1 page reflection essay on discussion questions

Hi i have a 1 page reflection essay on an african history course. I will give you the discussion questions and you will just summarize the discussion into an answer just reflecting that there is an understanding of the course. these are the questions below.Will require a little bit of research so that you do understand the topic. 

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 First – African civilizations were already well established before European and Muslim contact. Further, consider colonization, which you may now understand to be one of a series of developmental forces in African history. Based upon your reading of the materials as well as the content guides for this module, how did European and Muslim contact change Africans? How in your opinion, did colonization change the trajectory of African development? Second – Drawing upon the readings for this module, as well as your own assumptions, share with the class your preliminary understanding of Africa. Feel free to share your preconceptions based upon various western media portrayals or personal experiences (visiting or living in Africa). Do you think that Africa is a “misunderstood” continent? Why or why not?In your forum reply, you might wish to address one or more of the following topics:The Resource BaseThe Peopling of AfricaPolitical Patterns of the PastTrade, Exploration, and ConquestThe Colonial PeriodThe role of Foreign PowersExamine the ethical values defining Igbo social and moral order, as well as that of Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Sori, the African prince enslaved in the American South in the film Prince Among Slaves. From Things Fall Apart, do you think that Okwonkwo’s tragedy was justified? Is Things Fall Apart a classic tragedy? How does European colonialism cause African society in this novel to fray? What social fissures make the society susceptible to colonial and missionary intervention? What other comparisons and contrasts can be drawn from Things Fall Apart and Prince Among Slaves?

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