This project has 6 phases and each phase needs to be completed every week by the end of each week. Insturctions are attached in a PDF file. This course does not have a specific textbook because the students need to search information from different sources such as Internet, manuals, and books related with the subject of their project, but you could also use a reference:Carol V. Brown et al, “Managing Information Technology.” Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012 where you can find important concepts and case studies that should help in your job.
If you can have all done by friday that would be awesome.
ManagementInformation System Practice
Orientations about the Final Project
The present project is a practice exercise where students will apply the concepts studied
in class analyzing an organization or firm, in this case the organization will be the firm
where each student works or Polytechnic University (Orlando-Miami Campuses) if the
student does not work.
Propose a new system or improve and existent system of an organization applying the
knowledge learned in the different courses of Business Administration Program.
C. V. Brown, D. W. DeHayes et al. Managing Information Technology, Seventh Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012.
Students are encouraged to add their own reading list as appropriate.
The development of the project requires the following analysis:
1. Current structure and behavioral view of the organization.
2. The structural characteristics cover a clear dividing of labor (managers and staff),
hierarchy, explicit rules and procedures, impartial judgments, technical
qualifications for positions, and maximum organizational
3. Classify what type of organizational structure is It, and it differences respect other
types of organizations similar to. Unique characteristics of this
respect to other high educational center such as organizational type,
environments, goals, power, constituencies, function, leadership, tasks,
technology, and business process. It principal strengths
and weakness.
4. Current information technology and current information systems. How these
resources are used (or not).
5. Experiences of other competitors which use information systems. How these ISs
could affect the organization.
6. Analysis of Information systems more implemented in this type of organizations
and which the team will recommend and why?
7. Develop a proposal redesigned the organization with information systems. The
role of a network and Internet in this proposal.
8. Information systems security and control.
9. Assessing the cost of the proposal.
10. Writing of the final project in MS Word. Parts of report: (Title, author and
professor, Index, Introduction, Goals, Development, Conclusion and
Recommendations, and References, Some diagrams and pictures could be
included. These must have
numbers and titles.
11. PowerPoint presentation.
The project will have six phases or cuts, which end with a report.
First phase (09/23/2013 – 09/29/2013): In this phase, the student must specify what will
be the organization or firm selected. It could be the organization where each student
works or any other selected by him. You can select a division, a department, a section of
a production process, etc.
Note: It is a six-week course, so you should analyze, design, complete, and write the final
report and PowerPoint presentation in six weeks in order to obtain the credits for this
course, so be pragmatic.
1. Describe the structure and behavioral of the selected organization.
2. The structural characteristics cover a clear dividing of labor (managers and staff),
hierarchy, explicit rules and procedures, impartial judgments, technical
qualifications for positions, and maximum organizational efficiency.
3. Classify what type of organizational structure it is, similarities and differences
with respect other organizations.
4. Identify and describe what the issue that you will solve is.
The student should write a word document with the result of his or her initial idea about
the project and submit it via Blackboard.
Deadline: Before or by 9/29/2013 at midnight.
Second phase (09/30/2013 – 10/06/2013): In this phase, each student should complete the
information related to points
1. Strengthens and weakness of the structure or organization analyzed.
2. What is the project about?
3. What is the state of art?
4. Describe in detail customer requirements, preliminary specifications, and related
technology areas competitive benchmarks.
5. Comment on the scope of effort involved in general terms.
Note: You have a great idea and you need to convince others about that.
The student will write a word document with the results of his analysis and then submit it
via BB.
Deadline: Before or by 10/06/2013 at midnight.
Third phase (10/07/2013 – 10/13/2013): In this phase, each student should complete the
information related to
1. Carefully state how you have narrowed or broadened the scope of the project
based on available time and labor resource.
2. Describe in details each module and/or stage of your proposal. You should use
diagrams or pictures to support your descriptions.
3. Be alert that your proposal should relate to actual standards and realistic
Note: You should implement and integrate techniques, knowledge, and skills obtained in
business administration areas developing your project proposal.
The student will write a word document with the results of his analysis and then submit it
via BB.
Deadline: Before or by 10/13/2013 at midnight.
Fourth phase (10/14/2013 – 10/20/2013): In this phase, each student should complete the
information related to
1. State the plan of action. What tasks you need to implement the design strategy.
2. State the schedule for each task that could be design, analysis, simulation,
implementation, and testing.
3. Define if security and control measures should be implemented.
Note: If Microsoft project is available for you, it should be used. Include a timetable
showing when each step in the expected sequence will be completed (generally, by week)
and how the tasks will be shared among the team members.
The student will write a word document with the results of his analysis and then submit it
via BB.
Deadline: Before or by 10/20/2013 at midnight.
Fifth phase (10/21/2013 – 10/27/2013): In this phase, each student should complete the
information related to
1. What benefits will provide the proposal to the organization.
2. Assessing the cost of the proposal. Itemize total labor cost for all partners, all
materials cost and cost of any item, equipment, software, and determine the grand
total for the project.
Note: Compute labor cost for each team member on the project as follows:
Assumed dream salary ($/hour) * hours = $Total
The student will write a word document with the results of his analysis and then submit it
via BB.
Deadline: Before or by 10/27/2013 at midnight.
Sixth phase (10/28/2013 – 11/03/2013): In this phase, each student should review the
orientations about the written report and the PowerPoint presentation (see the project
1. Writing of the final project in MS Word. Parts of report: (Title, author and
professor, Index, Introduction, Objectives, Development (Design Strategy, Plan of
Action, Cost Analysis, and Schedule), Conclusion and Recommendations, and
References, Some diagrams and pictures could be included. These must have
numbers and titles.
2. PowerPoint presentation.
Note: The final report will be completed combining the reports of phase 1 – 5. This
blending of must be developed with systemic approach.
The power point presentation will be a summary of the final report.
Deadline: Before or by 11/03/2013 at midnight.
Partial reports and the final report and with a PowerPoint presentation will be posted the
corresponding week.
Note: The final grade will also include the evaluation of each cut.
Report and PowerPoint presentation must be in English.
The references used should appear at the end of each partial report and the final report.
Orientations about the Final Project Report
The final project report has two parts:
I- Written Report
II- Presentation
I- Written Report is a document with a student’s proposal (in MS word). The
deadline will be on week 6 (10/03/2013) at midnight (12:00 A.M.) The
following topics should be in this report:
1) First page will contain Title Page (center justified, right-left, top-bottom)
Title: All capital letters, font size 16-20
Proposal for MGT4570 Management Information Systems Practice
Polytechnic University
Names of the student (font size 16)
Names of advisor/sponsor
You may choose to add a logo on top of the title. Use multiple spacing between various
items for a good visual effect.
1) Introduction will contain a description of the firm and its business environment
(characteristics). Why is necessary to develop the proposal? (explanation) Goal of
the proposal and a brief summary of the analysis developed.
2) Develop of the proposal will contain the following:
Current structure and behavioral view of the organization.
The structural characteristics cover a clear dividing of labor (managers and
staff), hierarchy, explicit rules and procedures, impartial judgments,
technical qualifications for positions, and maximum organizational
Classify what type of organizational structure is It, and it differences
respect other types of organizations similar to. Unique characteristics of
this organization respect to other high educational center such as
organizational type, environments, goals, power, constituencies, function,
leadership, tasks, technology, and business process. It principal strengths
and weakness.
Current information technology and current information systems. How
these resources are used (or not).
Experiences of other competitors which use information systems. How
these ISs could affect the organization.
Analysis of Information systems more implemented in this type of
organizations and which the team will recommend and why?
Develop a proposal redesigned the organization with information systems.
The role of a network and Internet in this proposal.
Information systems security and control.
Assessing the cost of the proposal. It can include design and
3) The final report will have diagrams and tables that can help to justify the
proposal. MS Excel could be used.
4) Conclusions will contain an evaluation of accomplishment of the goals and the
author’s criteria about how successful the proposal is.
5) Recommendations will contain suggestions about interesting ideas which were
mentioned in the report, but will not be developed in it, but they could be part of
future projects or improvement of the current proposal.
6) References will include bibliographic sources consulted by the team.
II- Power point Presentation deadline will be on week 6 (10/03/2013) at the
midnight (12:00 A.M.)
The PowerPoint presentation could have the following information:
1) First slide: Title of the project, author, number and name of class, professor name
and term.
2) Introduction (1-2 slides) with a brief description of the project scenario and goals.
3) Principal criteria used during the analysis.
4) Develop of
5) General diagrams
6) Current system vs. proposed system
7) Tables.
8) Costs
9) Conclusions.
10) Recommendations.
11) References.
Evaluation criteria
Students will demonstrate an understanding about Information Technology and
Information Systems as future managers who will effectively invest in and utilize new
and already in-place information technologies. Students will also demonstrate that they
are able to communicate their ideas with adequate writing and presentation skills.
MIS Skills 4 3 2 1 Score
Description of the
current structure of
the organization
Description of the
current behavioral
view of the
Classification of the
Current IT and IS
Justification of the
Comparison with
other competitors
Design of a new
Quality of tables
Quality of Diagrams
Describe in general
terms the proposal
Assessing Hardware
Assessing Software
Role of a network
and Internet
Assessing the costs
Systemic approach
Writing Skills 4 3 2 1 Score
Present objectives
and introduce the
Correct and clear
description of each
Organization and
structure of the
Use of diagram and
graph to support
Use of references
Presentation Skills 4 3 2 1 Score
Adequate use of
Explain in simple
Use technical
Justify the proposal
Note: The results obtained in this table will be transformed using the adequate scale (see
evaluation criteria).