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Omotosho Folorunsho Segun
Kwara State University
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Healthcare data breaches: Biometric technology to the rescue
Omotosho Folorunsho Segun1, Fadiora Babatunde Olawale2
1,2 Computer Studies Department , Faculty of Science, The Polytechnic, Ibadan
Oyo State, Nigeria.
———————————————————————***——————————————————————–1.1 Electronic Medical Records
Abstract – Patient identification is the foundation of
effective healthcare: the correct care needs to be delivered to
the correct patient. However, relying on manual identification
processes such as demographic searches and social security
numbers often results in patient misidentification hence, the
needs for electronic medical records (EMR). . It was discovered
that many medical systems switching to electronic health
records in order to explore the advantages of electronic
medical records (EMR) creates new problems – by producing
more targets for medical data to be hacked. Hackers are
believed to have gained access to up to 80 million records that
contained Social Security numbers, birthdays, postal
addresses, and e-mail addresses.
A medical record can span hundreds of pages
consisting of text, graphs, and images. It contains information
such as treatments received, medical history, life style details,
family medical history, medications prescribed, and
numerous other items pertinent to an individual’s health. In
the interests of the integrity of the health care industry and
good patient care, it is recommended that these records
should be retained for as long as possible. For these factors
alone, it is obvious that the move toward electronic data
capture will greatly assist in the storage and management of
patient record [4] s. Although this change is long overdue, the
healthcare industry has only recently begun to convert their
paper records to electronic form using electronic medical
record (EMR) systems [3, 4].
This work addresses this problem by exploring the security and
privacy issues in healthcare sectors, and offers a
comprehensive integration of biometrics technology
applications in addressing the security challenges. Biometrics
technology application in the health care industry refers to
staff authentication and patient identification solutions.
Usually, biometric is used to secure access to sensitive patient
records and to assist with patient registration requirements.
This includes biometric applications in doctors’ offices,
hospitals, monitoring patients, access control, workforce
management or patient record storage.
1.2 Description of Biometric Technology
Biometric identification technology provides
automated methods to identify a person based on physical
characteristics – such as fingerprints, hand shape, the eyes
and face – as well as behavioral characteristics – including
signatures and voice patterns as seen in figure 1. A
biometric identification device is capable of measuring
individual biometric information, comparing the resulting
measurement with one or more stored biometric reference
templates, deciding whether they match sufficiently to
indicate that they represent the same person, and indicating
whether or not a recognition or verification of identity has
been achieved [10,11].
The paper concludes that biometrics technology offers
considerable opportunities to justify its application in
Healthcare due to its ability to provide operational efficiencies
that reduces costs, fraud, medical errors and increases patient
satisfaction through reliable security solutions.
Key Words: Biometric, Identification, Authentication,
Healthcare, Patients, Security.
One of the primary concerns with maintaining data integrity
is implementing a consistent approach across the healthcare
industry. Information is needed to match patients with their
data. Both physicians and patients have to trust and rely that
their data is complete, current, accurate, and secure. With
the healthcare industry optimism to rely on electronic health
records, there is great concern about how digitizing health
records will create massive efficiencies and significantly
increase the quality of patient care [1]. As more and more
hospitals and healthcare systems migrate to computerized
physician order entry and electronic health records, and
more health information exchanges are built to coordinate
care across networks, many are raising concerns about how
to effectively manage data integrity to ensure it is kept free
from corruption, modification, or unauthorized access [3].
© 2017, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 6.171
Figure1: Examples of body traits that can be used for
biometric recognition. Anatomical traits include face,
fingerprint, iris, palm print, hand geometry, and ear shape;
while gait, signature, and keystroke dynamics are some of
the behavioral characteristics. Voice can be considered as
behavioral characteristic. (Adapted from Anil K Jain,)
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 946
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
It was discovered that many medical systems switching to
electronic health records in order to explore the advantages
of paperless exacerbates existing problems like duplicate
and overlays. The mass rush to electronic medical records
(EMR) creates new problems – by producing more targets for
medical data to be hacked. Hackers are believed to have
gained access to up to 80 million records that contained
Social Security numbers, birthdays, postal addresses, and email addresses [6,7].
This work addresses this problem by exploring the security
and privacy issues in health care sectors, and offers a
comprehensive integration of biometrics technology
applications in addressing the security challenges.
Section II provides a critical analysis of related work while
Section III gives detailed explanation of various biometric
traits integration. Evaluation and ease of its use is discussed
in Section IV with Section V concludes the paper by
summarizing our contribution.
Figure 2A: A Generic Biometric System
Verification: Figure 2B illustrates the biometric verification
process. The biometric sample is again captured. The unique
features are extracted from the biometric sample to create
the user’s “live” biometric template. This new template is
then compared with the template(s) previously stored in the
system database and a numeric matching (similarity)
score(s) is generated based on a determination of the
common elements between the two templates. System
designers determine the threshold value for this verification
score based upon the security and convenience requirements
of the system [6].
The ultimate solution to maintaining end-to-end data
integrity healthcare industries doesn’t originate from one
company but a collective and cost-effective effort from all
healthcare providers across the industry.
With the healthcare industry aiming at total
implementation of electronic health records, there is rampant
optimism about how digitizing health records will not be
breach. As more and more hospitals and healthcare systems
migrate to computerized physician order entry and electronic
health records, and more health information exchanges are
built to coordinate care across networks, there is a great need
to effectively manage data integrity to ensure it is kept free
from corruption, modification, or unauthorized access [5].
Health information exchange data integrity and quality care
originates with accurate patient identification [5]. There is
simply no other step in patient care that is more important
within the modern healthcare construct than precise patient
identification to ensure that not only is the right care
delivered to the right patient, but that medical records are up
to date, accurate and properly linked across systems.
Query (Q)
Biometric systems modes
Two different stages are involved in the biometric system
process – enrollment and verification.
c traits
Enrollment: As shown in Figure 2A, the biometric sample
of the individual is captured during the enrollment process
(e.g., using a sensor for fingerprint, microphone for speech
recognition, camera for face recognition, camera for iris
recognition). The unique features are then extracted from
the biometric sample (e.g., image) to create the user’s
biometric template [7]. This biometric template is stored in a
database or on a machine-readable ID card for later use
during a matching process.
© 2017, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 6.171
Figure 2B: A Generic Biometric System
Need for Biometrics in Healthcare
The need for biometrics in the healthcare industry is
growing at astronomical rates; the worldwide market
potential is currently estimated at $1.9 billion. A significant
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 947
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
driver in biometric market growth rates is the HIPAA Act;
HIPAA imposes stringent new federal requirements to
protect patient privacy and the confidentiality of patient
information. This is causing all healthcare facilities to begin
developing compliance procedures for meeting these new
standards. As a result, healthcare institutions are beginning
to embrace the deployment of biometrics. Institutionalizing
biometrics does indeed compliment the strategy in assuring
HIPAA compliance through [3,4]
The selection of the appropriate biometric traits will depend
on a number application-specific factors, including the
environment in which the identification or verification
process is carried out, the user profile, requirements for
matching accuracy and throughput, the overall system cost
and capabilities, and cultural issues that could affect user
acceptance. High, medium, and low are denoted by H, M, and
L. Values assigned for how each biometric identifier meets
the various qualities are subjective judgments, based on
expert opinion (Smart Cards and Biometrics in Healthcare
Identity Applications, [1,9]
• User authentication
• Privacy of patient information
• Network security / PKI management
• Web security for e-business applications
• Internet authentication services
• Data storage and retrieval management
Table -1: Comparison of Biometric Technologies Traits
(Smart Cards and Biometrics in Healthcare Identity
Applications, (2012)
Biometrics also creates operational efficiencies for all
identification procedures, it provides improvements to risk
management programs by ensuring that accurate patient is
tied into care or treatment plans or matched to medical
records management systems for each individual patient. It
also offers for the first time what many agencies have
wanted – the concept of a universal patient identification
number that provides positive identification of an individual
using a biometric tied to a unique number [11]. And lastly,
the overall quality of care is improved through accurate
patient and/or staff identification.
Biom Matur Accur Uniqu Failure- Record Univer Dura
etric ity
acy eness to-Enroll Size
sality bilit
Finge H
Hand M
Signat L
Vascu M
Voice L
Access Control
Biometrics plays an important role in healthcare
applications, especially when there is a need to control
access through positive identification of authorized users.
HIPAA regulations mandate patient confidentiality and
biometrics can help ensure that only authorized personnel
gain access to those records. Biometrics help minimize
insurance fraud and theft of controlled inventories such as
pharmaceuticals and they can secure against the
unauthorized use of expensive medical equipment [8]
Biometric identity solutions deter and reduce fraud by:

The factor in the selection of the appropriate biometric
technology is its accuracy. When the live biometric template
is compared to the stored biometric template in a verification
application, a similarity score is used to confirm or deny the
identity of the user. System designers set the threshold for
this numeric score to accommodate the desired level of
matching performance for the system, as measured by the
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR).
Biometric system administrators will tune sensitivity to FAR
and FRR to get to the desired level of matching performance
supporting the system security requirements [8].
improves patient care and protects patient privacy,

Preventing card sharing and patient identity theft by
authenticating the patient in the provider’s location.

In fee-for-service programs, preventing provider
billing for “phantom claims” or services when a patient is not
at the provider location on the service date.

Verifying managed care “encounter data” or services
from providers so that Medicare and Medicaid programs can
rely on this reported data for setting of managed care rates.

The False Acceptance Rate indicates the likelihood
that a biometric system will wrongly accept an imposter.

Creating an “audit trail” of check in and check out
times for comparison against type of service provided as an
indicator of potential fraud called “upcoding.”
© 2017, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 6.171
Various biometric traits integration

The False Rejection Rate indicates the likelihood that
a biometric system will wrongly reject the correct person.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 948
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3.1 The Quality of Image Captured
In order for biometrics to provide positive outcomes, the
accuracy or quality of fingerprint imaging is paramount. If
images captured are not reliable, the risk of error due to
improper or inaccurate identification increases dramatically
[9].. Images In the healthcare industry requires the highest
level of accuracy, which eliminates user error as well as
increases acceptability of integration of biometric technology
in healthcare industries.
4.1 Database
The data used for the evaluation of the authentication
system was gathered from 200 individuals. Collection of
fingerprint images was carried-out through Fingerprint Live
Scan Device (SecuGen 7.1).
4.2 Performance
3.2 The Usage
The model is capable of differentiating fingerprints at a
good correct rate by setting an appropriate threshold
value/Security level.
During enrollment: – The users have to physically scan
his/her finger and the fingerprint sensor creates an image.
The software will extract all the unique data points from that
image and convert that into a biometric identity template. Iris
recognition technology uses a very high-quality camera to
extract the unique pattern present in your eye [8]. The results
are mere binary strings—a series of zeroes and ones.
When total number of samples is two hundred (200)
Table 2: Evaluation indexes
Verification: – When a patient returns, the company will take
another scan of fingerprint or take another photograph with
the iris camera depending on the biometric traits and
perform what is called a one-to-many biometric search, in
which the patient’s iris scan is compared to the rest in the
False Acceptance Rate (FAR)
False Rejection Rate (FRR)
(%) FAR = (FA/N) * 100
(%) FRR = ( FR/N) * 100
FA = number of incidents of
false acceptance
FR = number of incidents of false
N = total number of samples
N = total number of samples.
Table 3: Incidences of False Acceptance and False rejection
It should be noted that there is a tradeoff between false
acceptance rate and false rejection rate as shown in table 3.
As biometric patient identification systems continue to
evolve, one can expect to see more modal biometric
authentication solutions that combine multiple traits for
patient identification such as fingerprint, iris and facial
recognition. This provides healthcare with additional tools to
accurately identify patients in the event of injury or trauma.
Figure 3: Program Flowchart
© 2017, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 6.171
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 949
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Some recommendations of using biometrics within
healthcare include:
[4] Schneider, John K. (2011). Positive Outcomes
Implementing Biometrics in Multiple Healthcare

Implement mobile biometric patient identification
throughout a hospital to confirm the identity of patients at
various touch points such as pre-op, medication dispensing
and outpatient services.
[5] Spence, B. (2011, November 4). Hospitals can finally put a
finger on biometrics.

Increase ability to communicate with identifying an
unconscious patient or those with the inability to speak or
who may suffer from a language barrier.

Increase data integrity standards across health
information exchanges (HIEs).
[6] Trader, John. (2012, September 26). Why Healthcare
Should Evaluate Biometrics for Patient
Identification. from
• Implement biometric automated systems to decrease
the potential for inaccurate patient identification.

Implement Voice Authentication – The client’s voice
is their password, there is no need to remember passwords,
PINs, policy numbers or other challenge information.
[7] J. George Annas. The Rights of Patients. Southern
Illinois University Press, Car- bondale, Illinois, 2004.
• Implement Voice Signature – Secure, legally binding
signature over the phone using client’s voice print.
[8] D’Arcy Guerin Gue. The HIPAA Security Rule
All over the world, governments, corporations, military
establishments and others are using biometric technology for
identification objectives. The use of biometrics is rapidly
becoming the de-facto means of person authentication in
healthcare because there is no other method more safe,
secure, affordable, or efficient.
[9] HHS. Protecting the Privacy of Patients’
[10] A. K. Jain, A. Ross, and S. Pankanti, (2006), “Biometrics:
a tool for information security,” IEEE Transactions on
Information Forensics and Security, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 125–
Patient safety continues to be one of healthcare’s most
pressing challenges, although there are many angles from
which patient safety can be addressed, the prevention of
duplicate medical records and the elimination of medical
identity theft stand out as two of the main culprits
jeopardizing the integrity of the healthcare industry. in
addition placing patient safety at risk, the root cause of these
problems are generally inaccurate patient identification, a
problem that can be rectified through the adoption of
biometric technology.
[11] S. Krawczyk, S., & A Jain (2005). Securing electronic
medical records using biometric authentication. In Audioand Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication (pp. 435444). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
[12] M. Gudavalli., D. S. Kumar & S.V. Raju (2014). Integrated
Biometric Template Security using Random Rectangular
Hashing. Global Journal of Computer Science and
Technology, 14(7).
[1] A Strong Pulse for Biometrics in Healthcare.
(2013, September 27) From
[2] Biometric Identity in Healthcare: Reduces Health Care
Fraud, Improves Patient Care and Protects Patient Privacy.
(2011, July) From
[3] Healthcare Biometric Identity Management Technology.
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