1. A haiku is __________. (Points : 3)
a rhyming poem with 14 lines that can either be written in English or Italian forms
a poem with five lines that has a specific rhyme scheme and is often humorous
a non-rhyming, 17-syllable poem generally divided into three lines and dealing with nature
a type of poem that tells a story and often focuses on heroic characters from the past

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2. The poem “The Pasture” by Robert Frost depicts nature as __________. (Points : 3)

3. In Christina Rossetti’s “A Wintry Sonnet,” speakers include the moon and the ocean. Of which literary technique are such speakers an example? (Points : 3)

4. What event does the speaker narrate in “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”? (Points : 3)
A cloud floats above the colorful English countryside.
A gardener plants daffodils that grow into beautiful blooms.
A speaker recalls a field of sunny daffodils and the joy he felt upon seeing them.
A speaker remembers the gloomy colors of trees in fall.

5. What is the theme of “To Everything There Is a Season”? (Points : 3)
There is no way to know which way the wind will blow.
The world is full of pain and people must accept that fact.
In life, there is a time and a place for all things.
Every season is unique and beautiful in its own way.

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6. Which season does Emily Dickinson’s poem “The Morns Are Meeker Than They Were” describe? (Points : 3)

7. Which of the following lines is an example of alliteration? (Points : 3)
“A wild, white welter of winnowing wings”
“I wandered lonely as a cloud”
“Dreaming of honeycombs to share”
“But each wild breast stiffened”

8. In the exposition of a short story, __________. (Points : 3)
the action reaches its highest point
the characters and setting are introduced
the events that set the plot in motion occur
the story’s main conflict is resolved

9. The point of highest action or the turning point of a short story is called its __________. (Points : 3)
rising action
falling action

10. To imitate the way real people sound when they talk, writers can create dialogue that uses __________. (Points : 3)
sound effects

11. Which point of view would an author use to make it easiest for readers to identify with the narrator and his or her feelings? (Points : 3)
third-person point of view
second-person point of view
first-person point of view
none of the above

12. When spring arrives in Christina Rossetti’s “A Wintry Sonnet,” the poem’s mood changes to one of __________. (Points : 3)
frantic anxiety
contented peace
joyful activity
solemn restfulness

13. In “Thank You, M’am,” the blue suede shoes are symbols of __________. (Points : 3)
what Mrs. Jones teaches Roger
what Roger wants but cannot have
memories of Mrs. Jones’s youth
Roger’s innocence

14. In their brief time together, Mrs. Jones imparts all of these lessons to Roger except __________. (Points : 3)
to be proud of oneself
to deal with others with respect
to be wary of strangers
to accept responsibility for one’s actions

15. Of what is the narrator’s family in “The Circuit” a good example? (Points : 3)
the importance of cooperation
the necessity of wealth
the advantages of traveling
the value of education

16. At the beginning of “The Bracelet,” Ruri tells the reader that after her house has been packed up it feels like “a gift box after the nice thing inside was gone; just a lot of nothingness.” The author uses this image to communicate the story’s __________. (Points : 3)

17. What is the climax of “The Circuit”? (Points : 3)
The narrator and his brother work in the field with their father.
The family works together to pack their belongings into the car.
The narrator’s teacher offers to teach him to play the trumpet.
The narrator feels nervous and alone on the school bus.

18. Which of the following best explains the different ways in which fact and historical fiction are used in a story? (Points : 3)
While facts do not tell about people, historical fiction often tells about the lives of famous people.
While facts do not pertain to history, historical fiction is based on historical events.
While facts can be proven, historical fiction includes imagined details to add dramatic interest.
While facts usually tell about discoveries, historical fiction often includes details about the weather and setting.

19. Why does the author include the conversation between the two boys and Michael Faraday at the end of “Michael Faraday’s World”? (Points : 3)
The conversation actually happened in real life.
The conversation shows how Faraday valued asking questions.
The conversation led to one of the boys growing up to invent the light bulb.
The conversation demonstrated how wealthy Faraday had become.

20. The author of “Enrico Fermi: The ‘Italian Navigator’” says Fermi was like a ship captain. The author makes this comparison to help readers understand that Fermi __________. (Points : 3)
recorded his progress while crossing treacherous territory
was often “lost at sea” while working on experiments
built a lab aboard a ship
commanded a crew of unruly lab assistants

21. How were Enrico Fermi and Marie Curie similar? (Points : 3)
They were both living in France when they conducted their work.
They were both married to scientists, with whom they worked closely.
They were both extremely dedicated to their work.
They were both afraid of failure and the opinions of others.

22. The story says that Daniel Hale Williams “reassured the patient with his calm, dignified manner.” From this information, what can you conclude? (Points : 3)
The patient was very anxious and nervous.
Williams was very proud and annoyed.
The rest of the staff was inefficient and foolish.
Williams knew the man would not die.

23. Daniel Hale Williams established Provident Hospital because __________. (Points : 3)
he had lost his job at another hospital
he was eager to establish his reputation there
he wanted to work in a place that offered medical care to all people
he refused to work with African American patients

24. What important lesson does Ruri learn from her mother in “The Bracelet”? (Points : 3)
to hang on to the things that remind her of home
to tend the garden diligently
to beware of all governments
to treasure memories rather than material goods

25. What happens during the falling action of “The Circuit”? (Points : 3)
The narrator rides the bus to school feeling quite nervous.
The narrator returns home, excited, only to find that his family is moving again.
The narrator meets with his teacher and has the opportunity to learn to play the trumpet.
The narrator and his brother work hard in the fields to help support their family.

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