46 Java Question

1. (TCO 1) A listener interface becomes _____ with its event source at compile time. (Points : 3)

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      [removed] buffered       [removed] defined       [removed] instantiated       [removed] registered

2. (TCO 1) The drawString () method accepts all of the following arguments except a _____. (Points : 3)

      [removed] Graphics object       [removed] horizontal coordinate       [removed] String       [removed] vertical coordinate 

3. (TCO 1) The Java 2 Runtime Environment contains all the following tools except the _____. (Points : 3)

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      [removed] Java APIs and Class Libraries       [removed] Java Applet Viewer       [removed] Java Compiler       [removed] Java Virtual Machine

4. (TCO 1) An IDE is also called a _____. (Points : 3)

      [removed] builder tool       [removed] mini-browser       [removed] scripting tool       [removed] text editor 

5. (TCO 1) In object-oriented terminology, the characteristics of an object are defined by its _____. (Points : 3)

      [removed] attributes       [removed] class       [removed] instance       [removed] methods 

6. (TCO 1) Typing a(n) _____ after the package name in an import statement tells the program to load all the classes within a package. (Points : 3)

      [removed] asterisk       [removed] comma       [removed] forward slash       [removed] semicolon 

7. (TCO 3) Programmers use the _____ class to format decimal numbers into Strings for output. (Points : 3)

      [removed] Float       [removed] DecimalFormat       [removed] DecimalFormatSymbols       [removed] Format 

8. (TCO 3) A(n) _____ operator is used to connect two conditional expressions. (Points : 3)

      [removed] arithmetic       [removed] equality       [removed] logical       [removed] relational 

9. (TCO 1) _____ is a package that provides classes to support system input and output. (Points : 3)

      [removed] java.lang       [removed] java.io       [removed] java.util       [removed] javax.swing 

10. (TCO 1) Which of the following is an equality operator? (Points : 3)

      [removed] !=       [removed] =       [removed] >=       [removed] +=

11. (TCO 1) Which of the following is not a method in the Math class? (Points : 3)

      [removed] abs()       [removed] exp()       [removed] random()       [removed] sqrt()       [removed] All are valid methods of the Math class. 

12. (TCO 1) The _____ is used to store any truncated remainder value from integer division. (Points : 3)

      [removed] cast       [removed] integer division       [removed] modulus       [removed] precedence operator 

13. (TCO 4) The index of the array starts at _____ and can only be of type _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] 1, int       [removed] 1, double       [removed] 0, double       [removed] 0, int

14. (TCO 4) Which of the following statements about creating arrays and initializing their elements is false? (Points : 4)

      [removed] The new keyword should be used to create an array.       [removed] When an array is created, the number of elements must be placed in square brackets following the type of element being stored.       [removed] The elements of an array of integers have a value of null before they are initialized.       [removed] A for loop is an excellent way to set the values of the elements of an array. 

15. (TCO 4) The index number assigned to elements of an array is also called a _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] counter       [removed] member       [removed] register       [removed] subscript 

16. (TCO 4) How many lines of output will the following loop produce? for (inti=1; i<=4; i++) { for (int j=1; j<=3; j++) System.out.println(i + “ - “ + j); } (Points : 4)

      [removed] 4       [removed] 3       [removed] 7       [removed] 12


1. (TCO 6) All of the following are AWT components except _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] Choice       [removed] JOptionPane       [removed] Panel       [removed] TextArea 

2. (TCO 6) A(n) _____ is the term used to specify a class that instantiates other classes and calls appropriate methods. (Points : 4)

      [removed] driver class       [removed] external class       [removed] instance class       [removed] superclass 

3. (TCO 6) The _____ of an object refers to the various properties of the object, whose values might change. (Points : 4)

      [removed] behavior       [removed] identity       [removed] instance       [removed] state 

4. (TCO 6) The immediate superclass of a TextArea component is _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] TextContainer       [removed] Text       [removed] TextComponent       [removed] TextField 

5. (TCO 2) The _____ of an object refers to the various properties of the object, whose values might change. (Points : 4)      [removed] behavior       [removed] identity       [removed] instance       [removed] state 
6. (TCO 2) The first parameter in the for statement is a(n) _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] assignment statement       [removed] conditional statement       [removed] decrement operator       [removed] increment operator 

7. (TCO 2) Which of the following statements creates a two-dimensional array with 4 rows and 3 columns? (Points : 4)

      [removed] int[][] myTable = new int[4][3];       [removed] intmyTable[] = new int[3][4];       [removed] int[][] myTable = new int[3][4];       [removed] int[] myTable = new int[4][3]; 

8. (TCO 2) A loop that executes a specific number of times is called a _____ loop. (Points : 4)

      [removed] counter-controlled       [removed] bottom test       [removed] top test       [removed] sentinel-controlled

9. (TCO 5) A(n) _____ database maintains data in tables, allowing relationships between the tables to be specified, normally controlled by a DBMS. (Points : 4)

      [removed] relational       [removed] object-oriented       [removed] static       [removed] None of the above

10. (TCO 5) In a database, you use _____ to store data. (Points : 4)

      [removed] arrays       [removed] structures       [removed] classes       [removed] tables

11. (TCO 5) The following are types of SQL statements, except (Points : 4)

      [removed] drop.       [removed] create.       [removed] build.       [removed] select. 

12. (TCO 5) What do you have to do when you need to return a set of data results from a table based on a set of parameters? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Run a query       [removed] Run an update query       [removed] Run the program       [removed] Set up a result set 

13. (TCO 5) Manipulating data in a database efficiently and establish relationships between tables, it is necessary to establish a(n) _____ per table. (Points : 4)

      [removed] sequence       [removed] association       [removed] relation       [removed] index 

14. (TCO 5) A table constraint _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] restricts the field value with respect to all other values in the table       [removed] is used to specify the allowable value of data in a column, such as a data range       [removed] limits the value placed in a specific column       [removed] identifies the primary or foreign key 

15. (TCO 5) _____ is an association between fields. (Points : 4)

      [removed] Cardinality       [removed] Normalization       [removed] Association       [removed] Relationship 

16. (TCO 6) The createContentPane() method accepts no arguments, but it returns a _____ object. (Points : 4)

      [removed] ContentPane       [removed] Panel       [removed] Frame       [removed] Container

17. (TCO 6) When a mnemonic key is assigned to a letter in the command’s keyword, pressing _____ will trigger the menu command. (Points : 4)

      [removed] ALT+the letter       [removed] the letter       [removed] CTRL+the letter       [removed] SHIFT+the letter 

18. (TCO 6) The setBold() and setFontSize() methods belong to the _____ class. (Points : 4)

      [removed] Attribute       [removed] AttributeSet       [removed] Style       [removed] StyleConstants 

19. (TCO 6) Which sort method repeatedly searches an array for its lowest-value (unsorted) element? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Bubblesort       [removed] Insertion sort       [removed] Merge sort       [removed] Selection sort 

20. (TCO 7) The _____ network system contains application logic that typically is tied to the client. (Points : 4)

      [removed] two-tier       [removed] three-tier       [removed] four-tier       [removed] multi-tier 

21. (TCO 7) What does the first argument to the FlowLayoutconstructor specify? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Vertical placement       [removed] Horizontal placement       [removed] Alignment       [removed] Background color 

22. (TCO 7) _____ files are archive files that are created with a Java archive tool. (Points : 4)

      [removed] CPIO       [removed] JAR       [removed] TAR       [removed] ZIP 

23. (TCO 7) Which of the following statements will construct a stream to write data to a file? Assume that “output” has been declared previously as a DataOutputStream object. (Points : 4)

      [removed] output = new DataOutputStream(Filename);       [removed] output = new DataOutputStream();       [removed] output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(Filename));       [removed] output = DataOutputStream(FileOutputStream(Filename)); 

24. (TCO 6) Why when building an object is it important to make it as flexible as possible? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Because it is important for other objects       [removed] Because other, future applications may use it       [removed] Because methods need to be public       [removed] Because classes need to use it

25. (TCO 6) The _____ class is not a descendant of the Collection class. (Points : 4)

      [removed] ArrayList       [removed] LinkedList       [removed] HashMap       [removed] SortedSet 

26. (TCO 6) Which of the following is true of an object s public interface? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Changing an object s public interface will not affect existing programs.       [removed] The implementation of a public method can be changed without changing the public interface.       [removed] The public interface of an object consists of the method header and body.       [removed] Object methods should be placed in an object s public interface, if possible. 

27. (TCO 6) The add() method of the ArrayList class has a(n) _____ return type. (Points : 4)

      [removed] boolean       [removed] int       [removed] Object       [removed] void 

28. (TCO 6) The access qualifier, _____, is used to indicate variables or methods associated with the class rather than an instance. (Points : 4)

      [removed] final       [removed] private       [removed] public       [removed] static 

29. (TCO 6) Which of the following is not typically a characteristic of a password? (Points : 4)

      [removed] Requires a combination of characters and numbers       [removed] Has an expiration time       [removed] Is encrypted       [removed] Allows immediate reuse of the same password after another one is discarded 

30. (TCO 6) A method signature consists of _____. (Points : 4)

      [removed] the method name       [removed] the formal parameters       [removed] the return type, method name, and formal parameters       [removed] the method name and formal parameters 


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