1000 Word Essay on Literature Topic

   I have a paper due in 2 days on a literature topic. I need someone who is reliable and a fast worker and delivers top notch work. I have already paid someone on here to do this assignrment and they have did it incorrectly. I will attached the assignment details below. There will be 3 topics you must choose one of thoose topics.

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Paper #2 American Lit to 1865, 1,000 words, typed, double-spaced, your own
words, unless you are using a short quote (less than four typed lines )-then you put
quotations around words that are not your own. Do not use ANY long quotes in
this paper at all. Be sure to use a signal phrase every time you introduce
information that you found from a source-any source.

Use specific references from the text, use signal phrases, make sure the names in
your signal phrases match the names in your works cited page. Review MLA style
for correct format for an academic paper. Don’t tell me, “I didn’t know” and
expect that to be an excuse for doing this paper incorrectly

If you don’t follow these instructions, you will get an F or a D on your paper,
no matter how good it is. If I find that your paper is plagiarized, you will fail
the course, no exceptions.

1. Analyze how the concept of the self is treated in the writings of Emerson,
Thoreau, and Benjamin Franklin. How important, for instance, is integrity,
individualism, and self-improvement in the writings of these men? Use
specific references from the text, use signal phrases, make sure the names in
your signal phrases match the names in your works cited page. Review
MLA style for correct format for an academic paper.

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2. How is a slave’s manhood and womanhood impacted upon by their being
identified as a slave-Use the works of Frederick Douglass and Harriet
Jacobs. In other words, what did it mean sociologically and psychologically
to be a “man” or to be a “woman” in the nineteenth century before the Civil
War? How do these two writers demonstrate the difficulty they faced in
trying to maintain their pride of self as a man and a woman while being
owned by another human being?

3. Analyze the life-changing journey taken by Hawthorne’s characters in
“Young Goodman Brown” and The Scarlet Letter. Which journey resulted
in something positive, and which in something negative-or is the journey
more complicated than that?

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