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Where I’m From Part 2

Currently, I’m 24 years of age, and it seems time is going too fast. It’s only some time that has passed since I managed to become a full US citizen. I can remember all my life experiences which means that I’m not that old considering the fresh memory that I still pose. I could look older than this age maybe 30 to 35 years, but I’m far much younger for such an age bracket. In my self-essay, I gave a narration on the kind of life that I passed through while I was younger, i.e., back in Turkey. I could attribute the kind of hardship that I went through to be the cause of my elderly look. I assure you that if it were not for my immigration to the United States, I would be even looking elderly than the 35 years I’m talking.

Moving to America was one of the best opportunities that ever came through in my life. I knew for sure that this was the beginning of good things to come in my life and that of my family. This opportunity presented me with the chance of making my dream career become a reality. I had for long envied my relatives doing good jobs in the engineering field. I therefore also developed the passion of one day being an architect. God is great! I would say because after 11 years I can testify that I’m what I once wished to be. I’m almost done with schooling, and soon I will be a qualified and licensed architect. I see myself very different from whom I was a decade or so ago because I now have the capability of practicing this profession to earn a living and make the life of my family members better.

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I’m working on ways to practicing my career profession as a full-time occupation and to manage this; I’m developing more my skills and knowledge in architect by taking practical training regarding internship programmes. I have now worked in four architect and engineering companies within Boston and Turkey as an intern in designing small and medium projects. So far I would say these practical opportunities have made me grow in this profession and I can’t wait to get my first job as an engineer. I have moved back to Turkey to be with my family during the December holidays, and I have decided to take a break from my major works in engineering. I’m only doing my part-time job as an uber driver during some night hours and also helping out my father to operate his tailoring shop that he opened at Back Bay.

My status in the society has now changed somehow due to the educational levels have so far attained. I’m almost being an undergraduate and I tell you back in the upcountry, such people are considered to be having great capabilities and are always relied upon regarding driving some of the social agenda. I grew up in this place until I became of a mature age where I could understand most aspects of life. I know what the society expects of me in the sense of giving back to them. This makes me have the dream of bringing change in my community, and as I continue to grow and develop in my career profession, I’m also preparing to be able to take up this challenge when called. This will portray the kind of love I was talking about, as one of my life principles.

All these achievements did not come abruptly, but they started from a given point, back in my home country, Turkey. I grew up a dedicated individual who was always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, having a hope to succeed in life. This was despite the environmental conditions that I was brought. My father was not employed and was just a mere businessman. My mother, on the other hand, was a housewife. With this situation, it’s evident that the family’s income was extremely below average and could only cater for the most basic needs, i.e., a shelter, food, and clothing. If we would go a step further and acquire other necessities such as education and healthcare, then we would be burdening the family’s budget. This would happen however much these services were being subsidized by the government, as in the long run, we would still need to incur some costs such as transport expenses.

So my father had to take chances, and he decided to make a decision that we never knew would benefit us in future. He had foreseen the benefits that would come from if he educates his children and ensures that we live a healthy life. He worked so hard to ensure that we make ends meet and surely on most occasions, we managed to make it through the toughest points in life. So we grew in such an environment, and this experience always pushes me to work hard in life to change the situation. Just from the point that I was growing up. I always had the desire to change this environment in future. So when I got the opportunity to go and study in the US, I took this as my bridge to success and my family’s turnaround from the hard life they had been living.

My history, therefore, plays a big role to describe who I’m as a person. I’m one who is eager to change the situation of my family and my society back in the upcountry. My descriptions give a hint of my likes and dislike with some of my likes being to succeed, to change living situations of individuals and the society at large, to make peace with people and always to love. On the other hand, I dislike to fail when presented with opportunities; I dislike to do nothing to change a situation when I have the capabilities to do so and finally, I also dislike taking advantage of the minority in a communal setup. I grew up in a community which embraced unity in all aspects. This situation never gave room for the existence of any form of discrimination. The developer environment in the US also embraces diversity in existence and therefore, wherever I am, I believe that my gender will not affect my identity as a person, my race, religion or even my socio-economic-status. Nowadays individuals of all gender study and practice any profession and I get the opportunity to live comfortably back in my home country or the United States.

The coursework has majorly helped me to know how to express myself and also how to speak about myself. All these apply communication, and for proper communication to be ensured, there must be sincerity in delivering information. How one delivers, information also matters a lot as it will assure the individual of the correct interpretation of this information by the audience. When one speaks about himself or herself, he would be able to describe what he or she is. This can act a basis for making decisions in life, for example, in my self-essay, I talked about the environment that I grew. When I go through this information, I feel proud of the achievements that I have made since I see a possibility of change in future. I also feel encouraged always to work hard to bring a difference in my life, my family and the society at large. Therefore, this coursework also acted as a source of life encouragements where one would identify where he or she has come from, where he or she is, where he or she is heading to, how to set goals in life and what to do to attain these goals.

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