Ø OB patient ( different stages of pregnancy)
Ø Prenatal visit
Ø Please LMP (last mentrual cycle)
Ø Please add EDD date ( expected due date)
Amanda smith
This is the teacher sample, so pls do not repharse, just create new once, i want you to create
10 short SOAP note similar to this one in OB patient only. With different stages/gestations age.
OB patient ( different stages of pregnancy)
Prenatal visit
Please LMP (last mentrual cycle)
Please add EDD date ( expected due date)
S: JD, a 23-year-old female who is here today to evaluate new fetal viability at 6 weeks/days gestation, G6T0P1A4L0. LMP: 12/28/2024; EDD: 10/4/2025. She stated that she experienced bleeding this morning and is currently. The pregnancy is desired, and she reports pelvic pain when moving or lifting her legs.
O: UPT: positive urine culture: leukocytes (culture collected). LPAP: 11/2024 – different facility, WNL. Sonogram: 1/24/25; lower abdominal pain/pressure or cramping: lower pelvic pressure. Vaginal bleeding or abnormal discharge: bleeding.
A: Fundal height measures 23 cm, FHR: 148 bpm, No night sweats, no breast lumps, no nipple discharge, no axillary lump; inconclusive fetal viability affecting mother’s care.
P: Cephalexin 500 mg oral capsule; take twice daily for 5 days, no refill.
Prenatal Vitamins 27-0.8 mg oral tablet once daily f, RTC in 3 days