1) . The Moon’s mass is 7.35 x 10^22 kg, and it moves in a nearly circularorbit with radius 3.84…

 1) The Moon’s mass is 7.35 x1022 kg, and it moves in a nearly circularorbit with radius 3.84 x 10^8 m. The period of its motion is 27.3 days.Use this information to determine the Moon’s (a) orbital speed and(b) acceleration.

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2) A sports car is advertised to have a maximum cornering accelerationof 0.85 g.(a) What is the maximum speed that the car can go around a curvewith a 100-m radius?(b) What is its maximum speed for a 50-m radius curve?(c) If wet pavement reduces its maximum cornering acceleration to0.6 g, what do the answers to (a) and (b) become?


3) When an object is thrown straight upward, gravity causes it to decel-erate at a rate of 1 g—its speed decreases 9.8 m/s or 22 mph eachsecond.(a) Explain how we can use the equations, tables, and graphs for afreely falling body to analyze this motion.(b) A baseball is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 39.2 m/s (88 mph). How much time elapses before it reaches its highestpoint, and how high above the ground does it get?

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4) A race car starts from rest on a circular track with radius 100 m andbegins to increase its speed by 5 m/s each second. At what point intime is the car’s vector acceleration directed 45° away from straightahead? What is the magnitude of the resultant acceleration at thatmoment?


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