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Business behavioral competencies in the SHRM resource, which includes three competencies:

  1. Business Acumen
  2. Consultation
  3. Analytical Aptitude


Conduct a self-reflection and analysis by responding to each of these questions:

  • Strengths: What are your areas of strength in the business behavioral competencies listed in the prompt? How did you determine that your competencies in this area are strengths? Support your response using examples.
  • Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness in the business behavioral competencies listed in the prompt? How did you determine that your competencies in this area are weaknesses? Support your response using examples.
  • Strategies: What are your strategies for developing your business behavioral competencies? Support your response using examples and information from your research.

 Support your analysis with evidence from the self-assessment and your own personal experiences .

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Submission, 2 paragraphs, APA

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