entries for part 2 to both (a) reimburse and (b) increase the fund amount.8-4AUse the spreadsheet in Appendix B to complete Problem 8-4A. Use the tabs labeled SP08-04A and Given P08-04A Given Data P08-04A: CLARK COMPANY Cash balance $26,193 Bank statement balance 28,020 Outstanding checks: No. 3031 1,380 No. 3040 (returned with July statement) 552 No. 3065 336 No. 3069 2,148 Check No. 3056 (rent pmt.): Amount entered in books 1,230 Actual amount 1,250 Clark note collection: Total collected by bank 9,000 Collection fee charged 45 Jim Shaw check: Amount of NSF check 795 NSF charge by bank 10 Bank service charge 15 Deposit not yet credited by bank 10,152 Additional information for analysis: (a) Unadjusted cash account balance $26,193 Reported unadjusted cash account balance 26,139 (b) Note collection is added to bank statement cash balance on reconciliation ($9,000 less $45 collection fee) Check figures: (1) Reconciled balance $34,308 (2) Credit Note Receivable 9,000 The following information is available to reconcile Clark Company’s book balance of cash with itsbank statement cash balance as of July 31, 2005:a. After all posting is complete on July 31, the company’s Cash account has a $26,193 debit balance,but its July bank statement shows a $28,020 cash balance.b. Check No. 3031 for $1,380 and Check No. 3040 for $552 were outstanding on the June 30 bankreconciliation. Check No. 3040 is listed with the July canceled checks, but Check No. 3031 isnot. Also, Check No. 3065 for $336 and Check No. 3069 for $2,148, both written in July, are notamong the canceled checks on the July 31 statement.c. In comparing the canceled checks on the bank statement with the entries in the accounting records,it is found that Check No. 3056 for July rent was correctly written and drawn for $1,250 but waserroneously entered in the accounting records as $1,230.d. A credit memorandum enclosed with the July bank statement indicates the bank collected $9,000cash on a noninterest-bearing note for Clark, deducted a $45 collection fee, and credited the remainderto its account. Clark had not recorded this event before receiving the statement.e. A debit memorandum for $805 lists a $795 NSF check plus a $10 NSF charge. The check hadbeen received from a customer, Jim Shaw. Clark has not yet recorded this check as NSF.f. Enclosed with the July statement is a $15 debit memorandum for bank services. It has not yetbeen recorded because no previous notification had been received.g. Clark’s July 31 daily cash receipts of $10,152 were placed in the bank’s night depository on thatdate, but do not appear on the July 31 bank statement.Required1. Prepare the bank reconciliation for this company as of July 31, 2005.2. Prepare the journal entries necessary to bring the company’s book balance of cash into conformitywith the reconciled cash balance as of July 31, 2005.Analysis Component3. Assume that the July 31, 2005, bank reconciliation for this company is prepared and some itemsare treated incorrectly. For each of the following errors, explain the effect of the error on (i) theadjusted bank statement cash balance and (ii) the adjusted cash account book balance.a. The company’s unadjusted cash account balance of $26,193 is listed on the reconciliation as$26,139.b. The bank’s collection of the $9,000 note less the $45 collection fee is added to the bank statementcash balance on the reconciliation.

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