4 pages due Friday evening pst

2 pages technical writing and 2 pages responses on different word documents 

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Document 1

Instructions: Write at least 500 words and Include at least 2 APA-cited references. Cite information and add a body of knowledge and relevance.
Why has risk modeling become pervasive in the security management professions?  Why do you believe that MSRAM has become a favored Risk Management tool?  Support your answer with the readings.
Number of Pages: 2 Pages
Number of Slides : No slides needed
Deadline: 3 days
Academic Level: College
Paper Format: APA

Document 2

Instructions: 1) Responded to message below. Should be at minimum of 250 words include direct discussion of the main points, answers, and question.  Include at least 2 APA-cited references.  Cite information and adding a body of knowledge and relevance.
Risk modeling is prevalent in the security management profession due to the fact that it gives professional guidance and adaptability.  Utilizing a risk model help the owner know where business assets are and what needs to be considered and done to protect them from attack.  It also help to figure out consequences if assets are exploited and what needs to be done to restore business continuity. It also gives opportunity for testing of policies and procedures and allows management to see real time errors and approve modifications.
The MSRAM was designed after the 2001 attacks on us citizens, with a focus on the critical infrastructures, Ports and Waterways. With so many different Risk Management tools it truly is difficult to pick the right tool for the job.  But like stated below the MSRAM has been approved by the DHS and incorporates much from the DHS but also gives more detail which can and will help keep those who use this tool more informed of what they are doing.  MSRAM generally aligns with DHS risk assessment criteria, but additional documentation on key aspects of the model could benefit users of the results. MSRAM generally meets DHS criteria for being complete, reproducible, documented, and defensible. Further, the Coast Guard has taken actions to improve the quality of MSRAM data and to make them more complete and reproducible, including providing training and tools for staff entering data into the model. (2011)
MSRAM methodology is a Microsoft Access application in two versions. The field-level version supports data collection, analysis, and “what if” analysis. The HQ version supports analysis and “what if” analysis of combined data at the classified level. The USCG MSRAM Model is supported with geographic risk displays at the local and HQ’s levels.(2017)
2) Responded to message below. Should be at minimum of 250 words include direct discussion of the main points, answers, and question.  Include at least 2 APA-cited references.  Cite information and adding a body of knowledge and relevance.
            Risk modeling has become pervasive in the security management professions especially because of the lack of accurate data it presents. One of the major responses within studies performed was that the death tolls of certain terrorist attacks are not accurate because it may be showing information for areas that are more of a war zone for our country. In assessing the threats in using risk management there are several other factors that need to be considered outside of just the fatalities. If the risk management team focuses only on the fatalities, the threats being assessed will not have accurate information. According to the article, What Statistics Don’t Tell Us About Terrorism, it states “Numbers tell you about the plots that succeeded, but to gauge the threat, we also need a sense of jihadists’ ambition” (Benjamin, 2008). Further this article reinforces the idea that plots that are successful do not accurately depict the statistics that should be included in a risk management model. In order for us to have successful risk management tools we must focus on the whole situation.
            Security management professionals rely on mostly statistics to complete risk assessments of specific areas. As seen with this article, statistics are unreliable and should not be the only factor considered with risk management. However, it is important to view the whole picture in using risk management tools. Security management professionals will continue to use these risk modeling tools despite the lack of effectiveness because they feel it is the best decision.
            The MSRAM is a favored risk management tool because of its prior to defend our country especially from acts of terrorism. The MSRAM is “a risk-based decision support tool designed to help the Coast Guard assess and manage maritime security risks throughout the Coast Guard’s area of responsibility” (GAO, 2011, p. 9). The reason that this risk management tool is so necessary is to protect our nation’s waters. The economic interests of our country rely heavily on our ability to trade between countries without having any security issues. If for some reason one part of the maritime security falls apart, it would cost our country a lot of money in the future. If shipping ports are closed for a long period of time, there is more loss to our country. The Coast Guard uses the MSRAM in an effort to ensure that all critical infrastructure is protected. Identifying the vulnerabilities and potential security risks within our maritime security will provide us with a stronger country overall. The MSRAM is used to capture security risks that are being faced by different targets in different geographic locations. This assessment tool allows risk management officials to assess the risks associated with a terrorist attack based on different scenarios. Risk management officials use a target/attack mode to process these types of scenarios.
            Terrorists rely on the vulnerabilities within our critical infrastructure to ensure their attack has the greatest impact on the greatest amount of people. By using the MSRAM, the results that are provided to the risk management teams identify the risk of a target and the amount of risk mitigated by Coast Guard security efforts. Prior to this risk assessment tool, there was a greater risk to our maritime security. The amount of area that the Coast Guard is responsible for protecting is expansive and by using this tool, there is a possibility to reduce terrorists’ threats.
Number of Pages: 2 Pages
Number of Slides : No slides needed
Deadline: 2 days
Academic Level: College
Paper Format: APA

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